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Gabriela Escobedo EDUC 1070-1

Gabriela Escobedo Age Level 5 Prekindergarten

Have a teacher or parent help you get on the internet so you can be safe. Start conversations by letting people know who you are, and end messages with your name. Let people know what your messages are about before you start them. Be as clear as possible. Do not share others information without their permission first. Read the messages you get, and try to respond to them all. It is okay to delete messages that are not educational. Do not make messages too long or people will have a hard time reading them all. Use nice words and make full sentences, sound out the words as best as you can. You can use emoticons or little faces to express how you feel.


Gabriela Escobedo EDUC 1070-1

Picture of adult with child on computer from XTM&tbnid=EyH2GjwVo4d7qM:&ved=0CAQQjB0& 2012%2F07%2F07%2Finternet-and-child-safetytalk%2F&ei=bWVbUqD8Doin2AXXzYDABg&bvm=bv.53899372,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNE9urJJTaQyDE5EQv3XWEYJYu6YQ&ust=1381807688204341 Picture of correct way to type email from RhIM&tbnid=bqNLLKvJEHmfPM:&ved=0CAQQjB0&,d.b2I&psig= AFQjCNEpxUp5FXW4MVRMIrrSiH-W3kUFBQ&ust=1381808142031851 Picture of emojis from sM&tbnid=Y_H0ElbGWVaZcM:&ved=0CAQQjB0& F06%2Femoticons.html&ei=o2hbUqi4PImQ2gXqx4HoCQ&bvm=bv.53899372,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNGuovR96 vSl2p8z4lXOyZj5n-G30Q&ust=1381808662648664


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