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1 Term 1 2012 Inside this issue: Principals Address 1 Exam Results 1 Leaving Cert Debs 2 New Teachers Retired

Teachers 2 First Years CERN Trip Foreign Exchange Students 3 3pared for them by Mr. Garritty. The Leaving Certificate Class of 2012 have now bade farewell to St Pauls and started a new chapter in their lives. We were all so proud of their Leaving Certificate results in August. 17% of the class achieved greater than 500 points with one student achieving 6A1s and an A2. They have now begun their third level studies in various Universities and Institutes of Education around the country. We wish them well. Congratulations to the Junior Cert. class of 2012 the present TYs. Those who worked diligently throughout the year were justly rewarded. St. Pauls is a community of learning, a caring community built on respect for each other where each member can give of his best striving to be the best they can be. In St. Pauls we want each child to develop in a holistic manner spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, physically, creatively and to respond morally to the challenges that life puts before them. We ask each member to contribute positively to this community to make a difference . There has been a huge amount of activity in the school in the opening half term musical auditions and rehearsals, extra- curricular sport, TY outing to Aughnanure Castle, the opening School Mass of the year, TY Leadership classes, a committee planning Positive Mental Health week in October, a GAA coaching course for TY and indoor golf lessons for TYs. To be the best you can be requires a daily commitment to homework as well as to taking part weekly in extra-curricular/local club activities. The requirement to commit to a couple of hours work each night between homework and revision cannot be overstated for students. Anything less than that will lead to unnecessary anxiety as the Certificate examinations approach . Parents can ensure that that this is happening at home. Furthermore, parents should check the homework journal of their son(s)/daughter(s) regularly. It is far better to suffer the pain of discipline than the pain of regret. At the start of another year I wish to thank my colleagues, the teaching staff, for their continued enthusiasm, hard work and interest in each childs well being and academic progress. I thank you, the parents for sending your child(ren) to St. Pauls to be educated. We ask that you share our collective

vision for students of the school the pursuit of excellence for each person, to be the best that one can be. If you trip it is not about how low you fall it is about how high you bounce back Orla Malone Junior Certificate students celebrating their results. Dawn Welby celebrates her outstanding 10 As in her Junior Leaving Certificate students celebrating their exceptional results. We would like to congratulate the leaving certificates of 2012 on their outstanding results. Many have gone on to study their first choice courses, including law, veterinary medicine, engineering, commerce and primary school teaching in a variety of colleges including local institutes NUIG and GMIT and further afield to UCD and UL. We wish them all the best in their academic studies. Well done also to the third year students who performed so well in their Junior Certificate exams. St. Pauls Students Celebrate Junior and Leaving Certificate Results 2 Leaving Certificate 2012/2013 Debs This years Leaving Certificate class cel-ebrated their Debs in the Carlton Shear-water in Ballinasloe on the 19th of September. Everyone looked stunning on the night. However it is back to the grindstone now as they prepare for the leaving certificate exams in June. We wish them the best of luck in their stud-ies. Retired Teachers New Members of Staff St. Pauls welcomes new members of staff to the school. We con-ducted an interview with some of our new teachers. Mr Byrne teaches Science and Physics. He went to college in N.U.I.G and has also taught there previously. He has been teach-ing for a year and thinks St. Pauls is great. When he was younger he wanted to be a scientist. Ms McManus says this is a very friendly school and likes the Home Ec. room and its facilities. She teaches Home-Economics, Reli-gion and S.P.H.E. She has been teaching for 3 years and has thought in Ballyhaunis, Balla, Ennis and Inis Mor. She attended college in St. Angelas in Sligo. When she was younger she wanted to be a vet, teacher or physiotherapist. Ms Mannion thinks the school has a good layout. She teaches Irish, Geography and C.S.P.E and has been teaching for 15/16 years. She went to college in N.U.I.G and has taught in Kylemore Abbey and Scoil Phobal Mhic Dara in Carna. We also welcome Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Kenny our new SNAs in the school. Two teachers retired from St. Pauls this year. Ms. Keane taught French, Religion and History since arriving here 20 years ago. She previously taught in G.T.I on Father Griffins Rd. were she taught French, History and Religion. Ms. Keane was well liked in the school and got the nickname The Lollipop Lady for her generosity. She also went on a num-ber of school tours to Barcelona with the TY class. Ms. Smith also re-tired this year. She taught Home economics, History and Religion. She previously thought in Kylemore Abby for 20 years. When Kylemore Abby closed its doors to students Ms. Smith finished her remaining two years as a teacher in St Pauls. We wish them a long and happy retire-ment. Mr. Byrne (Science) and Mr. Kelly, who has joined the staff as an SNA. Missing from photo: Mrs. Ken-ny, who also joined as an SNA this year. Ms. McManus (Home Ec), Ms. Harhen (English and French), Ms. Mannion (Irish and Geography). Ms. Keane, French teacher in St. Pauls for 20 years. 3 Fifth Year and Sixth Year Physics Students Visit CERN Exhibition Cern is a European organisation for nuclear research in Switzerland. Boston Sci-entific are sponsoring an exhibition from Cern in Leisureland, Galway. NUIG stu-dents are holding the

