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Annotations for Antigone

Part of the challenge for reading Antigone in here is that we are reading it in class; your annotations will be the things you can take home to review and learn from. Here are the requirements: 1. Draw lines as shown in this diagram and label them. 2. During the reading and/or after it, write the lines you are reflecting on in the left column and your thoughts in the right column, according to what the annotation guide leads you towards. 3. Take this home to study/review every night, and be ready to turn this in on the final test date. Meeting the standard and turning this in on time is your ticket into a reassessment.

Scene: Line(s)

Character speaking: words being analyzed; your thoughts about them

4 Answers all questions with details and words from the text. Summarizes each section. Persistently reflects upon the details in the text to derive meaning.

3 Answers all questions with some details and words from the text. Summarizes each section. Reflects upon the details in the text to derive meaning

2 Answers all questions.

1 Answers many questions, but not all.

0 Feels insubstantial persistently incomplete.

Summarizes each section. Inconsistently reflects upon the details in the text to derive meaning

Summarizes some sections. Reflects sometimes

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