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HISTORY OF INDIAN AND EASTERN ARCHITECTURE By THe tare JAMES FE CIE, DCL, LLD, ERS. MUNSHIRAM MANOHARLAL, ost ox" NOs T16S, NA SRA, DELS a sr rosie 1876 5 T0000 for both votes, JAMES FERGUSSON" (1808-1886) ‘noes rengvisoy wis born at Ayr in Scotland on the 226d ‘of Senuary, 1908 He was the son of &dociowho also had literary ontibatons of hs own, as eevesld by bis Notes and Recollections of @ Profeonal’ Life which wa terete 69 James Ferguson. Ferguson's own cation, however a8 ofa very ordinary character” and war either "academic or elas” a he was destined for employment inthe frm oF Fails, Ferguson, and Co, of Caleta in which it eller ‘other was pate. Ia fac he id jin the fm which hom er filed soon aller his arcval in India aad Be took to Indigo planation. Even dug ths period hit wcholaly bert rind ad Ken see of obsertation is reveled in bis studies ‘ofthe ele Changes of the Ganges andthe Brahmas, Ihich he subsequently recorded in the Quarterly Jars of the Geologic Seciesy (August, 1863). Simalaneouy he alo ‘arte an indspendent house of busines in Caleta wih is brother Wilism "fom which be appears to have reed a he fist opportunity open to him” and touted India extensively Ieewee the years 1635 and 84S. with vow to sty he scent architecture. During this peti, marked by bzardoos teavel in remote places ofthe country in those days when no fquk and easy conveyance was avalale, he fook Getaed {totes of each of the monuments he vite. Ferguson's spproach-—nobody knows how i was agulted— was marked by an objcvity since bis publisied works aro ‘more oles a verbatinreprodution in pent ofthe felé notes he took duriag bs sojoun ie. India. And his graseroot approach was duet the Tact tat his “uthoier Rave been ‘Banly the mpebnbe records ou the rocks or ap: fares and carvings, which necessarily repressed the tine the faith and feng of those who excuted them.” Feguton, fa fact chided his countrymen for “having song possessed that noble country and. done 40 ile to ita it istory for angle, a fact which ete in the Court of Dizetors ‘of the Eat India Company to employ competent persons 10 Study an record he antiques of Ind Ferguson's contribaton to Tadian studies can thus be ‘quate to the pioneering work of Aletander Cunsingham twhove contemporary and asocits be was. He was alo the Frat among the aehistoian to have studied Tosi architec (are by ansiang the syle and distinct characteris of Individual groaps of baldings and correlating thes to the dated examples. Thus, forthe Bist tne, Fergusson troduced fn the study of Indian areitecte an approach based on t3p0- {ogi analyis of the suuctres and. xing up the chronoloey fon the Bae ofthe dated ones In the Rock-Cu Temples of Ina (1845), best ont with" rite] survey of the whole ‘eves, an ¢ cate eomparion of one cave wih anaher, ad with he diferent stroctraligings in the neighbourhood, the dates" ef which are approximately Know." ‘Thus his Incthod became the main basis forthe study of Indian athe tecture for, heaped". to Indian aebetre the sme Principles of wrehitecturl sence which ate uoiverally opted. every country ia Europe.” This application of style t the study of Indian aeetecture was stoke of enian on the part of Ferguson and he was able to “race out Togialy te hisorial sequences of Hindu monuments and Bs whut has een sald above ‘adiates only one axpet of Ferguson's munysided covtibutions. Hs other works on Indian archtccture and scuptre inode’ » study of Tada riythology and art in the early centuries of the Chin er, chtcctns of ssutora India and medievel Mosin moo nent of Bijapur. (Ck. Below for asec Biblogaphy of Feygoson's works.) In his Tree and. Serpnt Worship (1868) Shichi primary am analy Budahst remains at Sapeh find Amravati, Ferguson analyzed the datrconsesions of nian and. Mediterranean ideas ad also forthe fst time propos in hs Rade Stone Monuments of Many Land (1872) Ghatthe egalitie mounts of Cada ae “hire rather than peetone SSMU Sara ESE EE EE Eee Ee EEE ee ee His other contitions inelude—bevide the ereitctural studies of ancient Meopotamia, the Ferans and the Grees~works on orion and strate studs, in econ nition of which Ferguson wae appoinied a. Memo of ti Royal Commision forthe Defenger of the United Kingdon. Thief of Greck studies, He was Be who elite, or the Seine te mein which ast Gk tempts me "The eablahment of the Paletise Explorations Fund had Jhite origin ina reported remask of Ferguson and its {row hada lotto doom hie munidcene abd Tasptedress Hie in fc ave tite to new thores and controversies ins ‘ds Enay onthe. Ancient Topography of leaem (1847) an Doles on the Site ofthe Holy Sepucloe at Jermatem (1860) ‘This, evn in, Bible’ stadies he eta mark by his aro Works on aneict Jerulem and. atihes inthe Diconary of the Bae rvs slo under Ferguson's spervision that the vaiout soe of ladon art wee exhibited at the Taian Court ofthe Gps Palace st Sydenham an, the. Exportion Ioera ale st Pais a 186 ‘Aetvapectne evaluation of Ferguson, his works and fmough, teva! an influence of Darwin and Nl.” Alchin. ‘wits, hus for Bim seulptre, a8 alte came did itera, tire and political sory, revealed a steady decay tat had ‘ined tthe ime of is wen” inal, may Be interesting to quote the words of Fergus son whic, though not writen with the ateat ofa soothsayer, te prophet “Grace and Rome ae dead and ave paved away, and we are living vo completely nthe midst of moder Eorop, that wecannot get outside to contemplate ie-asa whole, But Thais fea coves in isl. -~ Every problem can be studied here move easly than anpwhee es; every art as ‘living epesetave” Select Bibiography of Ferguson's Works “This not an exhaotive bibliography of Ferguson's works nd only thoes works relating to Indan afchitecture and works fof a gener! nator have ben inluded ~ ‘The Jounal of he Roya Ate Socey of Great Bran ad Ire Vol VIE (Orginal Series), “On the Roekcut Temples of India; VoL IM (New Series), ‘Desrption of the Amrvath Tope ia Guntur; VoL. 1V (N.S), "Oa Todian Chronology: Vol VI (SS), "On Hiouen Thsany's Journey from Patna to Balab' Vol. XI N.S), “On the entiation ofthe portrait ‘of Chasroe It amon the panting inthe Caves of Aju’; Vo X(N), ‘Remarks on. Mr. Robere Sewel’'s "Note on HiowencThsag's Dsanakacheka; Vol. XI (NS), "Oa the Sots, Samat and Gupta Eras, belag supplement to the futhors paper on Taian Chronslogy' VoL XI (NS), "Notes, ‘on Babe Rajendraala Mia's paper on the age of Caves a ‘unt’ R._ROOKS AND MONOGRAPHS. 1, Rock-Cot Temples of Pdi (1845). 2. Plsuesque sation of Ancient Archlectre In Hindo= ston (184). 3, “in Euay onthe Ancien Toporaphy of Jerasalem (184, 4, dn Miorialtgiey ito the Trae Prints of Beauty in ‘ec more expec ith ference to Archiver (188) . Obsonatont on he British Museum, National Galery ond ‘Naot Record Ons with Suggestions forth Impro- remo (1849), 6 din Buy om a Proposed New Sytem of Fortification, wit ‘hs fon vs Appeation to ar Natal Defences, (185). 