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Objective Of Creating a Blog

There is no wrong reason why a person starts to do something. Like in blogging, every blogger has it's own reason why he do blog. ome of the common reason are listed below!

"or "#n This objective is simply the objective of those people who want to share knowledge, ideas and tho#ght with other people. They consider blog as their diary for that they co#ld e$press their feelings and emotion. To %elp &eople or 'ake a (ifference 'any blogs are created for the intention of ed#cating people. This objective tends to infl#ence or change the way a person thinks abo#t a certain topic. These blog are commonly having the topic of parenting, political views, etc... To )stablish Ones self as an )$pert in a pecific "ield 'any Blogger tends to b#ild a rep#tation in the Cyber *orld. They act#ally write for them to make them selves as an e$pert in a certain field s#ch as )ngineering, &hysics and m#ch more. To B#ild a B#siness B#sinesses starts to blog to b#ild an awareness and to meet c#stomer needs adn to increase c#stomers loyalty. %aving a blog for a b#siness is good for it might help the blogger to minimi+e his advertisement payments. To make 'oney , large n#mber of blogger starts to blog simply for them to earn income. The blog site will act#ally generate income from the blog advertisers.

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