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ABOUT YOURSELF (JOB RELATED) 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. What do you consider to be one of your weaknesses (strengths)? 3. What qualities do you ha e that indicate you will be successful in your field?! "ow would they relate to our #osition?! What do you ha e to offer? $. What are your own s#ecial abilities? %. What new skills or ca#abilities ha e you de elo#ed o er the #ast year? &. What ha e you done which shows initiati e and willingness to work? '. What are your greatest work and non(work accom#lishments during the #ast two years? ). *escribe three things that are most im#ortant to you in a +ob. ,. What moti ates you? "a e you e er been moti ated? 1-.What are your interests outside of work. college? 11.What qualities do you admire most in others? 12."ow would you describe your own work style? ABOUT YOURSELF (SELF DISCOVERY) 1. What makes you ha##y? 2. What makes you sad? 3. What is the best thing that e er ha##ened to you? $. What is the worst thing that e er ha##ened to you? %. What one thing did you accom#lish that you are most #roud of? &. What is your biggest regret? '. What do you en+oy most? ). What is one thing you would like to change in your life? ,. Whom do you admire most? 1-. What is the most im#ortant thing you ha e learned in school? 11. What fi e words would you use to describe yourself to another #erson? 1%. "ow could you o ercome that obstacle that stands in your way? 1&. What does success mean to you? 1'. What bothers you most in life? 1). What brings you the most +oy in life? 1,. What do you do well? QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR CAREER GOALS 1. Where do you see yourself fi e!ten years from now? 2. What is your goal in life? 3. What obstacle could stand in the way of reaching your goal? $. What ty#e of #osition are you interested in? %. What are your salary requirements? &. What is success? What #ersonal characteristics will contribute to your success? '. "ow will em#loyment with us contribute to your career #lans? ). What do you e/#ect from a +ob? ,. What are your career ob+ecti es ( short and long term? 1-.What are your location #references?

EDUCATION 1. "ow does your education relate to this #osition (or how does your education #re#are you for this #osition)? 2. What acti ities did you engage in at college? 3. What classes did you like most in college and Why? $. Why did you choose your #articular s#ecialisation? %. *escribe your academic strengths and weaknesses? &. What are your #lans for continuing your education? "igher 0ducation '. What career related skills do you #ossess as a result of your academic #re#aration? ). 1omething about your #ro+ect work. QUESTIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPANY/JOB 1. Why should we hire you? 2. Why do you want to work here? 3. What do you know about this organi2ation? $. What salary do you e/#ect? %. Why do you think you would like this ty#e of #osition? 3om#any? &. What kind of boss do you like to work for? '. "ow long do you intend to stay here? ). What do you think determines a #erson4s #rogress in an organi2ation? ,. What interests you about our #roduct or ser ice? "ow would you im#ro e it? 1-.What do you think would be your greatest contribution to our o#eration? 11."ow do you sol e #roblems? 12.When can you start to work? 13.3an you tra el o ernight? 1$.*o you ha e any questions? BEHAVIORAL/HYPOTHETICAL 1. *escribe a conflict with one of your friends and how you handled it. 2. *escribe a com#le/ #roblem you sol ed. 3. *escribe a work situation in which you were not #roud of your #erformance. What did you learn from this mistake? $. *escribe an im#ortant goal you ha e set and tell me how you reached it. %. *escribe how you ha e been able to a##ly something you learned from your degree #rogram to a real(life or work(related situation. &. *escribe a (recent) #ro+ect in which you failed? What did you learn from this? '. *escribe a (recent) situation in which you asked for ad ice? ). *escribe a (recent) situation in which you asked for hel#? ,. *escribe a (recent) situation in which it took se eral tries or a##roaches before you were able to figure out what was going on. 1-.*escribe a (recent) situation in which you had to quickly establish your credibility and gain the confidence of others. What did you do ? 11.*escribe a (recent) situation when you didn4t know who you needed to s#eak with in an organi2ation too get something done. What did you do? 12.*escribe a (recent) situation when you were able to identify a conflict between two indi iduals and were instrumental in the solution to that conflict. (skills) 13.*escribe a (recent) situation when you worked in a team en ironment. 1$.*escribe a (recent) situation when miscommunication created a #roblem on the +ob. 1%.*escribe a (recent) situation when you were confronted by a difficult #roblem and how you sol ed it.

1&.*escribe a time when you had to take on something ery new or different and you had little or no guidance and su##ort in doing so. "ow did you handle it? 1'.*escribe a time when you accom#lished a challenging goal. 1).*escribe a time where your #erformance went abo e and beyond e/#ectations. 1,.*escribe how you work under #ressure. *o you antici#ate #roblems effecti ely or +ust react to them? 2-.*escribe how you would handle rude. difficult or im#atient #eo#le. 21.*escribe #ro+ects that ha e required accuracy and attention to detail. 22.*escribe situations you ha e been under #ressure in which you feel you ha e handled well. 23.*escribe techniques you4 e used with great success in your field. "a e you e er managed #eo#le in the #ositions you4 e held? 2$.*o you feel you can ask for hel#? 2%.*o you feel you can assist others in their +obs? 2&.0/#lain how you o ercame a difficult situation. 2'.5inish this sentence6 1uccessful managers are the ones who.... 2).7i en a situation when you disagree with your su#er isor. how would you deal with it? 2,."as com#etition had any #ositi e or negati e im#act on your achie ements? "ow? 3-."a e handled rude. difficult or im#atient #eo#le? 31.8lease tell me a situation where you were in a dilemma to make a decision and how you dealt with it. 32.8lease tell me a situation where you were ery stressful and how you handle it. 33.Tell me about a #articularly difficult or awkward con ersation you needed to ha e with someone? 3$.*escribe a #articularly difficult or risky challenge you took on because you felt it was im#ortant for you to do so. 3%.Tell me about a significant failure in your life. MISCELLANEOUS 1. 2. 3. $. %. &. '. ). 1trengths 9 Weakness :chie ements 5i e years from now;;.. 0 er faced any conflict 9 resol ed as well. :im of life <oney or =ob satisfaction 8ro+ect work 7i en a chance to become an >nter iewer. what qualities would you seek for in a candidate? ,. What is im#ortant for you in a +ob? 1-.?our 1hort term and long term goal 11.*escribe yourself in fi e words. 12.What kind of #erson you are? 13.Why do you want to take u# this +ob? 1$.Why should we hire you? 1%.>f you are a manager how will u establish ra##ort with your subordinates and su#eriors? 1&.>f your boss is angry without any reason. "ow would you react? 1'.>f you had to li e your life again. what would you change. 1).:ny three of your #re+udice or biases 1,.What ha e you learnt from your mistakes? 2-.*o you think you are the best 21.What you find most difficult for you? 22.:ny a##reciation you recei ed in the 8:1T. 23.>deal +ob 2$.1uccess 9 life 2%.:re you a team #layer

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