1. The Palaces of Neneeh ond Persepolis Restored: an syn dncentdasyron and. Persian Archaea Cas). 8. The Pri of Portsmouth, French Flests and Enlih Fors (0389) 0 The Tstated Handbook of Arctecre (two vols) (85. 10, Portmowth Protected: A Sepul tthe Pel of Ports Inoue With Notes om Sebastopol and eer Sieger ding the Present War (1856. 1, Noes on the Site of the Holy Sepuleve at Jeraatem ase, 12, History of he Modem Sper of Avcitete (1882). 15) The Mausoleum of Hatlacarasus Restored, Conformity with he remains Peet ascovered (186). 14, Tread Seen Worship: or raion of Mythology ‘and Ar in Indian the First_ond. Fourth Contre fer {Cris from the Sxprares of he Bulls Topes at Sench fou Arrant (18), 15, Rade Stone Moments of Many Lands (187) 16. History of Idan ond Eastern Arhtctire ia t40 vols) (08765 revned’ and tes, with aditons by James Borges and R.Phene Spire (910), fi opel Aste Sey of reat Ble ee eld New ‘ee err (Landon i, FR Al te of Many i aes ‘fin Flin od Cn oe 58 Fara 8 z 5 3 x z OE 5 Bee 208 z a AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. DURING the nine years that have elapied ace 1 Taxt wrote ‘on this subject? very considerable progress has been made in the elucidation of many ofthe robles that stl perp the seadent ofthe History of Indian Avchitectie. The publietion OF the five volumes of General Cusingham's Archeological Reporte” has throws new light on many obacue pointy But generally fiom an archeological rather than frm an acitetural int of view: and Mr Burges’ researches smong the western faves and the structural temples of the Bombay presidency have added greatly not oly to ur stores of information, but to the pression of our knowlege regarding them. For the purpose of auch a work as this however, photo raphy has probably done inre than anything that bas been weten, Theve are dow very few buildings in India—of any Importance at leat—which have not been photographed with sore or lear completeness and for purposes of comparion ch collections of photogrsphe ae are ow availble ae imply invaluable. For detecting similares, or distingashing ies nce: between specimens tasted at dstanes fom one rather, potgsapie are_almast equal to. actal penal Iipecon, and, when sufficiently namerovs, afford a picture Tian at of he tm importce yo tig ulate x “Those new is added to oo previous och of knowles, ace roby att to jy intresting the arehitetre TF RRS Popes ‘n the guaseshaunve manner in which Sy atemptes nthe st oo ages of this work. Ts dsrption ‘Stta eme be easy extend even beyond these ins sae anst plas and mee secure arctectr deal than Se iproert puss any such alone would practically Tacha wey Ue tout was valuable tthe inemation the work aenty crt. Facet wie went Fate nd tant iso pases ano ltainn, bith hse Bere opt write te dae to ring hat ranch ofthe subject up US chotame nage of compltnea hat desing the rch {eit etna Proper, For thi owever, the mater do SESE prsemexbt "Of Japan we know ast thing except feces wt ph manos, dt a Sipt me eer Pekin ad he Teeaty Por, we know amor Eco Chine, We unow's ret dea owt one of to Sings Cd and Joe bi our efomation rearing sitet is agmentny sod compte that bly SLAMS forthe pppenes of gee hry. and the ame SPE Sia thee and Sy Ten year ence his “Tekiecy ay be spi and ey then be posible bing Ge Sgae ia mumonye At resent igh kth inden the entoe poston of ech ad thi relation tothe yes oC tia Proper bal hat can be well acomplsed. Atthugh appearing asthe third volume of the second edition of the “Gare History of Areietre the present ay be Slaadret av an inlpendent apd ego! work In the lat Siuon the Tolan chapters extendel only to about pO page i'n! th mn of he "ode Tice inthe preset vole, more than all the org toarhat been ect, and mousy a ett 600 pages ‘ine preset wor re oignal mate, an 300 stations wp 558, Ween 6 PREFACE. a and these by far the most imporant—have been added. These, withthe new eronologieal and topographical deta, present the subject to the English reader, in & more compact and ‘complete form than has been atempted In any work on Indian fechiteture hitherto published. Te dose not, at I fel aly too keenly, contain all the information that could be desired, bout I'am afraid it contains nearly all that the materiale at preset available will admit of being stile, in a general itary ofthe style When 1 poblihed ay fst work on Indian avcitctre thiny years age, I was reproached for making dogmatic ar tions, and. propounding theories which T didnot even attempt to sartain. ‘The defect was, I am afraid, inevitable. My oncisions were based upon the examination of the actual buildings thoughout the three Presidencies of India and in China during. ten years residence in the Eat, and to bave laced before the world the multtudinous dele which were the ground of my generalisations, would have regsired an ‘additional amount of description and engravings which was ot warranted by the interest fle in the subject at that te, ‘The numerous engravings in the present volume, the extended leterpess, and the references to works of later labourers in the wide domain of Indian architecture, will greatly diminish, bt cannot ently remove, the old objection. No man can lect Bi mind for forty years to the earner investigation of any department of knowiedge, and not become acqotined ‘sth host of partials, and aogire a species of insight which ‘ether tine, nor apace, nor perhape the resurees of Iangvage wil permit him t9 reprodce in their fulness. 1 posts, to ive a single instance, more than ono photographs of Indian buildings with which constant use has made me as familiar 4s with any other object that is perpetually blore my eyes nd to recapitulate all the Information they convey to long. ‘continued srtiny, would be an endless, if not indeed 29 ‘impossible undertaking. The necessities of the case demand PREFACE that brosd results should often be given when the evidence forthe statements mast be meray indicat or greatly aided, tnd ifthe conclusions sometimes go beyond the appended ‘rou, can only ask my readers to believe thatthe assertions fre not speclative fancies, but dedvetione from fact. My fendenvourffom the frst has been fo present © litine view fof the general principles which have governed the Btrial ‘evelopment of Tadian architecture, and my hope ie thatthe tho pursue the subject beyond the pages of the present work, til fd thatthe principles I have enunciated il reduce to Grder the multi detail and thatthe deals i tuen wi toni the principles. Though the vast amount. of fresh Inowisdge which has gone on secumulatng since I commenced my iavestigations har enabled me to correct, madly, até frnlsge my views, yet the cassifeation 1 adopted, and the stoic sequences pointed out thirty years since, Rave ia their exential onlines been confirmed, and will continue, 1 trast, to stand good. Many subsidiary questions remain nate, but’ my impesson i, that