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The Scavenger Hunt

Jeremy Jones 11-8-13 EDU 1070 Citing: using this for free qr codes Grade Level is 3rd and 4th grade. Student Section

1. Are these long or short vowels?

2. Are these long or short vowels?

3. Who am I? Does my name have a long or short vowel?

4. Who am I? Does my names have a long or short vowel?

Teacher Answers
(Are the words long or short vowels)= First box is long vowels: ATE, BAKE, APE, BAIT, MAY, CAPE, CAKE, ICE, ISLAND, NIGHT, NICE, HEAT, EAT, EAGER, PINE, TUBE, CODE, LOGO, GO, EEL, COAL, GOAT

(Are the words long or short vowels) =Second box is short vowels: ASK, CAT, GAP, JAM, DEN, PET, KID, RIP, PIG, DOG, BUG, POT, BUS, BUT, FUN, CUP

(Which word describes a long or short vowel?) = Third box is the word DOG which is short vowel.

(Which word describes a long or short vowel?) = Fourth box is the word APE which is long vowel.

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