exhibition. On the 2nd of October 27 St. Pauls students from 5th and 6th year Physics went to the exhibition with Mrs. Kelly and Ms. Laffey. All the students had a worthwhile educational experience learning about amongst other things the Higgs Bosson particle also known as the God particle. International Students Studying at St. Pauls St. Pauls First Years 2012/2013 First Year A First Year B Missing from photo: Daniel Kenny, Enda Goggin, Michael Molloy and Ellen Casey The new first years arrived in St. Pauls on Tuesday the 26th of Au-gust and were welcomed by Mr Gar-ret, with one of his famous BBQs, and the staff of St. Pauls. They were given a tour of the school by a group of the present Leaving certifi-cate students involved in the men-toring programme. Feedback from the day was very positive with first years commenting on the lovely food and the opportunity to meet new friends was welcomed. After interviewing the first years we found out that the subjects that are proving popular amongst the girls are Home Economics and Art and it is Technical Graphics for the boys. Their first impressions of the school were that it was quite big, and somewhat confusing but after a few weeks this is view is changing. The area of the school that they like the most is the year base and the astro-turf pitch. They are settling in well after a few daunting weeks. We would like to thank Emily Walsh, Kevin O Toole, Peter Tierney and Lorna Molloy for taking time out of class to do this interview with us. Once again St.Pauls has welcomed international students from all over the world such as Austria, Spain and Germany. There are currently 10 students based in different years throughout the school. We hope they enjoy their experi-ence in our school and benefit from both the education and social op-portunities offered in the school. Back left to right: Lucas-Spain 2nd year, Ana-Spain 5th year, Irene-Spain 4th year, ChiaraGermany 4th year, Katharina-Germany 4th year. Front: Pia-Germany 3rd year, Lisanne-Germany 5th year, Magdalena-Austria 5th year. Missing from photograph: Joaquin-Spain 4th year , Alba-Spain 4th year. 4 The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is a programme designed to enhance the vocational dimension of the Leaving Certificate (established). The programme was introduced in 1994 in response to the challenge placed on Irelands education system by a changing work and business environment. The LCVP combines the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate (established) with a new and dynamic focus on selfdirected learning, innovation and enterprise. This two-year programme is part of an expanded provision that aims to cater for the diversity of participants needs at senior cycle. The primary goal of the LCVP is to prepare young people for adult life by ensuring that they are educated in the broadest sense, with an ability to cope and thrive in an environment of rapid change. Participants in the programme are encouraged to develop skills and competencies funda-mental to both academic and vocational success. Throughout the programme students are encouraged to: Be innovative and enterprising Take responsibility for their own learning Adapt to changing circumstances Evaluate data and devise solutions to problems Communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively Work with others as part of a team Investigate and plan career options Use information and communications technologies Investigate local businesses and community enterprises Learn from their experiences These skills and qualities are equally relevant to the needs of those preparing for further education, seeking employment or planning to start their own business. The strong vocational focus of the LCVP is achieved by arranging Leaving Certificate subjects

