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Errata Sheet

International Financial Management, 6th edition

Eun and Resnick
p. 19, Last paragraph, line 5: Change TARP funds was to TARP funds were.
P. 28, Problem 2 table: Change Country A and B to Country X and Y.
p. 35, Exhibit 2.2: delete % signs from last column in rows 2, 4, and 5.
p. 66, Exhibit 3.1: Change date from 2007 to 2010 in Source.
p. 66, Exhibit 3.1: Change Statistical discrepancies from 193.8 to 190.9.
p. 70, Change statistical discrepancies from $193.8 billion to $190.9 billion.
p. 74, Exhibit 3.5, United States BKA column, 2009: Change 474.9 to 472.0.
p. 133, Example 5.6: the Swiss franc is trading at a forward discount to the dollar.
should read the dollar is trading at a forward discount to the Swiss franc.
p. 189, Equation (7.10): 11.50 should be 11.49.
p. 189, Exhibit 7.11: Max[133.49 122.0] should be Max[133.49 122, 0] and
Max[112.20 122.0] should be Max[112.20 122, 0]
p. 189, Exhibit 7.11, in bottom left equation: [SuT(q) + SdT(1 q)] should be
[CuT(q) + CdT(1 q)]

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