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Dear my fellow Muslim acquaintance, Coming back from the south, I feel that Christianity and Islam culture

share much common ground. Back when I was in Islam, I learn that your culture;

Every large town or city had its Gothic cathedral, whose towers topped the skyline as a manifest symbol of the towering social and cultural role of Christianity in blending the secular and the sacred. No longer needed to rely on hea y solid walls for stability, the !othic
churches were able to incor"orate brilliant stained glass windows. #hese windows, like the $omanesque scul"tures, were meant to bring biblical images to life for those who could not understand the liturgy itself. #he colored glass also created a serene and other%worldly feeling in the church. #his was a tangible way of imaging what the s"irit or light of !od would be like, and created a hea enly en ironment on earth. #hese brings out the secular and s"iritual ideas that was "o"ular during that "eriod

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