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Dear Class, While reading the essay Shitty First Drafts, it made me reflect on all the shitty first

drafts I had written. So, I agree with the author when she says all great papers start as shitty first drafts. I like how she describes the first draft as getting all your thoughts and ideas on the paper without thinking people will see it and judge your work. A lot of the time when Im writing a draft, I am only worried about the outcome rather than just getting everything I need to say on paper. So, I edit as Im writing and dont worry about what Im thinking or the topic. I think this reading relates to this class because the class is about putting out good papers in the end. It doesnt matter how you start or how you get there, your end goal is still the same. You still want to write a good paper on the topic given. If writing a shitty first draft of a paper helps you write an A plus paper, than you shouldnt worry about the shitty first draft. The author states several times that no one will see the first draft. In this class thats not always completely true. You should atleast know that your first draft is not what youre being graded on because if that were the case, no one would pass ENGL 1101 or 1102. Writing a good paper takes practice just like remembering the plays in a football game. If you dont try to prefect your paper more than once, your paper will not be prefect. I can relate to the author when she talks about procrastinating at the beginning of the writing process. When I start to write a paper, I never know where to start. I never know what the first sentence should be or how to write my thesis statement. It doesnt matter how much brainstorming or thinking I do before hand, I can never jump right into a paper without any speed bumps. I feel that if it wasnt for shitty first drafts, there would be no good books out today. I dont think that the Harry Potter series was perfected in one sitting. Im sure the author wrote and re wrote each book a hundred times until it was prefect to her.

I think that this essay helps me reliaze that the first draft doesnt count. No one should be worried about how the first draft of their paper looks. You will end up changing in more and more as the semester goes on. And that is what will make us good writers after this class. Sincerely,

Elizabeth Burwell

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