not 4 ew of the die ordant opinions that tay be observed aise principally fom the diferent coures which engules have pursued in their investigations. Some men of great eminence and lesring, more conversant with books than buldings, have naturally raw their knowledge and ferences fom writen authorises, ‘one of which are contemporaneous with the events they eat, fand all of which have been avowedly altered and flsifed in Inter times.” My authorities on the contrary, have been ely the imperishable records in the rocks, or on sculptures and carvings, which nessearily represented at the time the faith tnd felngs of those who executed them, and which retain their oxginal impress to this day. In such a county a India, the chisels of her sculptor we, so far a6 T can judge, Tnnmeasirably more to be trasted than the pens of er authors ‘These secondary points however, may well sat the solution srhich time and further study will doubles supply. Inthe ‘meso, [shall have realved = long-chershed dream if T have succonded in populasing the subject by rendering its principles generally inteligite, and can thus give an impulse to is tady, and asst in eetabshing Indian architecture on 4 sable sis, so that it may take its true postion among the other gest. ayles which have ennobled the arts of ‘mankind ‘The publication of thi volume completes the history of, the “Architecture in all counter, fom the carat ties to the prevent day in four volumes; and there it matt at preseat reat. As orgialy projected it was intended to have added 2 fith volume on ‘Rade ‘Stone Monoments’ which ie stil ranted fo make the series quite complete; bot az explained In the preface to my work bearing that tle, the subject tras not when it was written, ripe fora historical treatment, (Ind the mates collected wee consequently ured ia a figumentave essay. Since ht wore war pablisbed, i 1872, fo serious examination ofits arguments bas been undertaken by any competent authority, while every new fact that has ‘ome to light especialy in Indias served to confrm me fmore and. more in the corectness of the peincipes 1 then teed to establish? Unis, homeve, the matter is taken up sesouly, and reexamined by thore who, from thee potion, ‘have the ear of the public in these matters, no such progress will be made a2 would justify the publication ofya second ‘work on the same subject. Teonsequenty se no chance of my (rer having an opportunity of taking up the subject again, fo to be able to deseibe its objects in @ more consecutive ‘more exhaustive manner than wae done im the work jst ailoded 10 oh | Rtn Tan. ‘prieogremce ei 7h Dien PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION ‘Tue late Me Ferguson's ‘History of Indian and astern ‘Ruditecture” has now been before the public for more than {hie yours and was reprinted (without his consent) in Ameren Tee den io 188, and the publishers ued a repent “on His method of treating the subject he bas thut Gocrbed=—= What 1 have seme do ding the ast ‘toy yenr tas been to apply to Tndian Areitetare the se Tne ars! scence wich are wives adopted Mee nly in Engin, bt in every county in Earpe. Sn {he pet of Ricknans “Attempt to drimiat, he Stes of Arttecre in England” in 1817, syle baw een Slowed to sper allots eidenes oF the ag of 457 ding not aly fo Mesa, but in Byeatn, Classica, land inet all other ire sgl, Ray zzz tahet ati. fooking at any archway or any moulding, can sy at once, this ts Norman, or Early English, or Decorated, o Tudor ‘and if amar with the syle tel the date within a few year srethert belongs toa cathedral ora parish core, a dling house of = grange. not of the smallest consequence, nor whetor it belngs to the marvelously elborate gent Byrantine syle ofthe age ofthe Conqueror, orto the prosaic tamenes ofthat of the age of Hlaabeth Owing ots prfct originality asd edom fom all foreign admixture offence, beter these principles ovniverally adopted Un thi ounty, ace even tore spolicable to the Indian ven than to the ate jes to Indian he succesflappiaton of these rnc are ase hoa: no oe ad ae of s ee. . PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. hfe. It was @ stroke of genius to trace out logically the Nistocl sequences of the Hindd monuments and make them tell their owe story by means of those guiding principles which he was the Bet to apply to them, and to eluckate thet applicability io @ manner that has been borne out since with ‘out exception whereter they have been intelligently applied ‘Though descriptions of Indian monuments may be writen in various one could pretend to take up the systematic Study of Indian Architecture without the sid of this work, Sand ne history of the architecture can be scentifelly writen Without appropriating the principles Mr. Ferguson showed how to apply. ‘My close intimacy with Mr. Fergusson for twenty yea and Kowiaige of fit options, may have suggested tat T ‘tight undertake the reveal of Ms. work but, when It wat frst proposed, | war engaged on the prepattion of certain volumes of the Arehzologiel Reports of the Indian Survey that had been entrusted to me and I couldnt then undetake ‘On the appointment of 2 new distor forthe Surveys atthe ‘love of 1901, the materials wore taken ost of my hands and my engagement termined. I was then a liberty to underake the revision ofthe work, and in doing so [naturally depended fon the ike help that bad been forded to Me Ferguson him Seif fm 1875, when the fesorces of the Surveys were xt his Aisporal, But oberoction wns tlsed where i ought haedly to bave been expected and it was du to the good oes ofthe Right Honourable Lord Morey, Seretary of State for Indi, that this was Taqgely overcome. The materials in the India Office were at once iberally placed at my disposal, and the Government of India reqiested to favour the work, hie however, caused delay, and svbsoquent severe iliness has pro tracted the preparation of the work It would have been easy 10 expand this history, bu, It was to anewer its porpore as 4 hundbook, it must obviously be restrict with moderate dimensoas, My im hs bees 1o condense where practicable and, wht revising, to: make 5 PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. ‘only sich additions from the accessible materials accumulated since 1876, as seemed requisite The Archxologieal Surveys have collected wast stores of drawings only a faction of which hasyet bon published. Treellers to, inuenced partly perhape by the interest that Mr, Fergosons volume had crested, have publised works that have added to our information. ‘The grest advances made in Indian Epigraphy and Palio- ‘raphy during the same period have further enabled us to revise fd fix more accurately the dates inthe err chronology of India; but this has not materially afte the authors ehrono- meri sale of arrangement of the monument, fr where the ‘dates have Been somewhat altered, the relative places of the ‘monuments have not equied to be