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Jamie Daylor 1. Dislocation 2. Art one and two High school 3.

Students will learn basic and advanced types of perspective and will discuss how to break the rules of perspective in order to create more meaning and deep artistic choices. Students will learn techniques in graphite and charcoal. 4. Each artist uses a different type of perspective to portray a certain message and mood. The artists I will be using are: Julian Beever David Macaulay Anish Kapoor M.C. Escher Paul Nobel Anthony Waichulis Neil Rhodes 5. Throughout time and across cultures artists have dealt with location and perspective. Point of view perspective and location can completely change the meaning of an object or place. It can make to viewer feel constrained or comforted and anywhere in between. Breaking perspective can have a grave impact. Many different cultures have utilized many different types of perspectives and locations to portray meaning. Artists have related location in their work to represent a multitude of themes and ideas that resonate deep within themselves.

6. How does perspective and location change the meaning of an object or place? How does breaking the rules of perspective add to the meaning of a piece? How can a location define your emotion? How can you express yourself through a composition of location? 7. Students will learn one point, two-point, three-point, four-point, five-point, zero point/atmospheric perspective, and isometric grid perspective. The will also learn juxtaposition, breaking perspective and blurred and exaggerated edges. They will also be able to recognize the work of several artists. 8. Students will also be learning techniques in charcoal and graphite. Some students will have trouble with the field trip to a downtown area. We will also have limit areas to draw and observe. We will also possibly need extra help and supervision on the field trip days. Weather will also affect this. Time will be our biggest constraint. 9. This unit will deal a lot with angles and calculation, which will connect, heavily to math. We will use many measuring techniques as well as graphing. They will also be using critical thinking. 10. Advanced students will have: Extra advanced activities when finishing early Expected to chose a more difficult composition Expected to use unfamiliar mediums Students with special needs will have: Provided resources Extra student-teacher collaboration

Support from service learners and advanced learners In an adult group on the field trip 11. Students will begin each class period with an artist journal prompt in which they will view and respond to art and artists they will also discuss these as a class. 12. Students will be assessed with summative assessment after they finish their final project. They will be assessed on participation and engagement, ability to communicate thoughts, expression, and execution. We will have a class critique at the end of the unit where each student will tell the class what their artwork is about and will be able to respond.

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