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EC deadlines, mods 9 am -10:20 WINKLER MIDDLE

SCHOOL TIPS TEAM (Jennifer-couselor, Janna-lead EC, Renee- Resource) Book,- Annual Growth for All Students, CATCH-UP GROWTH - FOR THOSE WHO ARE BEHIND BY LYNN FIELDING, NANCY KERR, PAUL ROSIER sent notes on Early Warning Sign part of county wide R.T.I. coordinator Beth Kolb

Micro Word has a speak button that will read tests aloud for students. Discussion of Data Wall- visual display with codes for students names to keep current data in a location visible but not to obvious... DISCUSSIONS- testing read alouds. how to make it equal for all staff to assist in mods. for students during testing, early warning Discovery Educ. Enweb, Teacher recommendations aced. and behavior criteria to be flexible in scheduling to assist with student deficits in reading, math, and behavior based on our scheduling times Differentiate for all students- how are we going to be intentional about planning for these students? IT will be easier for you if you allow tips to help with scheduling Kids are matched with what they need. o 3 levels of extreme- reading, corrective, coach, DI? Early Warning System Charting kids by what they need academically -social 2 flags/ social only attendance and behavior 2 flags using school EC data, remediation data

Looked at rising 7th grade Data on placement for data. extreme reading, math interventions. 12:35 Meeting with School Principal to go over student schedule 1.Who are the kids that are warning- 39 so far7 of which is in EC, 8 ELL, 2.What does there supports need to look like for next year? (BMT Mr. Smith's caseload) Scheduling wise what will it look like 3.What could be done can extreme reading teacher do push in, ELL teacher take some students from consult to back into ELL due to struggling in ELA class. TEAM making plans to complete for next week. planned a check in- check out buddy for EC students that are on the Early Warning Program Action Plan, SIT PLANWe need to step for action. TIPS Information Sheet (criteria) 1.Defined roles 2.Match Early Warning System and Other universal screening needs 3.Meeting 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of each month 4.Print student schedules 5.Create a spreadsheet w/names, areas/flags, print all student schedules so we can address areas of concern, how are we going to do this. 6.Amy Miller coming on board 7.(TIP Team decided to put students schedules in binder with notes so that it's all together) 8.Utilize a googledoc for communication between schools and TIPS teams Paired up EC most needy students with a check in and out Teacher that isn't on their team. Will communicate with those Teachers their responsibilities- 6 min at a time.... Students can exit at any time.

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