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1. SELECT all the columns of the students who has scored more than 80 in DBMS 2.

select only the students' name who has scored less than 60 in cp. 3. select stdID, stdname & multimedia of the students who has scored more than or equal to 80 in Multimedia. 4. select all the columns of those who have scored less than 70 in both Cp & Dbm s. 5. select all the details of chris 6. select all the details of std id 107 7. select stdid,stdname & age of the students who are 20 years old 8. select all the column of the students who has scored greater than 50 in multi media, & arrange then ascending order. 9. select the name & cp of the students who has scored more than 50 , arrange th em in descending order answer. 1. 2. 3. 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Select * From StudentMarks Where DBMS > 80 Select stdName from studentmarks where cp<60 Select stdiD, stdName, multimedia from studentmarks where multimedia >=8 SELECT * FROM studentMarks where cp <70 And DBMS <70 SELECT * FROM StudentsMarks where stdName = 'Chris' SELECT * FROM studentsmarks WHERE stdid = '107' SELECT * stdid, stdName, Age From studentsmarks WHERE Age = 20 SELECT * From studentsmarks WHERE cp >60 order by cp SELECT Stdname,cp from Studentsmarks where cp >50 order by cp

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