into Vocational Subject Groupings (VSGs) and through the provision of additional courses of study in work preparation and enterprise known as the Link Modules. Fifth and Sixth Year students participate in this programme which sees them produce a portfolio of work assessed in leaving certificate year and worth 60%, combined with a theory based exam worth 40%. Students will be graded and have the opportunity to achieve a maximum of 70 points which can be used for entry to all universities and in-stitutes of technology. 5th year LCVP project Students help Oughterard Fix Crumlin Fundraiser Three groups of the current fifth years took part in a local fund raising event which aimed to help Crumlin Childrens Hospital. The family day organised by the Oughterard Fix Crumlin group, headed by Lucy Walsh took place in Corribdale pitch Oughterard on Sunday the 16th of September . As part of their LCVP enterprise project the fifth year stu-dens got involved in the family day. They painted young childrens faces to promote the charity. Another group of students organised a cupcake drive where they made 400 cupcakes which went towards the Mad Hatters Tea Party. The final group set up a penalty shoot-out offer-ing lollipops to anyone who scored. The charity Oughterard Fix Crumlin raised over 10,000 over the course of three days of events. Well done to all the students who helped to make it happen. This money will go towards the building of single rooms for teenage patients on the Oncology ward. A worthy cause! LCVP NEWS Kirsten Fahy, Emma Clegget, Anna Mor-ley, part of the face-painting crew. Niamh Keogh, fifth year LCVP student face paints for Crumlin. Isacc Barry and Stuart Heffernan organise the penalty shoot out. 5 The mentoring programme for first year students has started. Senior students volunteered to take part in the programme last May and were trained. First year students who wish to participate have been assigned a mentor. Mentors and first years will meet once a month in the first term at break-time. The Transition Year Programmed promotes the personal, social, vocational and educational development of students and prepares them for their role as independent, participative and responsible members of society. It is a unique one year programmed for students who have completed the Junior Certificate. It provides a bridge to enable them to make the transition from the more dependent type of learning associated with the Junior Certificate to the more independent learning environment associated with the Senior cycle. It encourages personal and social development and recognises the need for students to grow in independence. Transition Year fosters academic achievement as students prepare for a Leaving Certificate programme, further study and adult and working life. It encourages the development of a wide range of transferable critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. St. Pauls has a long association with the Transition Year programme, beginning in the early 1980s but over the years, the programme has evolved to meet the demands of society, the students and the school and also utilises the various specialties of the teaching staff. Transition year offers students a broad and balanced curriculum based on the following areas: Core Subjects; Subject sampling; Specific modules and once off activities. Core Subjects are usually those subjects that all students take for the full year and include Mathematics, English, French, German and Irish. Each department places a strong emphasis on project work and the promotion of independent learning. Last year some of our core subjects adopted a modular approach, allowing students to experience different elements of the subject with different teachers. The St. Pauls Transition Year programme also offers the opportunity for Subject Sampling giving students a taster module of the broad range of Leaving Certificate subjects available in the school including Accounting, Art and Design, Agricultural Science, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, DCG (Design, Construction and Graphics), Geography, History, Home Economics, Physics and Materials Technology. The ten week programmes help them make informed choices when making their subject choices later. Subject sampling may also expose students to new subjects that they have not experienced before. In addition the Transition Year Specific modules includes subjects and modules devised both

within the school and by external agencies supporting the programme in schools. Students involved in this years TY are partaking in a diverse range of modules including web design, survival cookery, sports science and a newsletter module. All modules aim to enhance student learning and promote life long skills and the inclusion of modules such as green flag, the young social innovators and the LEGO module combine these with the wider aim of promoting community involvement and environmental awareness. Many of the most memorable experiences fall under the heading of TY "once off" activities such as work experience, trips and a musical production. Throughout the year we will report on these exciting events through the newsletter. Many of our students past and present enjoyed the year with the majority saying that they would recommend the year to other students. Overall transition year is an excellent year, giving students a range of new experiences. Mentoring Programme in St. Pauls Transition Year Uncovered 6 Transition Years Organise Mental Health Awareness Week as part of International Campaign As this newsletter goes to print, our TY class are organising and running mental health awareness week. This is the first year our school has become involved in the campaign. Below is a flyer giv-en to all students detailing the organised events. Our next edition will report in more detail on our efforts. Transition Years are off to Recess Outdoor Education Centre from the 16th to the 18th of October. Students will participate in a variety of sports including kayaking, horse riding and orienteering. So watch this space for more news on how the trip went. All TY students will participate in a weeks work placement programme beginning on the 12th of November. Students will record their experiences in a work experience diary allowing them to reflect on the activities of each day. A second placement will take place during the week 11th to 15th of March of next year. Transition Year News TY Recess Trip TY Work Experience 7 r. It has been announced that the transition year students will be performing the play We Will Rock You for their T.Y musical this year. The play, written by Ben Elton, takes place in the future where originality and individualism are shunned but there appears to be one per-son who can fulfil a prophecy that will enable the return of rock and roll! Auditions are un-derway for the parts of the musical, which will be directed by Mr Malone. We will keep you up to date on all the news. TY Musical Will Rock You TY Recreational Sport Transition Year Students partake in a recreational sports module every week, this module has three dedicated classes under the guidance of Mrs. de Faoite to allow students to experience different types of sporting activity. So far this year the class have been introduced to a number of different sports including golf, boxing and have also completed a GAA coaching course. The GAA coaching course proved to be a very worthwhile experience. Under the instruction of Dennis Carr, a development coach with the GAA, the students learned about skill development, movement skills and coaching young children. As part of the course the participants used their new skills to organise and implement a gaelic football session for first years. All students who participate receive a certificate in coaching. Recreational Sport students also took part in a boxing session with Mr.Kelly in the community centre. Students donned the gloves, entered the ring and sparred with the experts, one of whom was our classmate Colm Molloy. An enjoyable, albeit tiring experience! On Thursday the 27th of September students got the opportunity to perfect their golf swing. An inflatable golf target was set up in the hall and under the guidance of Justin O Brien, an instructor with the Golfing Union of Ireland, students were taught the basic skills.

