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Shortlisting Criteria tor PCP 2012-14 Batch

/0% weigLtage is given to tLe CAJ/CMAJ score and 30% weigLtage is given to tLe Application Rating Score.

Application Bating (AB): 2012-14

Rating Score 1 2 3
(A) Percentage score in 10tL Std. Exam <60 60-80 80
(B) Percentage score in 12tL Std. Exam <60 60-80 80
(C) Percentage score in BacLelor's Degree Exam <60 60-80 80
(D) Percentage score in Master's Degree Exam <60 60-80 80
(E) Work Experience <1 Year 1-2 Years 2 Years

Percentages lor incomplete BacLelor`s Degree Applicants are based on tLeir available marks.

Cnly tLose witL completed Master`s Degree is considered. Ior tLose witL more tLan one completed Master`s
Degree tLe LigLest percentage ol marks obtained is to be used.

Ior tLose candidates Laving cleared CA/ICWAI witLout Laving BacLelor`s Degree, tLeir average ol inter and
linal levels marks will be treated as BacLelor`s degree marks.

Application Rating Score: (AxBxC)+D+E Maximum Score tor AB = 33

It was decided tLat approximately tLree candidates per seat across all categories be called lor Personal Interview.
Based on tLe above criteria, tLe lollowing candidates Lave been sLortlisted lor Personal Interview:

01 Jop 561 Ceneral Category candidates. JLe minimum composite score in tLis category is 0./050

02 Jop 31+ C-CBC Category candidates. JLe minimum composite score in tLis category is 0.5950

03 Jop 1// SC Category candidates. JLe minimum composite score in tLis category is 0.5210

0+ Jop 8/ SJ Category candidates. JLe minimum composite score in tLis category is 0.+530

05 Jop 38 DA Category Candidates. JLe minimum composite score in tLis category is 0.+620

Calculation ot composite score is as tollows

Cbtained CAJ score Cbtained Academic Rating
---------------------------------- x 0./ -------------------------------------------- x 0.3
+50 33
As lor tLe overseas candidates, tLe lollowing equivalent CAJ scores lor tLe CMAJ scores were applied:

CMAJ Equivalent CAJ Score

/00 220
/10 22/
/20 23/
/30 2+8
/+0 256
/50 26/
/60 283
//0 289
/80 29/

JLe composite score was calculated based on tLe equivalent CAJ score and Application Rating as above.
" CAJ relers to CAJ-2011
" CMAJ relers to CMAJ administered witLin tLe last 2+ montLs as on 15 December 2011

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