changed,—only they have ‘een better adjusted; and in many eases Me Fergusson, in hie Inter years, had accepted thee coretions "For couch valued aid and information my thanks ae doe {to Me. Heary Cousens, Superintendent of the Wester India, Archeological Cicle; and to Me. Alexander Resf the Madras Ciel, rom both of whom | have received ungrudging ast ance, relative tothe districts under their charge. For Ceylon am greatly indebted to Lord Stanmore and the Colonial Ofee, whilst Mr J. G. Sather, late Govern ‘ent architert, and Mr Hl C. P. Bll, CCS, Archaelogial Commissioner, very kindly have read the prot and supplied important advice and material forthe chapter on the archi tecture ofthe [land owe thinks also for valued help to abo: Monmoban CChakcavart, M.A. relative to Orista; and among others to Me RF. Chshola, FREBA.; Me. H.C. Fanshawe, CSI; Dr. J. F. Pet, CLE.; Profesoe Dr. H. Kem, Utecht; the Rigit Honble Ameer Al; Mr. G.F. Willams State Engineer, Udaypar; Lieut. Fred. M. Bailey, Indian Army; Me. F. H, Anders; De L. D. Barnett and the Rev. Dr Wm. Milan CLE. To Messrs Kegan Paul, Trench, Trabaer and Coy I am indebted for the wie of a number of woodeste ‘The history of Indian Architecture ha been extended from PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION, ” 610 to 785 pages, and the illustrations in the text increased by 98, besides the dition of 34 plates om photographs, ‘The chapters on Further Indi, Java and China have been cited and partly rewritten by Me R. Phené Sper the editor Of Me. Ferguson's larger work, the ‘History of Ancient and ‘Medieval Architecture? published in 1895, Me. Spies has recast these chapters, adding much fresh and important in formation to each, whilst he bas also added a new chapter fon the Architecture of Japan. For ‘Barma, Me Spers has td to depend lagey upon the few works publied daring the last thirty yeas desing the baiidings there fond, on the photographs ia the India Ofice and on the somewhat Imeagre notes contained in the ‘Progress Reports’ of the [Archeological Survey For Cambodia, Siam and Java, on the otber band, were avallable the excelent publiestione of the French Archzologieal ‘Surveys carried out at Best under the supervision of the Reale Franaised'Extetme Osler, and now under the shill dtetion ofthe Arehzolopcal Commission of Indo-China, and of the Java Surveys under the ditetion of the Dutch Government ‘Archaclogiea! Comision, “This section oeapied too pages with 49 woodetts in the former edition; now, with the adion of Japan it has been extended to 163 pages, with 67 woedeate and 31 plate, a J. BURGESS. zest tan an yn ating eam CONTENTS. rreopucrion Pees BOOK 1 suppaIsT aRcirrecrune, ‘creer eam ME ‘eet hap : “en me ron an 1, Rasa Man ta ca Se BOOK 1 ARCHITECTURE IN THE HIMALAYAS 1 teen Mid a conrints BOOK 11 DRAVIDIAN STV eres "isto th Teen BOOK Iv. * CHALURYAN STYLE nee Teag e sae Br Fone DIRECTIONS TO BINDER nen OOH Lecnes Tofu $t os) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN VOLUME 1. ieee 1 angers Sree = {ees pclae SER Gate tom 4 roe a 2. Ve My Tope 3 Resa Bein oe Tope ie Sept Pal om mi ot can cas . mega ome oor fa ere a eomeetn seta ais > Ye LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1 VOLUME 1 Page ge om ea gen a ein ‘seep Viet Drops Pel Dra a Sa gene a eg + ta Ten ee ee ew, Vad Gn Teme i Diane bee Pie Got Fen Pa “Teme Patel eee oe rege i Fae i a ‘fone cates Fie Poe Sapa eg | Bi opt a ra | mv ele o ei | sug erin Stehnang Teo a4) Ec one 29 a Saag eo Teme Sig Tee ag| 2 Sala tocht ge Be | aay vgeict Raed Tole 3 emu rt Fn 307 | 235 coal Caner, Homers se Pa ma pas |e Teo Na 3S | an ta ad Tent 155 /S aevaat g Foch orem 35| ay mega Grae wy| Se peunepanat meni | TE Seis ces hl Pe | af Lisr of HATES TO VOLUME ratty pst tr | nto tn Se |e tee 8 Heese: | BREET ra ee * ae Sl Fettecarings | 3 eaaraaee Me "Ree oe) igre rages tone | cee we ir Samb otWormgs 496 | ats. Cia Pao, Haina“ scieieto | Sl + ca _ LIST OF PLATES TO VOL. 1 ‘ass pn Sr (wow busTnore) “mene o } 4 f \h \ i HISTORY INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. I INTRODUCTION Ir ein vain, perhaps, to expect that the lteratre or the Arts oF any other "peope' can beso, intersting to ever the best Sueatod Eoropeans as those f ther owe country” Unt [Sree on ther attention, few are are how mach edveation Goes to concentrate atenion” within avery tantow eld of Sheeration We become amir inthe erry withthe WE Samscs'efthe heroes of Grek and Roman histone In every ‘Shool thir history snd thelr arts ave taught tems of thelr greatoese tect un at every tm through ie tad thir {ouplts and asprations become, a wer, gst of sarees ‘SS"ton: withthe Miodhe Agee: their celigtn ie oor religion; their architecture our ariteture; and thir Mery dee 0 Insenlby imo pur ow, that we ean draw no tine of demarcae Yon that weald Separate us fom them. How diferente he Sie fing ln eth fas tin ve et ch fod seldom iasteredpevceiy ts Miter (spun: 1 ature a mytive Senin; ia arts aust” perlety But sbove all he names of its heroes and eat ce are 26 Unter ha excepts few of tue who goo India saree) $y cer tec atta wh hey tha hy lop "Were st for ths there probaly no coumry~rauk of [Europe at least-that Would so Well repay attentions Ina rove! ire al the problems of naturel sence or of at ae freentel fo usa go Gtoet snd 20 peatng form, Nowhere Eis nstwe show here im ‘ruch grand aod such Ioxerows t a ae —=— 4 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE, features and nowhere does humanity exist Ia more varied and ‘more pleasing condition,” Sige by side with the insectal Brahe caute and the chivairour Rajpt, ae found he wid ‘Bhat and the paked Good, not antagonistic and warring one guns the wher a8 cherbere, but Ling now ty they ae Spe er tac of ea eh comet i nd prepared flow, without reining, ithe foots af A eather a toate Sm, of cous be for one ment contended hat india over reached the itellectal supremacy of Gree of AE al presto of Rome; thug ona ower Sp of the Ider, rar are ore eignal and more varied and her Keras of cvgation pent an ever-changag variety such st ‘te nowhere else fo be found,” What, however, rail renders Tin So interestag a0 an object of study ir tha is ow living ‘entity. Greece and Rome. are dead and have pasted ‘tray. and we are living so completly inthe midst of modern ope that, we cannot got outade to contemplate ar a Whole" But Inia a complete comes in elf; bounded cn The north by the Himalayan, on the south by the aca on the {2a nies ntti by rade tes andy o the wet ing one doot of communication, tras the Td oper fo ‘hover worl: Aron that sven tation afer nation ave Poured thelr myriads ino her coveted domain, but 0 celle Sos eer mil er peop with tes ond br bandas in consequence ofall tha erecy problem of anthropaogy ox etograpy canbe staded re ore cary than anf ee cvey ar ho ling representative, Sod fe of the frost Plestog. orm every scene has i ilttraton, and ‘many on 2 scale