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Transition Area: Employment, Behavioral, and Free Time Format: Printed book, teaching tool Contact/Ordering Information: Edition Third Volume: Four Website: http: Published by Proed (An International Publisher) Learning Characteristics: This curriculum would be appropriate for students from infancy to secondary level learners/young adults. Specifically these areas are broken down into preschool, primary, intermediate, and secondary levels. Not all of the sections in this curriculum apply to the age groups represented above. Overall, this text covers a broad spectrum of disabilities. Students with varying levels of LD, EI, and CI in the mild to moderate variety can be taught using methods in this text. The Needs Addressed: This curriculum addresses students who have learning needs including interpersonal, competitive, job-finding, and leisure-time skills. Students who struggle in one or more of these areas can be assisted by this resource. Other Features: Four each of the four sections covered in the book there are example lesson plans provided. These lesson plans can be used by educators as a jumping off point to create their own lessons or to inspire teachers with a new way to look at ordinary material.

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