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Ambiguous Pronouns It is ironic that they did all of this even though the clothes Hester made were

against the Puritans fashion code. How can we rework the sentence to eliminate some of the ambiguous pronouns? Hawthorne develops irony as the Puritans wear Hesters ornate clothes, which violate the Puritans humble fashion code. Passive Voice A depressing tone is seen through the diction of this statement. Hawthorne conveys a depressing tone through the diction of the previously mentioned statement. Diction is used here to show Pearls conception. How can we rework the sentence to eliminate passive voice? Hawthorne develops Pearls conception through his use of diction. It seems like she chooses her actions wisely to make people have a better understanding of who she is and not what she had done. How can we eliminate the ambiguous pronoun as well as the passive voice? Hester chooses her actions wisely, which allows people to better understand who she is despite her sinful actions. Citation Tips If you are citing from the same source, you only need to include the authors last name in the first citation of every paragraph. Every time after, a page number will suffice (just #, no pg.). Citations go at the end of the sentence, even if the quote ends before the sentence does. Effective example: Talbot claims valedictorians were a good thing; however, I disagree on several accounts (113). If you take out part of a quote in the middle, ellipsis within brackets must be inserted. Example: Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter [] and The Ministers Black Veil (Johnson 27). OR According to Johnson, Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter [] and The Ministers Black Veil (27). There is no need for the authors last name, since it is introduced in the sentence. Also, there is no need for ellipsis at the beginning or end of a quote to show that you did not use the sentence from beginning to endjust in the middle if you take out part of the sentence.

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