aot eanly matched cacwhore Bt, newt anding al this ming canes ost of ten India ahd Todi tale fall to intrest, beatae they are to most people new fd fair, "The raiment fave tbe maseed when oun and, when grown up few men have the leisure othe {limon i set co work learn the forms ot new word demanding both care and stidy and el his i atlned, ln harly te hoped that the at andthe acti of aia ‘il inert many European readers 10 the stm estent at ihe lr ttl of nthe var on ace sod edie ‘Notwithstanding thse drawback, t may sil be posible to present the subject of lndian architestere in stch's form 15 ibe imeretings eve f not attractive To do his howerey, ein Ei Pn By | Gr Spi, al Pt See ae “ | tie native Gm mgt be lowed a fra i compute stich e wppet. Al wean sn une ae eat SELES Siete Speech toto nd ve Nociiies Tule tert Manton 8 ls ars Oa acer ne bee ees Tica oh Sere at cel teak foo ed nie epoca ay." Wibssprinnay or eeu Sey Heatly eee tht snes elie ote Sho ial enctls any one he was fr are inomatn plow whee oa ar or how fo specs it when found. ties Whee calor gt, sums wel worth while tat an Lee BOGE! Sad! eee pale fi, SUNSREaat deRenae Ge aae al ale lt Gera seg tanr nf mre eae ews ofc rt Sp uy tha hyo egret an eer Sure. Nort Sy oe cbs he abt tact SG The Wetland the an a hs Wer and hed econ itete fom theses Rete Sehr of India ted niger cttaiy 9cear ppt of taal han cli Be ete os ther etre gem, ann that now exh the etalon eh ed uel pen eet of fy iy be ied a ‘elas necessary to unravel zo tangled'a'web as thi, and then io cee Dhl wan ever vayag a tt Say EM tin Swen ie dicen sca Sita sn hea eh ean cge ‘iv igpantn'h hat it geen say iy in the afmative.Novooe ha right to say that he onder Sats te Ubtay of cite oie iene ot re {heats imenn orton‘ che ane, ce ich Be Wp aes af Seb oan scelopment $i, pean ti rhe noo i's ee ocean he pina whiccuas wont seo eatin Ramp vst ana cot te, Cuetec he Set of wae ha flats of Stn there pence of the atin sein Ete a ie cn da wchtectye ped ft ‘anc 20 anomalous and abnormal that fewy if any, have Giline Matec O'atle of deiner o's ateytem, MAP aM at af Sten Sag conf ed pips af cm oe aed tata 2 prec Teton no oni Hot ob tac. Then whe | | 1 6 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. Ihave en opportunity: of saving what perfect, bldings the uneducated natives of Indi produce; wil easly undestand how sucess may be achieve, whale thane who obeerve what fulnethe Te ‘teat ndmost ened reheat ope equently"perpevate may, bya aeady of Indian ‘nodal, easy se why thie mat inevitably be the eal It only lala that the two systsms ca be Seen paced fide by side the educated and itellectaa! Estopean fling Seuss gnc wong the fee and andar fatve se inrittlysuceading because har principles are righ ‘hod biden dnt oy of what they ave dang and low they can best_produce the effet they desi I the Europea sjstem is considered more essential that a balding, xsl i dn Soa he's cae a af samen "Bee than good inf o appropriate to te purpome: hence te ‘ierence fn te eal a In'one other respect Indi afods « singularly fvoursbie Seid to the stadent of architestare Toho lber county of the Same eat arte ay dint vale eae ings ld bel and ts od feng, and mpresting these 0 iteare “There is canzequenty no coutry where the tutlines of sige apie at ca scaly prc othe pplication to the elucidation of the various" problems 2 pre= ‘enc importante den hit the a ba een practised in" Europe forthe Tas tree cntuis hay been ery Evousing. In Toda it clear and ineligible. "No one cok look at te subject wtbout seeing its portance and mo one fa study he ar es practied there witht reoguiing what {he pines a the sone relly ae fn adtion, however, to thee elentfc advantages, twill ndontedly be conceled ‘by thowe who are fala with the abject that for cerain qualities the Indan blding aren faled. They display at exberanee of fancy, lnihneasof Iabous and an elaboration of detail to be fautd nowbse se ‘They inay contain nothing’ so subline as the ball te Karma ‘nothing #0 intellectual as the’ Parthenon, nor 90 coset rand mesial catheial ut fr oan eer chest the Tne angst alone They ‘SSnsequonely Al op a great gep incur knowledge of te Sbjct, which witheut them would remain voids Husrons, One of the greatest difcalis that exit — perhaps the srettestin\exclng. an Sotoret fn Indian antiquities ares perRoDUCTION. 1 frm the fa hat Inia has oo sory propery 20 le Si ian tly Ine cy a Tose ii, Spear lad Engl fe China wt og Haan Pata tol ach eee das he tthe {BS eh beer omeetely ean bt toting SF rer tinal” wie her Godan On he St tar bnorielge ected Ins bas teas Fear Leo ty the or feo firm ars of ong, Sie Sea sapecud ts bee toe In? Gy ofthe stl bas ‘beee. Sqn robbie InEpendet of cactus ha wore SM seer ee kept acai peed bi of Ties edmenty (Edy relltsonn oat SS Tse oy ta read tn wre king, ects IS Sane! suite Hetre ee ff te ey tne and eet hat posse any her so, Eerie dieu nilee “eta: Seer Gelathaond Batman and the cman, {ie frm iterate i heme of at exter ad ne pc lh areal. pet, ha ay wan Conte tat are mow tna to it od the Farinas hoo Soepatted mle ke ups bey of oerse ied with sory ed wai such‘ ee ats canto of Bee Ri toner ae the two great enc suring Ren fat eco afen co Sr Leah arhan a pce extending theogh «lone Seabbot years "Tuaddition fo these we have treaties on law, ere ceane, ca ttaehy se aad malate Se ee ental sees Mente coed as ean toad rks bat oa hint ose een elhey iene "Nong i acetal fr senate th ic enng teers tone Mi teP pet the evs experince of oes apd i wan ‘ot cl sbory before Ife els re hat thy hough ot Meade ea ant ate des eves “All ths the more curious because in Ceylon we ave, in seen Secunda bok of ike ate, eons sages HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. consecutive sory of that joland, with dates whieh, with {ein econ may eden” won in en limits of coe, for potiode exichaing. fom about MC. 350 te the present tine’ At the other extremity of Indo, ne Ibe io in the" Rajatarangnis of Kashmir, wor of the 13th centuy, which Profser' Wison characterised as “the only, Sanat composition yet dacovere to which the te of Hsory can with any” propeety be applied ”* Tt hardly ipa ‘es, however, to "any" ancient Notareal dat, teary ‘hronslgy tng Snly traditional and conse bok rey the ‘ainsi of the 9th Christian century, He materials ae of gaint Tn India Proper, however, we have no sich guides az even teas but fo ten history Sr almost wholly dependent on the Farinas They fami ue with 2 of king sma {he leat eign, 20 appeal tah hat hey ay, Tage of dynasties probably also” sometimes contemporary ‘Ruka xtand only fm the accion of Chandragypla-the Sendo ote Greakenatt Re mY te Sr of Ie’ seome posible te may yet tod sullen coniemation of these tee far back se the 6th contr ney 20 ao include the prod arte by de ie and ators of Stigamn—ibe Ist haddha-in our chronology, with tolerable certainty. All ‘hronclogy Delo that period ia ax yet mercy conectars From the