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Rebekah Underbrink Philosophy Education A philosophy of education is a subjective theory that suggests what education should establish and

what dispositions it should cultivate. Growing up, I did not contain a love of education or have an innate desire to teach. The gift of teaching did not arise until I witnessed a heart-breaking need that was vital to be fulfilled. I believe that a moment like this is when the true meaning of education is revealed to a future teacher. My philosophy of education is built on the foundation that teachers should meet the individual student at their fundamental needs rather than a student performing to meet the teachers needs. Students today are bombarded with visual stimuli, medication, and technology that promotes isolation. As a result the necessity to interact, to play, and to lead have gone by the waste side. Finding ways that students can interact with others, to play, and to be confident in leading is an ever-evolving process. Hands-on activities have proven to be a successful strategy that promotes these attributes. By using hands-on activities students take ownership in their own education by which they are propelled into a love for learning. Engaging students through effective teaching strategies everyday creates a positive attitude toward education which results in how a student governs their way of learning throughout his/her life. To build-up a students love for learning, a teacher should celebrate the small victories in the classroom with the student. When a student realizes that they can learn material, they learn to like it which perpetuates a love for that content area. Having confidence to learn content or complete an activity allows the student to

take pride in their accomplishments therefore developing their leadership in their own education. My mission every day is to celebrate classroom victories which engender a selfconfidence in learning and sets students on a pathway to leadership.

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