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Introduction to the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education Anguilla Community College- Year One- Semester 1

Embarking on this course has been a journey of learning and challenges for me. Learning in the sense where the course has been very informative and taught me a lot about the social and cultural foundations of education. I have gained an immense amount of knowledge and comprehension of this course and the various components like: the purpose of education, how education systems have developed in the Caribbean, issues in education at the classroom level, elements that affect academic achievements in our school system, and how parents involvement can help in making the process more successful. I especially enjoyed the approach the tutors namely Dr. Leroy Hill and Njeri Richardson took in delivering the lessons; they made it fun and interactive. On the other hand I was faced with a few challenges during the process. Anxiety was one of the main factors since its been awhile I attended any in school environment and the anticipation of meeting others who probably knew and knows a lot more than myself. I also had challenges with my essay assignment in the area of referencing which I came a long way by using tips given to me by my tutors in understanding the APA requirements. I had difficulty in navigating the Ebscohost research engine but with a little help from Mr. Hill, I managed to do research and obtained information using the same. Regular work schedule of other colleagues and me clashed with group time meeting to complete presentations etc and made it a difficult process at times, However I always manage to complete and present through hard work and sacrifice. Overall I feel like I have gained a new set of skill. I feel more educated about this subject and more confident in my career field. This class has taught me what to expect in and out of the classroom as a professional in the 21st century.

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