Transition Years Help Oughterard Fix Crumliln Fundraiser As part of their (YSI) Young Social Innovators module TYS, with their teacher Mrs. Ni Shuilleabhain recently held a raffle to raise funds for the Oughterard Fix Crumlin campaign. The students raised 200 for the charity. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Well done to Aisling King, Serena Cabry, Chloe OToole and Roisin Molloy, all of whom took part in the bed push for Crumlin between Moycullen and Oughterard held recently to raise funds for St. Johns ward, the oncology ward in Our Ladies Hospital, Crumlin. A big thank you also to Ms. McManus and her transition year cookery class for their delicious brownies which were sold in a cake sale during the Family Day held in Corribdale in aid of Crumlin. Serens Cabry goes for a knock-out Members of the Recreational Sports Class that took part in the GAA Coaching Course. Alannah O Malley and Jennifer Wilson go for a Birdie as they practise their golf shot. 8 Kieran Molloy Wins Bronze Medal at European Schoolboy Championships Well done to Kieran Molloy, a second year student in St. Pauls who reached the semi-finals in the schoolboy Euro-pean Championships held recently in Anapa in Russia. Fighting in the 56KG weight division, Kieran fought a num-ber of bouts to reach the final stages. He beat a Ukranian boxer, Evgenij Zagranichnyi in the quarter final by 15 to 7, but unfortunately suffered a narrow defeat in the semi-final against a German boxer, Artur Mambergo. Congratulations again to Kieran on his great success in achieving a Bronze medal. St. Pauls Students Runners Up in Inter-Schools Golf Competition St. Pauls Students on Galway Gaelic Football Squad Team Coaches and Sports Sport Age Coach-Girls Age Coach-Boys Gaelic U14 Ms.McManus and Mr. Kelly Juvenile Mr. Clancy, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Carr U16 Ms. McManus and Mr. Kelly Junior Mr. Clancy, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Carr Senior Mr. Clancy, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Carr Basketball Ca-dettes Marie Harte and Kevin Walsh Cadets Declan O Halloran Soccer U17 Mr. Kelly , Mr. Molloy , U14 Mr. Kelly , Mr. Molloy , Tom Collins , Ryan Caine Bri-an Lambert and Eric Lee U17 Mr. Kelly , Mr. Molloy U19 Mr. Kelly , Mr. Molloy Rugby

U16 Mr. O Neill Sports News Mark Burke, Devin Morley and Dean Welby, mem-bers of the St. Pauls Golf Team Kieran with his Eurpopean Bronxe Medal Recently St. Pauls sent a team consisting of Dean Welby, Devin Morley and Mark Burke to the U.15s Connacht Inter-Schools Golf Competition in Ballinrobe. There were 19 teams taking part and the boys came a very respectful 2nd place only losing out by a narrow three shots. Well done. Devin Morley, a member of the winning team, a third year stu-dent from St. Pauls, is also on the Connacht U.15s inter pro golf team and recently played in Derry for a week in a competition against the other provinces. Devin is also trying to qualify for the Mc Gregor golf competition in England. It is an individual compe-tition with worldwide competitors. He is a member of the local golf club and has a handicap of three. Good luck Devin! Congratulations to the second and third year boys pic-tured on the right, on making the Galway U. 14 Devel-opment Squad. We wish them all the best in the coming year. Thomas Finnerty, Eoin Talbot, Sean Thornton, David Kelly, Darren Cormican and Eoin Whittaker First and Second Year Basketball will commence in January.

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