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Editorial Writing Part III Choose a STEMM-based editorial topic (Science, technology, English, engineering, manufacturing, Mathematics)- or other

acceptable topic affirmed by Mrs. Payeur. Pick something you care about from STEMM topics or something you feel needs the attention of your peers (or the school, or the local press, or the world). Take notes from sources and create documentation of your inquiry using bibliography plus note taking in any acceptable form. (See Mrs. Payeur for her form if you need it.) Dont forget to make note of the IN-TEXT option. This goes at the end of the sentence in your Write a well-documented editorial that is worthy of publication in third person and use attributed quotations. Any statistical facts must provide the source. Have another classmate or trusted friend copy-edit your draft. Place the corrected draft on your Weebly site as a blog. The class will go to your site to comment with suggestions. I will grade their comments and your finished article. If I approve your article, you will submit the corrected copy with in-text citations and a bibliography to either the STEMM-news or other news source. Extra credit if yours is published.

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