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Pre-lab: 1. Make a hypothesis (I predict.because) what will happen when you pour oil into a bowl of water?

2. What material(s) do you think can clean up the most oil in the least amount of time? Why? (cotton ball, pipe cleaner, paper towel, pipet, coffee filter, spoon, etc)

3. With your group devise a plan that you think will be the most effective way to clean up the oil spill. Record your plan.

4. Sketch a picture of your plan:

Lab: 1. Now create an oil spill pouring a Dixie cup of oil into your bowl of water. Record your observations. Was your hypothesis correct?

2. What effects do waves and wind affect the oil? Demonstrate this by blowing on the water. Record your observations.

3. Now using the materials and the plan you created, try cleaning up your oil spill. How effective was your plan?

4. With the other materials provided, try testing these materials to clean up the spill. Record on the scale, how effective each item is. Most effective Least Effective

5. Predict: What do you think will happen when we use dish soap on the oil spill?

6. Now, pour some dish soap on your oil spill. Record your observations.

Post-lab Analysis: 1. How do oil spills affect our ecosystems?

2. When we poured the soap in the bowl, the oil spread to the sides of our bowl. How would this be seen in our world? Where would the oil be spreading?

Use this information for the following questions: The chemical formula for water is H2O. The chemical formula for canola oil is C3H5O6C. 3. In this lab, how do we see elements? Explain.

4. How do we see compounds? Explain.

5. How do we see mixtures? Explain.

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