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1.) What are the 2 main models to study evolution? And what are the differences? a.

) Monism-those who are inclined to use a single model to account for all their data, however complex those might be i.) Designates a commitment to one model to which all other evidence and interpretations must be subordinated b.) Pluralism- pluralism opposes monism. Pluralism in philosophy of science means the conviction that different models may be legitimate to analyze a phenomenon, and that conflict between them need to not be see.

2.) Why may tree-monism no longer be the most scientifically fruitful position from which to study microbial evolution? a.) Underestimation of phylogenic incongruence; exaggeration of congruence b.) Large scale exclusion of conflicting data c.) Ambiguities in tree of life patterns d.) Tree monism no longer provides the ideal comparative evolutionary framework

3.) What are the 4 potential successors of the tree of life model? a.) Central Trend of Life, in which gene transfer also creates the signal b.) Banyan tree, of highly conserved genes, which defines a central trend that is further complicated by extensive LGT. c.) A more complex network-like graph in which phases of tree-like evolution are interspersed with significant phases of rampant horizontal exchange of genetic information d.) Radical multiplicity-some phylogeneticists may prefer not to replace the tree of life by any other unique or dominant big picture. Such pattern pluralists favour the reconstruction of as many trees and networks as needed to describe the evolution and the structuration of the whole genetic biodiversity.

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