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Melissa Cross EDU 360 John Sowash, Instructor October 19, 2013

Assessment Data Findings

For the district results, we first rearranged the data as shown in the file: six columnsbelow basic, basic, percentage of both, proficient, advanced, and percentage of both. Each of these percentages were determined by year and grade (both in ascending order). From what was gathered, it was determined that in Grade Six, the combination of below basic and basic percentages, although in flux from 2006-11, never got above the 50% mark; the proficient and advanced combination percentages stayed above the 50% mark, even though it seemed to decrease over time. In Grade Seven, the percentages for the basic/below basic improved slightly, breaking 50% or above in all the school years except 07-08. The percentages for the proficient/advanced faltered below the 50%v mark in 06-07 and 08-09. In Grade Eight, the percentage for below basic/basic stayed the same, with the exception of the increase in 10-11 year. The percentage for proficient/advanced took an overall dip, with the 10-11 year getting as low as 37%. For the cohorts, Cohort A did better than Cohort B, and Cohort B did better than Cohort C. Cohort A broke above the 50% mark twice. Cohort B only once, and Cohort C twice. Even though Cohort C had more 50% or above marks than Cohort C, I feel Cohort C still fell short because in the year 10-11, the percentage was only 37% (for Cohort C). Cohort B had two solid percentages in the upper 40s, making them higher than Cohort C. For the grade levels, they were first grouped numerically by ID number in each group. To get the percentage of each, we used the SUM key. The total percentage of the combination of basic/below basic students exceeded the 50% mark (70%). The total percentage of proficient/advanced was below the 50% mark (30%). The demographic picked to go along with the teacher column was gender. The goal that was chosen was to determine if at least 50% of all the males and all the female students were performing at proficiency/advanced level. Using the Logical tab and the IF key, these both proved false, indicating both genders were below 50% (28% male, 33% female)

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