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Dawn of the Dead Revision Strategy Notes

First Revision: In the first revision we did major work to the original. For the summary we completely took out all of the bullet points and all of the words on the slide. We also added a variety of scenes from the film in order to help aid in the process of orally presenting. The character slide we also took out all of the names and descriptions of each. Instead we did similarly what we did with the summary slide: added pictures of each member of the group. For the rhetorical situation slide revision we deleted most of the text and left the name of the direction, writers, and actors. We also added a picture of each person. For the convention slide we eliminated most of the bullet points, except the 3 major points. To make the scene analysis more engaging to the audience, we added a video clip from the film.

Second Revision: In our final revision to the presentation, we completely eliminated all the words. We made sure there was only one picture per slide and that the visual took up the whole slide, to further maximize the range it can be seen during presentation. We also included a picture of 9/11 and put it next to the slide of Ana witnessing the start of the zombie apocalypse. We did the comparison slide in order to see how zombie films came into more popularity after 9/11.

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