period of the" Gupta dymasty the’ 4h cantury fonvardn, wen the Parse bogan fo be put into tir present {tem in consnquece ofthe real of thet Brabmanicl *higicn, instead of eourding contportry erent ty Pept? Sef hao aoa tha pene phe ‘character, and prevent the detertion of te falsehood of thle ‘tam to in anluiy ena to that of the Vea "Forladian Maton altar the suhcentary we are consequenty eft mainly to inscriptions on manments ron copper platen, © fon ad to the works of oregnes for the necetary informs fon th whieh the eaves of the counay ie have aglected ‘nt Wan, petbapin any other county, and ney alo thr cata hatrkal infreation and thas to the rest ‘sivances ade In epigraphy during the last thy Sve year ‘ree now abe to ple gue erly secarate hol en eee a pte an a Wee \ | INTRODUCTION. q ‘outline f the cours of event fom the yd centory Bc This {Sino erpecaly thease forthe Detar and thenarth of Tala ln‘te Tai country so mock as nt et been done, but this fore because there have oon fewer labourers in the field than fom want of materala There are Iteraly thoussnds_ of [tocipons ithe south: whieh have not ben coped and of thve that have bese collected only 2 portion have et bee translated; but they are nach as to give us asurance that, when the rouldie amount of abou ie beatoned pon ther, we shall I i te henley of he ng 0 he sath with = res of cartainy sufi for al orbnarypurpoves* Sete oa armor ail tack to sscorce wbether we shall yer ecver the History of India before the time of the advent ‘tibadaha. Tee me certainly wil nd wo clas or inscriptions 1 guides, and no buings to iluseate the arto or to mark ‘he pontin of za while al ethnographle taes have become So blorea, no obliterated that they sere ae ite as guides ‘heough the ubyrnth, Wet o the other hand there so much Iteratare=sur aus earing on the aubjrthat we, cannot bt Rope tat waen safer amount of learning i brought Shea? pon te alin errno he bistory tee, tht fod. tay be recovered. tn ordet, however, to render it [faiabi wil ot ogre indy so much os a severe spit ‘SFertichn ty winnow te few gai of tata tath out of the smart daeneratare contain “uf dome at ‘Soin too much to export even thin fom the severely cial ‘int of te age." Mesnwhie the mala fet ofthe ease see fo eiteny as fllony insofar art pecemnry to state the ‘Sider to make wha flows tli Anvans, tsar rat pro in te wee into the As ox Ryn SSF 8 Ss scien ee Foie ba ee ieee ‘Behind Sot aoe Pe | SE ne Mel ire | a Cw -7-- es, Ae l2 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE sf ac Un i on sero scr tts ee om at SS pleas ier eae eine pedesinsiders Gees apt Seeley ete ae eee we Seep rene eh at eamigh sa ey ay ‘explants of Rima, King of Ayodiys, ofthe Salar vac and Shepiatacaae ata eS fhe perio to wich sles that te doll whet Neca SESE ree deans daytoe Sneha tea enay wes Paty oe eel htt ent aha a SRR ee he er ae eg i ar en Bat Beatacnyd pe etecietc'aber Att hat simone of Brabiasioa which eventually pervaded the Sy ee oa ee wlan ne el cacao ‘ntl new view of Indan social hfe. If the horses of that ‘fam those who compued the songs of the, Vell or are Soe Ser ea ee Sie eee rps eg Srcbvie rinse re te oi ne a a, Tacos oetace INTRODUCTION. gemeno@ or the Aryan stock in Central Asia. We ate tempted to ask wieter the Pinduvas who conquered the great str, were Tota coafaracy of hose tbe headed by a band of warriors ff mised or nonsAryan descent.” "Their helper and counsellor, etn, fa vnty-anenown to the ey” Aryans, and with him asa incarnation of Veh, the Siva and Brahma of oder UHindiwsm take the pace of he older gods. Arif to mane the litem’ of wish fhe ware toners fc he exten, ‘ey distagued themselves, by name, ab belonging to tar rae, estine from, and generally antagonist to. the Solar rae, whieh wat the proud ditinetion of the pure and ule Aan ster Tndla By aboot ues 7ap me again finda totally diferent state of sures in Toda” The Aryans mo longer est a6 a. separate ‘alonalty, and nether the Soe norsthe Lunar tace’are the « fer of ihe earth. “The Bethmane have berome priestly (stand shire the power with the Kehateiyay a face of arise penbgetsescent Te attyan te mercanaodhstandnen re become'a power, anderen the Sodras ae acknowledged e's port of the body policy apd Bhough not mentioned in the’ Spores she Wigas, of ‘Snake people, had become at IMloenil pt ofthe pepelaton, "They art at"menoned In the Mabathirat where they ply m mort fmportant part in husng the death of Parka which lod to the gest sacrifice forthe desaction ofthe Nagar of Talshadlt by Janamelaya, whi pracy clos he hstny of the tie, Desoyed omever they were not for we Sd Naga dynasties rullog it ‘Srous parts Contral fed and Rajpulapa fom ‘the. 7th etary ee ila er the ath century A “ARhough Buddhism was fet tush probably by one belong ‘ng to the Solar race and Ayan bloc, ad though ft Fee ‘itipies were Brahmnn it had atl ty with the religion tft Vedas at Chrtanity had with the Petatuch and fefate Sesh Sime Theone roll ws taugh by on of Jens ex Theo othe Jens; ut Ress ultimately rejected by them an “ESped by he Cente: balsa afl ae o eign withthe habitants of Juca, Thowgh meant originalyy no ‘oak for Ayana he Bait cligion was ulate rejected iprthe Brahmans who were conseqventy ceipaed and persed Uy ior nearly thousand years and ie bear te of them and "Bek religion i they ise agains the curt of the great Gupta =, f+ HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. ings nthe gth century Ap» when thee elglon bogan to ‘stim that range shape Which i now sil retains in India Imite now frm It at ulve the religion of the Vedas ait posible to conceive one religion being to another: unite tat ito the older portoos of the Mahbnirata; but a conured Imei of local superstitions and imported mvt, covering op and Blsng the Vedantc and Tiaddhi dogtines which may tome times be detected underlying ft - Whatever be, however, it tea invented by ard for as mined a popaton a prabably were ‘rer grthered together ato ane sountey-a pepe whee ecngs {od Sipeauont only to rly represen Dravioians Ate er. tel sow ni polltashyhetne esheets meh ce Ea a ay oS Aa an aby feito tence te te tre Son tznererinaricincen ear Surber salt eft Sccnaricccore', Te Piay tte PR ueienems Shependy trace ae Sr PRAcrirndh hy tay et gelesen BK nih Moc Gry kre pees Seimei pot thant al a wb ae Seacecmiicrs Searrata snd cae ncrace S e seesakee rte eae ce tener aiars Segall ee Sak Mt SE Gsea Gites eta i Sees et ay Seg ay were at ao oe Boe a Sune Pincha en ee sbi egie ferns at cae SESE rue aay eae a Serupntetmcon ceed ls ae Eq Wtriiayre das orn SSO ee SRO Pear ara pote les ber oy eg a ely Cee Nn race erRoDUCTioN. 