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Most of the fighting ended around September 1760 when Britain would assure Canadas dominance in the new

world. It ended when the Marquis de Vaudreuil surrendered in Montreal, witch would make them lose the rest of Canada in the process. It officially ended on February 10th 1763 with the treaty of Paris. This treaty made France lose all of its settlements in Canada to the British, except for two islands of the coast of Newfoundland. Making the British dominant outside of Europe. On February 15th 1763 another treaty was created called the Treaty of Hubertusburg, to settle the theater of the war in Europe. Britain and its colonies suffered economic, political and social problems. Witch made Britain in a lot of dept. the only way they sought to fix this was by increasing taxes, in the homeland and for British colonies. These taxes were contributed to the start of the American Revolutionary War.

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