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Hannah Gosnell Dr.

Burke Childrens Literature 12 November 2013 Historical Fiction LSW Three elements of the historical setting that are important to me are: 1. The time period. Of course the time period is important due to the fact that people still believed in witches Kit has to consider whether she can be friends with Hannah Tupper. Which Hannah is a big part of the story in Kit trying to find herself. 2. Courtship. We dont see much of this nearly extinct act in todays society. At the time courtship was rather important in the fact that if a man did not court you properly your family wouldnt want you to marry that man. It was a social thing to do back in the old days. Nat does not court Kit until she figures out that she loves him at the end when he comes back, and then he courts her.

3. Politics and Religion. Two subjects that today can be quite touchy. Throughout the story religion is a factor in that Hannah Tupper is a Quaker while the towns people are Puritan. The fact that most of the groups that left England were trying to flee from persecution, but the Puritans still try to persecute the Quakers. This also has slightly to do with politics. Kits uncle is trying to fight for Connecticuts right to govern themselves against England. The Puritans trying to control the Quakers is just a smaller version of this.

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