8 probaly not fr (rom Madi or Tenor, and thence spread: Fig frie toward the north ll they met the Aryans in a sorry Dekh The ghtion etn et oP much Importance for our present purposes, as we. Go not know %0 wa dagece of ivileation they had reached anterioe tothe Ghrstian Era ox'when they mere fst able to practie the arte Eel inh acs rg ham ihn te fr may be that at some future period, when we know more ofthe ansent arts of thee Dravidins than we now G0 s0me fea ight may be thrown on this very obscure prt Of hist Ceopaftiely, however, on ting seems tlertly clear TE the Dravidians came into India historia times it was not fom Central Acta that ey” migrated, but fom Pes, or some [Bathe sopion of the Asatic continent Dass {In aldition to these two reat distinct and opposite nations lites there exits in din stir, wih in pre Badahin times, tear is numerous, pecans even more 5 than ether the Aryans rhe Drvidanibut of whore history we know eve less than ‘e'do ofthe two others Ethgologts have not agrend on a ‘ine by which to cal them. I have suggested Dasyun? a slave peoplevss that tthe nate by which te Aryans dergnated pi te Why When thc canes ne in and subyested them to thee sway’ Poaiby they were iy of Mango Titetan origin and pary Uy may have been ‘Sine ace ale tothe Drtidans, and now represented by Goede ii ee ieee Se Dusyus, however, were not mere barbarians had towne, sod caus of Mt usta partial cluaton they fad lade’ or chits possessed of tong foiled fetes, and they posscised teaser of gold and rich jewel! Weer they fere they sccm to have been 8 people Of leer intelectual aptly, less muir, and est ented than thelr invaders ‘When tie Aryan fst ‘ertered Indi they sem to have found {hein octupylag the whole valley of the Ganges the whole EES pettipmen pond! | poe en HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE im act between, the Vindbya and the Himalaya oantuing ‘At presen thoy ae aly ond in sything purty inthe: moantrin regen that bound tht get plan ‘There they ire known ae Bh, Gondo, Kandi, Munda, rions, Hos Kota, Sante, Nagas and sther mountala aad feet” at iy cen ea te lowe andeing {81 um of the population over the whole ofthe Gangete plait Se sa hi aint bec sae, tar wi the trang- Himalayan popelaion ai ether 4 tht the ntered Tai through the pases of hat great mountaln ange, grit might be more conde to say tha the Tibeans aa Ffagmant of gree popalaion that deupied oth the nother fed outers Spe tht grat sui of hile at some sry Femoie preistode Une ‘Whoever they were they were the people who, in emote times, were apparently the wuahippers of Tres and Serpents bat whae iterets'ue'more in thorn, and makes the Soguisy Into thee history tore deaeble, that washer te pusple were largely of his aboriginal toc: that sen ecm co have been tpost readily adopt snd iti largely ‘ong alos racce that Wisi adhered ta. In Coon, ‘Tibet Burma, Slam, and Chine™nherever a people alicd te the Rng Teta oy xi there bath Rorted Sndvatll prevails But in’ End's revival of Drahmaaien abe fe "Architecturally, there sno dificuty in dein the limits of the Dasyu provinee: wherever a square towerdike temple exists tiv perpendicular has, but 4 seinen ole ove such rthat ahown inthe woodest (No. there we may fs! Stain {tthe existence, pas oe presen of poopie of Dag exirae- lon" Novone ca acca the pire Aryans of nroducng this foem int Fadia or of balding fempien a al or of worshiping itages of Siva or Vishay wih which these temple ae fl hath consegenty hae te tie to confer ter name'on the sea °The ‘Aryias had however, Secome so impure it ‘ood before thea tomplee were steed and wares ixed Up withthe. aboriginal tikes shone operons had so [fuanced ther vligi and their nes that they acepted the teroies with ther gods. "ets ask may, one thing scene folerabiy"clear, thatthe regions ocvpicd bythe Aras In Faia were conterminous wih those ofthe. Dass on, in theorist th cane Conquered the whe of the Tai a ruled over them to such an extent Se mately To iwtopuerion. s {noence their religion and ther arts, and soo very materia ‘Diwaly even es Tagunge,"'So mucho ndac a ah See fous thousand years at domination we shold. not be ‘orpied if ve have tome siieuliy in recverng trate of ideT"orginat"popoltion, and. could probabiy not dos, Sf Some fragment of the peoplehad ast sought efoge In the iil on the north and south of the great Gangetic pln, and there have retained fostlacdor at lest suficely permanent for purposes of tvestigation. SuisuNAcA DyNasre, ABOUT NC. 650 70 318 Leaving these, which aust, for the present atleast te comida rata prereShwe be on ee Sind 'Govoted hs, eto solve She problem of suferng” and ni, There acme i Fn dwn a hne'wnr bors shout the "year 3, tughe during the righ the fith king of the Seana dyassty, and died e420! atthe age ol Sighty inthe eighth yer of Aaratry, the finch ing "New sorecs of saformation rogering the 16 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE, limes are opening out, and we may before long be able te ecover fay subente acount & the pola evens t that period, and as perfect a plcture of th manners tn the som of che" dija Te too ee, howesee ha take tho wrote the bicgraphy of Duseha i robeoqent ager ‘weld the aratve of his Ie with fables an8 absurd, {Betti tow dies separate the whet em the hal ot his death st ch tne we tay fay asus thas pret {tation may have prevalcd From what has aeady occ, wre may hope to cizp even farther bas than they si event {liye gd ‘cary urratone which wil enable to exccec ‘olbotnd's caisson the books az to enable us to rexore te eof Daddha to ruch an extent at 16 place i on ¢ bade ot roi istrict Tmense progres has been made during the lst Sty ot sixty years in inveigeting the orgie of Bdahiom, and the rozadaton of ft doctrines In Inde, and in communicating eile npc! to he po Earp Maw, bows fren remsine to be dove before the story complet and ‘Gece ot al the sbnuries which subsequent commentators Ihave heaped upon it Stil, the lading events Gn the fe of the founder ofthe elgon ave sme al now sfiley well ‘Seertned forall retical porperes! “Te founder of thie relifion wae claimed by tradition ar one of the last of along’ of Kings, known’ a the Slat ‘Spnartin wh, from a period thory tsbzequent to the advent ofthe Aryan into Tad ad held paramount say In Ayodhya Stine modern Oud About te thor Tsth conury RO they were soperseed by another race of mach len purly Aryan iowa, mown of the Lunar ace, who tranaferrel th seat of et to capt staat inthe northern pars ofthe Dose Bove radon of the soy) bel of Sif cat badly be sustained storie seems t9 have, been bom a Racinasta, atthe fot of he Hinslavan, a8 the son of SSeS. Poet Eee rae aE ag nrropuctioN. ” 4 ply chiet For twenty-nine years he is eepesented as Enjoying the plessren and flowing the eccupatiens sl to ‘terres at nk a emt, at tat ag, bmn nfl impress bythe iery incident to human existence i detraiad fo devote the rst of his ie fo an atempt ts llavste itor ths purpose be forsook his parents and wie sbandoned ends and the advantages oft positon, {India the Tellowingfffy years devoted hiself sek € fhe’ tak he had rt belt binsll eur were spent in the teitation and morifestion supposed to" be. necessary {2 6 him for fir msion the fest of his Tong "le was deve tata on ey to tng Sd ‘fect tr diseminate the coctrtes whith he beleved were for rgineste the world, and take the sting out of human TT did, on ig the phrseology of his follomer, entered [Ninna or Pavinivina.