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Colleen Shannon Collaborative Formative Assessment Reflection Week 12- November 15, 2013 Strengths: The teacher adapts

s well to last minute changes, and shortened class time. The teacher has been checking for understanding and asking more questions during instruction. The teacher has been providing more demonstrations for skills, activities, and management. Enforces having students put the basketballs between their feet before giving new instructions to decrease distractions. Included activities in basketball passing lesson that allowed students to be participating in moderate to vigorous activity 75% or more of class time. Read the book Howard B. Wigglebottom to K-2 about sportsmanship and had them discuss what they learned from the story about teamwork, winning, and sportsmanship. Improvements: Become more involved with the positive things that are happening in class and encourage good behavior rather than constantly trying to fix incorrect behavior. o Give positive behavioral feedback during class when other students have trouble following directions quickly and quietly. The teacher often talks quickly after teaching the same lesson many times in a row. o Learn to verbally pace instructions so that I do not talk to quickly, especially for K-3. I can reinforce understanding by checking for understanding after giving instructions. o Write down step-by-step instructions that are short and concise on a post-it and use it as a reference to make sure instructions are clear and in sequential order. Students who are unable to participate in the lesson are often not engaged in productive activities during class. o Write up four different scenarios of why they can not participate and create alternative assignments or activities for them to do such as walking laps, a PE related worksheet, or just adapted activities. Insights: I have begun to get to know some of my students a little more and I am better able to connect and relate to them during lessons, which makes teaching more fun! Reading the book to K-12 then reinforcing the lessons it taught throughout the lesson seemed to make a difference on how they interacted with their teammates throughout the lesson.

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