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Golden-Dolan 1 Joseph S.

Golden-Dolan Brandon Alva English 2010 October 9th, 2013

Reflections on a Profile

The approach to writing a profile was similar to any other writing, even if the format was different. Prewriting was a must, of course. As I had chosen someone who was well known, but had already passed on, I was able to find several sources in scientific journals, books, and the web to satisfy my needs. I was also able become more acquainted with the genre of profile in class and through our required reading selections. When it came time to draft, I felt more prepared to approach my subject from a specific angle. The drafting process was probably the most time consuming as I attempted to lay out the substantial sum of information I obtained during the free writing phase. Revision was attained through peer review and a meeting with Brandon, the class professor. This lead me to editing, in which I attempted to take suggestions from the aforementioned sources and make my work better fit the profile rubric.

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