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Cloey mccarville !

Question: Which one rolls farther on carpet the kickball or the! basketball by icking your wrist and starting the roll at the same! point?!

! Materials: basketball, Kickball, tape measure, tape, and iPad! !

Procedures:! First: get all of the items! Second: put the balls at the same point! Third: push them! Forth: measure how far they went! Fifth: collect the data!

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Tests Kickball Basketball

Foot/yard ! Distance 1 16 feet &9! inches 16 feet & 7! Inches

Foot/yard! Distance 2 18 feet &9! inches 16 feet & 2 inches

Foot/yard! Distance 3 19 feet & 7 ! Inches 13 feet & 10! Inches

claim: We claim that the kickball went farther then the basketball! when we rolled it on the carpet.!

Evidence: Our evidence was that the kickball rolls farther then the! basketball. On one test the average for the kickball was 18 feet. &! four inches. and the basketballs average was 15 feet. & three inches.! we also learned that the kickball rolls farther then the basketball.! In checking with the experts in discovery works I learned that a! basketball is heavier that a soccer ball but if you drop it at that! same time the soccer ball hits the ground rst and that's called! gravity. If you jump trampoline it would be easy to Therefor, that's why we think the kickball rolls farther than the basket ball on the carpet.!

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