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Need for green marketing due to increased consumer awareness and demand for ecological/environment friendly products and

sustainable business activities. Pressure from environmental groups Challenges Variability of demand, high prices Developed/mature markets for green products NA, West Europe, SE Asia, Australia Marketing Strategy Internationalisation or selective/target marketing Internationalisation Eco-minded transnational consumer needed. Significant entry barriers with regards to stringent or specific regulations Stages of marketing

1st stage assessing conditions Regulations and demand the key parameters 2nd stage assessing competitive conditions Size of market and intensity of competition 3rd stage evaluation of target markets based on 4p approach

History Origin The Brundtland report....termed the common future October 1987 by Norwegian PM Gro Brundtland. Defined the term sustainable development for the first time False approaches labelled green marketing 1. Green spinning public relations and publicity play major role in marketing. Common for companies in industries like oil, chemicals, pharma.. 2. Green selling identification of environmental features in existing products 3. Green harvesting cost reduction, profitability main motives for green marketing. A typical financial orientation. 4. Enviropreneur marketing 5. Compliance marketing Challenges 1. Redefining the product 2. Changing the market 3. Makting comm. That aims to inform rather than impress 4. Long run process, full use of resources needed

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