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Lindsey Barnett Rebecca Agosta English 1101 November 11, 2013 Moore Than We Expected Some people would

view our tightly knitted group of friends as just a group of trouble making college kids, with nothing better to do but make noise and cause commotion. But this discourse community is not just residents of the 8th and 9th floor of Moore Hall but something that some people will never understand until they experience it themselves. But getting around to every person who has ever had a negative opinion would be impossible, so the best way to understand a community, without being a part of it, is to reach in and see what you find. I spend hours with this group everyday, but I must say that stepping back and watching these individuals interact with each other was mind blowing to me. I want all of my residence to feel as though they can come to me with anything and everything knowing that Ill guide them by being honest and available! RA Kyla Hull. A normal day, or night, with this group would go somewhere along the lines of eleven college kids, six boys and five girls, ready for bed with makeup off, hair up and PJs on. Multiple conversations happening, to the right we have the weekly sports, to the left, joking and recreations of the weekend highlights. In the middle a mix of school talk, playful insulting and some inappropriate flirting. The conversations flip like channels, no subject staying on for more than a couple lines. Someone has decided to order pizza, another getting a group

together for a Cookout run. No one is talking about homework or test; the atmosphere is chill and relaxing. Music starts to play and a few people start to sing and dance, during a familiar song everyone joins in. We are just a simple group of friends that before three months ago knew nothing about the person setting next to them. As time passes more residence come out of his or her rooms to join in, everyone falling right into place. Some people begin to start throwing around a football, missing their target and hitting other people. Normally this would irritate people, but the comfort level in the group makes for a calmer attitude. Observing a community can be eye opening, but hearing from the community can be mind opening. As I sat back and tried to have an open mind about everything that was going on I noticed that not all the people in the room were interacting with one another. Some people were texting or even had head phones in, everyone wasnt enjoying the company like I thought. I couple people even look upset and unfamiliar, I then began to notice a part of the group I had never even noticed, the outsiders. Outsiders to many people simply means out of place or unliked, but to me it means the people who are looking in more than fitting in. I would hear people say things that I never noticed and then you would see the reaction of what was just said on the outsiders face. The outsiders dont say much they just sync in on everything that is going on, God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason, this made me kind of jealous. Seeing things like this makes you have second thoughts about the role you like to play in your social groups, do you want to be the center of attention, or the one who sees and hears all?
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Throughout my college experience our friend group has became so much more than some people I hang out with. They have become a family to me, as well as the reason I truly enjoy college. Before I hung out with them I was very reserved and usually just kept to myself but now that I am with them I enjoy all of the times that are already described as the best days of your life. Is the definition the newest member of our group, Collin Miller, gives the 8th and 9th floor. While interviewing my discourse community I had a lot of feedback, but my best feedback came from the boys. When asked what they think makes this group unique I got a range of answers: there is a variety of people, very diverse, everyone is very different but everyone is accepted, says Trevor Lesley. Everyone is always so happy and giddy, replies Christian Jewell. The everyday/night life of this group is filled with laughter, friendly insults to Donovan and late nights in room 910. Trevor confesses, Ive never gone a whole week without laughing till in tears. There is never a fully clothed boy, hint hint Trevor, thats just how confortable we are Hailey Tighe says with a smirk. Oh, and the 8th floor is always the first to leave and go to bed, losers! Donovan Perkins says jokingly. Someone is aaalllwwwaaaayyyysssss yelling and slamming doors, Trevor claims. Oh, and we cant forget how a different person, boy or girl, is waking me up every morning for my 8am! Christian says embarrassedly. I cant even name one great experience without this group; every weekend and every week night is full of unforgettable moments. Whether the cops are called or we are just chillin! Trevor reminisces, Mine would have to be breaking and entering into the construction zone says Christina shyly or lighting paper airplanes on

fire!!!! Mine would no doubt be the night I tried to get Sams number, I even said please!!! says Donovan. When asked if they have ever thought about leaving the group everyone was shocked. ARE YOU CRAZY!!!, NO!, NEVER, this is a group for life, leaving would be a bullet to the brain!!! says Trevor. They voted our best qualities to be our great sense of humor, great attitudes and the fact the we never stop!!! Crazy train!!!! I say. Most people would change our location; we get in trouble a lot because of noise. More females!!! says Trevor, Christian and Donovan. On a more serious note I asked about the future, how they want to spend or change it, and how this group will affect everyones future. I will keep these friends with me forever says Trevor They make my time here enjoyable and motivation me to keep going. They are the greatest people Ive ever met! Christian says. This group is one of the major reasons Im still here and passing, they get me to class and get me motivated. But Im easily distracted; having so much going on all the time around me can get me off track sometimes. But they are also a main reason I will be here next semester and next year! But I wouldnt mind having an Arab! I would like to see stronger friendship bonds, and more recruits, we can always use more members add Trevor This group broadened my horizon when it comes to people and personalities; little more variety! says Donovan. Swales speaks of 6 characteristics of a group, my 6 would have to be honest, strong, unique, crazy, lively and family. We all share a goal of succeeding in college, but thats not are main focus; we just want to make the best of every situation and enjoy every second of everyday. When speaking in
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public we probably get strange stares, The 910, Killem, Dirt salad, Snaps, Grape snow cone, I can drive, I do watercolors, I got all things that are good, gonna go see/talk to Randy, hhhmmmm birdy, weeeeoweeeeoweeeeo, why da do locked? Its not that bad!; these are all words and phrases we use to communicate with little words, each saying holding a story, a memory. As I said before many people would have a hard time understanding and accepting us group of misfits but we love every minute of it. Finding a group of such understanding and accepting people is hard, and I feel lucky everyday. It doesnt madder what size or shape you are, what your past is like, or what you have planned for the future. I didnt plan to love my floor family like I do, I didnt really know what to expect coming into college, I knew Id make friends but not like this. We are all somehow so compatible; everyone positively reflecting off one another. We were all really lucky to have been assigned to the 8th and 9th floor, but I think even if we would have been assigned to other floors we would have found each other somehow. I cannot imagine my life without these guys now, they are a truly amazing group of people. A very random assortment, of vary different people; bought together by chance; who happen to have very similar sense of humor; and happen to get along almost perfectly! says Elijah Lederer.
Lindsey Barnett! 11/20/13 11:08 PM Comment [8]: 8%**"2'

Works Citied Lesley, Trevor. Personal Interview. November 11, 2013

Jewell, Christian. Personal Interview. November 11, 2013 Perkins, Donovan. Person Interview. November 11, 2013 Lederer, Elijah. Personal Interview. November 11, 2013 Miller, Collin. Person Interview. November 11, 2013

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