RIP Seminar Summary of Personal and Group Contributions

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RIP Seminar Summary of Personal and Group Contributions

The RIP Seminar required an immense amount of contributions from the groups and from the individuals to make it all come together. As a group we worked together in making of the Dawn of the Dead presentation. Google Drive enabled us to make revisions and work on the same PowerPoint. We all took turns presenting on the presentations we finished. We then moved onto working on the WWZ character analysis PowerPoint and the presentation on Max Brooks. The greatest group contribution was the making of the RIP Seminar handout for our class. The majority of the work was equally distributed, which made it manageable for every member of the group to efficiently and fairly do their part. My personal contributions to the RIP Seminar include presenting on two of the three presentations. I also spent time repetitively practicing to improve on the oral presentation to represent my class well in front of the other class. For the handout I worked on putting the front of the handout together from choosing the pictures that made it on the handout. I contributed my idea of making the handout a six section fold over. I think my idea was a pretty great idea and it came out better than I imagined.

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