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My Evaluation Before to After Reflection on my Thought Teddie Uhi Psy 1010 Katrina Salini 12/6/2013

My Evaluation 2 My evaluation and reflection of the class This class has been the most enjoyable out of all of my classs. I have loved all of what I have learned in the class, I have even considered changing my major to a phycology major. This class has enlightened me in many ways as I hope do for you in this paper. I wanted to thank my teacher Katrina Silini for her time and inspiring way of teaching, and for the knowledge that she gave and the way that she teaches, it was vary fun and memorable. I was always excited for the next class. What have I learned? Well let me start off with the things that I did not know. Phycology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, and as a science phycology uses systematic methods to observe human behavior and draw a conclusion. Are behavior is everything we do and observed by others. Our thoughts and mental process are the thoughts and feelings we express form as little as a baby. What motivates us to do what we do like kissing someone, or remembering the best trip ever; And this is just a little bit of the studies of phycology. Psychologist conducts research and relies on that research to provide evidence for their conclusion. This is what inspired me in the class to find out why, what, and how and also have proof of any study that I might do. There is a lot of critical thinking in this process, it is thinking deeply and actively and asking questions, eventually getting the evidence. This is what drives me for I am very curious and like coming up with evidence that can help others. The teachings of the most valuable people of the past inspired my curiosity to pursue what and how they came up with evidence and proof to their conclusions of their studies. One the men that inspired me were Wilhelm Wundt. He founded the first phycology laboratory in 1879. And then lets not forget Pluto and Aristotle. They debated the nature of

My Evaluation 3 thought and behavior. Including a link between the mind and the body, this was also inspiring to me that they were even thinking of this even in accent Greece. This made my curiosity swell. As for Wilhelm he concentrated on discovering the basic elements or structure of mental process. His study was about the working brain and trying to measure how long it took the human brain and nervous system to translate information in to action, and that it could be measured. This was called structuralism. this was one of my favorite. Also there was William James, and his approach was functionalism. His emphasiss on the function and the purpose and the mind and its behavior, and how we adapt to the environment and my most favorite of all was Sigmund Freud. He was the founding father of psychodynamic approach, I was very curious where and how he was coming up with all of his evidence that he concluded in his studies. He was one that identified the ego, super ego, and the Ed and the unconscious. The unconscious was always a wonder of mine. He was fun and I can see why Freuds views are and have been the study of all phycology. It gave them a base to feed off of. I also learned of the human brain and how it works and the functions, like the thalamus gives information between the lower and higher brain centers and the hypothalamus is the eating, drinking, and sex plays a role in emotion and stress. Pons governs over sleep and arousal and so much more. The left hemisphere is the language and speech also evolved in singing the words of a song, which I love to sing. The right hemisphere is the visual and precognitive, and emotion and also the creative and artistic side of the brain which I also love so I must use a lot of the right side if my brain. I learned about drugs and how they affected the brain, and how to recognize disorders of the brain. And this is just some of what I have learned. I hope to continue studding phycology in my future.

My Evaluation 4 One of my favorite classs with Kristine was the hand writing analysis. It gave me proof that all humans are not so different, I really loved my class, thank you so much Katrina for an inspiring class.

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