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Lindsey Barnett Rebecca Agosta English 1101 November 11, 2013

Discourse Community Ethnography Some people would view our tightly knitted group of friends as just a group of trouble making college kids, with nothing better to do but make noise and cause commotion. But this discourse community is something that some people will never understand until they experience it themselves. But getting around to every person who has had a negative opinion would be impossible, so the best way to understand a community, without being a part of it, is to reach in and see what you find. A normal day, or night, with this group would go somewhere along the lines of eleven college kids, 6 boys and five girls, ready for bed with makeup off, hair up and PJs on. Multiple conversations happening, to the right we have the weekly sports, to the left, joking and recreations of the weekend highlights and in the middle a mix of school talk, playful insulting and some inappropriate flirting. The conversations flip like channels, no subject staying on for more than a couple lines. Someone has decided to order pizza, another getting a group together for a Cookout run. No one is talking about homework or tests; the atmosphere is chill and relaxing. Music starts to play and a few people start to sing and dance, during a familiar song everyone joins in. We are just a simple
Lindsey Barnett! 11/11/13 11:46 AM Comment [4]: .$$%$* Lindsey Barnett! 11/11/13 11:41 AM Comment [3]: <=,+"(-):*)%#301*,-*.#* ,--(%*1%&%7*1"9%+%&*:"(*1.+%*.*-0&"#3* .00%#0,"#*3&.==,#3*,#0&"*0"*:"(&*6.6%&*4*)"">* '"&9.&$*0"*-%%,#3*91%&%*01,-*3"%-?* Lindsey Barnett! 11/11/13 11:39 AM Comment [1]: !"#$%&'()*+,-(.),/.0,"#*"'* 01%*%#+",&#2%#0**,#*01,-*$"&2*-%00,#3*4*5.#* .)2"-0*1%.&*,0*.#$*-2%))*01%*6,//.7* Lindsey Barnett! 11/11/13 11:45 AM Comment [2]: 83.,#*91.0*,-*01%* 5"22(#,0:;*

group of friends that before two months ago knew nothing about the person setting next to them. As time the passes more people come out of their rooms to join in, everyone falling right into their place. Some people begin to start throwing around a football, missing their target and hitting other people. Normally this would irritate people, but the comfort level in the group makes for a calmer attitude. Observing a community can be eye opening, but hearing from the community can be mind opening.
Lindsey Barnett! 11/11/13 11:43 AM Comment [8]: 4*9"()$*-(33%-0*.$$,#3* -"2%01,#3*,#*01%-%*,#0&"*6.&.3&.61-*01.0* 5.#*,$%#0,':*01%*$,-5"(&-%*5"22(#,0:*01.0* :"(*.&%*&%-%.&51,#3*%+%#*,'*,0-*@(-0*,#*01%* ',&-0*-%#0%#5%*"01%&9,-%*01,-*@(-0*5"2%-*"''* .-*.*#.&&.0,+%*.#$*01%*&%.$%&*,-*)%'0*'%%),#3* -"2%91.0*)"-0*.-*0"*91%&%*01,-*,-*1%.$,#3?* Lindsey Barnett! 11/11/13 11:44 AM Comment [9]: 4*),>%*01,-*-0.0%2%#0*,0-* +%&:*3&.==,#3*2.>,#3*2%*9.#0*0"*&%.$* '(&01%&?* Lindsey Barnett! 11/11/13 11:48 AM Comment [5]: .$$%$* Lindsey Barnett! 11/11/13 11:50 AM
Comment [6]: 5"#-,$%&*(-,#3*9"&$-*"01%&* 01.#*6%"6)%**

Lindsey Barnett! 11/11/13 11:48 AM Comment [7]: .$$%$*

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