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THE WAY OUT #2 - SCENE ONE EXT: Alley. Open in the middle of a chase between Kevin and Trevor.

Trevor is shouting abuse whilst trying to catch Kevin. He is bruised from a beating. TREVOR: (Shouting) Oi! You get back 'ere you little shit. Kevin is panting heavily running as fast as he can. KEVIN: Fuck off you prick. ALLEY FEMALE #1 and ALLEY FEMALE #2 are in the way and KEVIN barges through them to keep the chase alive. TREVOR: (Shouting) I'll find ya, ya cunt! KEVIN reaches the end of the alley, looks left and right, then sprints left. ALLEY FEMALE #1 (Shouting) Oi what are ya doing? Come back here. Fade to grey. THE WAY OUT #2 - SCENE TWO EXT: Park. 48 hours prior to Scene One. 'The Gang' are gathered around a bench, smoking, messing around and chatting, waiting on a drug deal to happen. GANG MEMBER #1: Where is he? We've fucking been here for like 'alf an hour. CHARLIE: Yeah I know he's taking the piss. But he'll be here soon. So chill it yeah. Trevor can be seen walking to the group. he is on his own. TREVOR: Alright lads? You got my draw yeah?

KEVIN: Yeah bruv, it's all sweet g. TREVOR: (Nervously) Nice lets see it then. CHARLIE hands Trevor 'the drugs' and Trevor checks it out. He shifts nevously about for a few seconds then runs for it. GANG MEMBER #2: (Shouting) Fucking prick, fucking get 'im. They all start chasing after Trevor across the park. they catch up to him and take him out. They procede with beating him up until CHARLIE and Kevin get there. CHARLIE: Who do you think you are? No one steals from us. No fucking one. You understand boy? TREVOR: (On the floor, laughing)
Look at you. Little Fucking kids. You have no fuckign clue do you? Choose what you do next very fucking carefully.

KEVIN: (Sincerely to CHARLIE) Mate can't we just let him go? CHARLIE: No we fucking can't. He needs to be taught a lesson. Doesn't he lads? ALL GANG MEMBERS: (Shouting)

GANG MEMBER #2: Kick his fucking head in! They proceed with beating him up. Except for Kevin. CHARLIE: What are you doing Kev. Fucking hit him. Hit him now. Don't be a fucking Pussy! KEVIN: Just leave it mate. CHARLIE: (To gang) Hold him up. Hold him up so Kev can punch him straight

in the boat. GANG MEMBER #1 and GANG MEMBER #2 pick up TREVOR so that KEVIN can punch him. CHARLIE: Do it now or you're fucking out, mate. KEVIN is standing above TREVOR and punches him in the face. Blackout.

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