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Renaissance Public School Academys Student Behavior Management Process

School-wide Rules/Expectations All students follow the expectations for each designated area.

Observe and identify problem behavior

Staff managed

Administration managed Is the behavior Staff or Administratio n managed? Staff Managed vs.

Redirect student Re-teach behavior

Administration Managed
Documented Chronic Minors Threats (ex. Bodily harm verbal or physical) Fighting or Aggressive Physical Contact Leaving School Grounds Weapons Classroom Disruptions (ex. Flipping or throwing desks; possibly injury) Truancy (See Handbook) Harassment of Students or Teachers Vandalism Alcohol Drugs Theft Gambling Inappropriate internet use Aggressive Insubordination Foul Language (ex. Intentional use)

1. Conference with student on inappropriate behavior in this situation and of potential + /- consequences

2. Complete Think Sheet and conference with student on the sheet and their behavior

3. Teacher works with student to re-teach behavior and propose strategies for success


Did the behavior change?


Dress Code Preparedness Cheating Food and Drink in Classrooms Cutting Class Threats (ex. Tattling, gossiping) Calling out in Class Classroom Disruption (ex. Yelling, excessive talking) Inappropriate Comments Electronic Devices Put Downs Refusing to Work Inappropriate Tone or Attitude Passive Insubordination (ex. Not following directions; not participating appropriately) Foul Language (ex. Slip of the tongue;

Referring teacher/para completes Office Referral and sends it to the office with a responsible student.

Administration follows up with teacher and conferences with student Administrative action

Administration verifies forms for data input

Notice and reward correct behaviors


Administrative Decision by Supervisors

Team Meeting PBIS *To learn strategies to use within the classroom

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