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Telamon Corporations Youth Employment Program goal is to provide the youth in our community with the skills necessary for lifelong success. About

We focus on education as a starting point and then provide resources that influence students decision as they look forward to establishing careers and families.

Success is the best revenge. - Kanye West

How we help
We train our students to recognize their strengths and talents to help them figure out what type of job best fits them. We also do our best to equip the students with skills employers are looking for in prospective candidates.

Work hard in silence, let success be your noise. Frank Ocean

Our services
Work readiness training Adult and peer mentoring Work experience Tutoring for GED preparation Personalized achievement plans Set educational and career goals Job searches Resume development

Who is eligible?
Anyone ages 16-21 years old who are no longer enrolled in high school. Meets program requirements Resident of Wicomico County

Success does not come to you, you must go out and get it. - Unknown

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