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Pinecone Daily Journal

Exploding Bubbles
November 18, 2013

The Pinecones ventured to City Market today to do some scientific work. We gathered into shopping carts first to pick up all of the materials we needed. After we checked out, we headed to the bus stop to work on our science experiments. As we were setting up, a familiar face came out of the bus. All of the Pinecones stopped what they were doing because they were so excited to see who it was! They ran up to Mark the bus driver that we all know so well. Our first experiment was to see how baking soda reacted when adding vinegar. While jumping up and down, Eliana screamed and laughed, It exploded! Elizabeth giggled and pointed to all of her friends. When Grace looked at what Elizabeth was pointing at, she said Its like bubbles! Our second experiment was to see what the CocaCola would do if we added a Mentos to it. Each Pinecone concentrated on putting the mint in the small opening of the bottle quickly in order not to get sprayed! The initial surprise on every Pinecones face was priceless. Some jumped in surprise and then laughed at what was happening. Others jumped up and down in excitement and laughter to what they created. After asking the Pinecones which experiment they liked more, there was a split between the Love, two. When asked why, Elizabeth The Pinecones said she liked the green cup more Miss Lea, because, I can do it by myself! Miss Tiernan, What an exciting day!

& Miss Angela

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