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ADHD in school aged children

Symptoms, support, and classroom strategies

Dfinition of ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Characterized by severe and persistent symptoms of inattention, over activity, and impulsiveness Possibly associated with long term educational and social disadvantage

Peer Tutoring
One on one work on a certain activity, at the own pace of the ADHD individual.

Homework Focused Intervention

Helps with planning, prioritizing, filtering out distractions, focusing on individual tasks, forgetfulness, and lack of organization


Predictable texts Reading out loud Shared reading Repeated reading Paired reading

Pre reading strategies such as class discussions, brainstorming, visuals, and story predictions Post reading tools such as graphic organizers, storyboards, story charts, and circle stories

Local Support
Pyramid of Hope Counseling Center of Boyne City, MI

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