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Copyright CANON INC.

Canon MP150
Canon MP Drivers Version 1.10b
for Microsoft Windows
General Notes
1. Important
2. Printing
3. Scanning
General Notes:
1. Important
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Some USB hubs may experience problems with MP Drivers. If this
happens, connect the device directly to the USB port on the PC,
or change the USB port that the device is connected to.
- When working with very large files, Windows may run low on
virtual memory and not function properly. In this case, please
refer to your Windows documentation on how to increase your
virtual memory setting.
2. Printing
-------------------------------------------------------------------- If image data is not printed correctly, display the [Print
Options] dialog box from the [Page Setup] tab and change
the setting of [Disable ICM required from the application
software]. This may solve the problem.
3. Scanning
-------------------------------------------------------------------- With certain applications, Multi-Crop in the Advanced Mode tab of
the scanner driver (ScanGear) may not be available. If this
happens, scan the documents one by one, changing Paper Size to
the actual document size each time.
"Windows" is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation,
registered in the United States and other countries.
All brand names and product names mentioned in this guide are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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