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Daniel Lindsey Irene Peterson English 1010 Dec.

7, 2013 REFLECTIVE WRITING The assignment of an issue summary on the topic of climate change has really helped me to achieve progress towards the learning outcome of thinking critically. I had to sort through and gather a lot of information and then communicate this information into a comprehensible summary. I also had to think critically to figure out my own opinion on this topic. This topic of climate change was something I hadnt known much about s o all of what I researched was new to me. I was able to effectively reason using the available evidence and create my own perspective. This assignment connected directly with my CIS 1010 class. My computer skills that I learned in that class made it easy and quick to create a properly MLA formatted paper as was required for this class. This in turn will help me to create professional appearing papers in my future classes and career. The issue summary does a great job of demonstrating the many things I have learned in English 1010. Especially my composing process, for example: MLA formatting, works cited in proper format, and proper arrangement of an issue summary from an annotated bibliography. These were all things that I did not know before this class. In the end there were many things I learned in this class that will help me in future educational and career pursuits. I never realized all the things I learned in this class until I wrote this reflective essay.

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