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Health and Safety Location Day of shoot Barham Park 08/12/2013 09/12/2013

Equipment needed? Who will be present? Props required? Documents needed:

Camera, tripod, charger and mobile phones Nitisha, Shivani, Krishan, Vishal, Bhavik and Meghna Fake knives, fake blood Shooting schedule, storyboard, call sheet and health and safety form

What are the potential hazards associated with the location?

Tripping over things Dangerous because it gets dark. Have to be careful as there may be objects lying around on the ground

Is there water at the location (pond, swimming pool, waterfall)? How will this be planned for?

There is no water near the location where we are filming our shots.

What are the risks associated with the general public? How will these be dealt with?

There are no major risks that are associated with the general public. Although the only risk may be is looking out for little children at the park as they may be running around. Although this can be dealt with, as we can shoot the scene in the park when there are no little children around. While on shoot, one person will always be looking after the equipment and making sure none of the equipment is damaged or misplaced.

How will the equipment be stored during the shoot?

How will the equipment be stored after the shoot/overnight?

The equipment over night will be stored in a safe place as it will be kept at either one of the 3 main peoples house. Then it will be returned back to the school and put back into the cupboard the next day.

Signatures/initials of group

Shivani Nayi Nitisha Khimji Krishan Tailor

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