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Who am I

I am Hakan Bilgi. I am from Turkey. I was born in Aydin city. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother.

Additional Biographical Information

I know Turkish and English languages. My favourite lesson is math. My favourite soccer team is Galatasaray. I am studying at North American University for 2 years.

My Educational Background

I finished Muzaffer Ancin Elementary School. I graduated from Yesevi High School. Now I am studying in North American University. My major is Math Education.

My Future Job
Arriving to PhD. Degree Being a professor in a university

My Hobbies
To play
soccer, chess, table tennis

To ski To swim

My hobbies
To take pictures To go to trips

My hobbies
To draw pictures To listen music

My Future Goals
Finishing to North American University with high scores To receive an acceptance from a university to do master degree To doctorate in a university

My Future Goals
To do researches about my branch Traveling to different countries

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