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Negrete English 1101-8 Approaching the Memoir with Uncertainty The structure of the memoir will follow a traditional

style of essay with an introduction, body and conclusion paragraph. The CARS model of an essay will not collide well as I tell my story. I have chosen to hold the theme of human-growth-through-simplicity as my topic of interest for my memoir. I want to bring out the topic of fate and how the simplest things in life can give such a powerful impact on an individual. I have chosen to relate one of the characters of my favorite childhood television series, Avatar, the Last Airbender with my life and how much he was impacted with fire as much as I was. My goal is to bring to light the fact that there is so much that we can be blind to when answers are dead in front of us. I have chosen my spiritual awakening as my literacy moment because it is the moment in my life that has allowed me to communicate and understand what others are saying to me. I wish to incorporate my struggle with my identity as a Mexican-American as it provides legitimate evidence of the degree of struggle to understand others. My strategy came about with the use of a bubble map where I can make connections with things that were not so related (for example my involvement in AP US History and Honors English IV). I am still thinking of what cultural aspects I can include into my introduction of struggle to understand. I have run out of ideas of connections with my Latino background and my literacy. I am currently thinking about linking my poetry with my logical way of thinking. I plan to have someone with a similar, if not exact, Latino background to read it and to see what else I can connect in my memoir. I would also like someone who knows very little about my Mexican culture to see if my memoir still clicks with an inexperienced in Latino culture to check if my main points are understood ambivalently.

Negrete English 1101-8

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