© was. aborbed into nolungeess == St" Kouint in the eighsith year of hs age, about 480 HR the ifomation that bas seca sind, te subject, tere soem no great difiealty in suemisig why th ‘ison of Sblgamont was so succestfal as ft proved to be re was born in an age when the purty of the Aryan race, capecyin eastern Ladin had. become s0 deteerted bf Infermicture with aborigines, and wih fess pure tebe comin from the north, thatthe Power, nq) consequently the Sitnctive Inesnce was fang sa, At that tie, to, the ‘ative an ined race Had sequel each a dees of i ‘tion auld” them f claim something Tike equality with their ryan mates In sch condition of tings the’ preacher et sure of ailing audience who ignored cate, and taught {TSS ot fhe atin dr Ra al ie Trcaching happiness ad imately Sv by the practice Sinue? int went be dalivered fom the wearisome bondage rial or taste observances and the depesiog prospect of Irerminable Wansmigrstins Abrigtal or Turion ‘Dany ape evermore ready than the mixed Aryans, would Cain's eee gay he me We pe thin Babsy Aryans ss (ora Hime se feast overshadowed abd obscure Tie by no nean clear bow far Buddha was sucess in sonvertng the motstade to hs docteines dure hi ifetine. ‘AUR deny the fst synod or eounel Was beld at Rijagrba, Sd ve hupdeed monks of 8 super onde, ts sid, were SSS ssembled thereon that oceaton# and if so they must have feprorented a grest melds, But the accounts of and of ‘Second convseaton sid, bythe southern Duda to ave ‘esr eis ov handed are herr Vly ae deat futon” Indeed he wl analy of he Sunige any ‘Eom the death of Budsha tithe acesion, of Cheodragupt, ‘Grn 930, are aboot the leat Salsscioy ofthe tie, howe {2 Ceyidn ware fslufed inorder to mat the landing of Vays, he sllged fret conqueror from Kling cinedeat with toe ‘te of Buddha's death whe a perod ef some length elapsed ieteei hero crepe We ate spas avery aly ‘ecer ineripisns* and sealpares Slcnging to TS period, fe Songh mont improtabie we tall one ayaa fectural femsing, hee. poseibly wateids exng which, ‘when atlned, may slice forthe Porpoee _ “The kings of this dynasty seem Lo have ben considered ax of low ease and here not consegsersy in favor either with {he Brahman ora that ime, with the Badhiet and no events ‘whieh soem tobe ben thought werhy of being remembers, {reept the tecond concoation=-the fact of whic is doubt Se rocorded se happening in tu selgns afer the death of the (peat Arcsticon all rents of Sing fecordd in sash salt Eve possess. MAURYA DYNASTY, 8. 320-70 180 “The case was widely diferent with the Maurya dynasty, which was eertnly one of the most brian, andi ottnately Une a the bent gem: of the ance dynastia of Todi isting was Chandragopa, te Sandtoeotton of the Gres, to "Rn lof ei ge gu of a Na “i etaatde Catan | ore pata Nea Soho oe Sips tact | hoy At eek Pe eee eee inrkopucrion. » hots Megasthenes was set ax ambassador by Seleukot, the ‘ecewor of Aloetnder in the westem: parts of his Auiatie fis tom his naratve “now ante sla ‘he Gres argued almost all the kmowiedge they fowesed of India a that prod" coon wus then, GIG to ‘lle prscpaies, Gut Ge Mecryn eeding in Palo (Pialpss)—the mider Pitna-scems to have exercaed 3 mutt sway qver the whole, Ie mas not however this bath undone great Arca fo 25), eho ‘Thou uieriy unknown tothe Greeks, we have fom native soures x more complete picture of the incidents of is reign {har of sry ancint vovetgn of Indias ‘The gest erent tht sae ina in Hatin ny wan Be conven ‘Chis now ligion He aids in" ct) fr Beds, what Constantine di foe Chltaiy, and at about the sme distance (Fle fem thedeath ofthe founder of the th From 3 Seog “ect bee ie religion, the Site and ‘aalincd ion the bass on which ted gupetne for ary {ooo years order to sender his subjects feria th oetines of hi new fit, he eaused seis of ects embody: ng them to be cagraved on rorke near Peshiar in Gujrat, the val fhe in nde he nals Hasna nd’ Gani, in Mysore, and other places He held 2 great envocation oe cone ofthe faith iw his eaptl at Pulte, Saori dsolation, misorarea were sent 49 spread the Felgion inthe Vavana cour, whose captal wap Alexandea, eat the present ey of Kiba! Others were deepatehed to Kashmie dnd Gandhdra; ope wae sent tothe Tlimawanta=ahe alleys of the Himilya and powsbly part of ‘bet others Were deapateed to the shirt county, and to Mysore to ivanin Kanara, and to Aparatake ot the aorth Konkan, Tuo" msunans tere Senet Suearabhim now iow Tat tthe Stang river, Peg andy dion say his ‘he Nan daughter were puted to" Cayiont All hase “ches fateh might "be called fre, were thee eughtS be converted to the fat He seo fred alias swith Antobhow the Great “Antigonos, snd withFtleny Pladlpon, Alexander of Epeiro and Magne of Cyrene, es ae — for the establsment of hoopitale and the protection of i Srila inthe cunt "Ne th he ba ‘oantry and, ough none of hove now existing can postvely SL ae a le aay yt hema Ah Bharutthe exter at Barbar a Bihar, some of those at Uidayagi i Rata and the oldest of those the Western {Gite tere al eesed or exeayated daring te existence of hit ‘dynasty if ot under himelé ‘Those, th tueripong and ‘ech icine sexist makeup a masrof mater for = pctre [tTndia doing this yan sch as no other can present and, Sows altheyofler complete representation of the relia Forms and tei ofthe Langs and peopl, which render any Imatake regarding them imporeble! Ie as, Buddhism, ba ‘thou «chad add, sd with Tree and Serpent worship ‘loppng up in every wnexperted comer. Hite cetainy no dpoasy in te whole range of ancient Iodia history that_wosld. beter repay tbe labour “of at exhausve vestigation than thst ofthese” Marys Lge Not only were tay the fet dn histodeal timer wha, co ke 'e iow, ited near the whale of Tndia Ino one geeat opin hy wre praca sew wh came eta Sl Eton ln ad Wee otis Mae fan St this dynasty that Budahisin from being the religion of a Shurure tt orame, at one time, the ceed” of large a [proportion sf the huts ree and infuenced the bel an he ort felngs of each malttides of men in Ast, Tt isto ts dgtyrand to ony, that must be applied all those jusses ip clase authors whieh Genre the nterol at aan yar neither ew nor signbeant Though the Hinds themsclocs cannot be sid fo have contibted mach iirythy have given oni thes Made Rakshasay pote Teves of he causes o the revelation that placed the Masryas rhe roe pain ae alt own arn ‘ioply swith peter suthende estemporary account {ecliios fh aed fesigs ofthe period; wile he nermerons Bessel of the rile at Rod Caya sid Bharat ard Pitre ofthe anna cattoms, abd! estames ofthe day ad 3 eee by which we eah smtcure their are satu sj Foetal at was igen bow far inucnced ty frees ements. The dates of the age of this dynasty ae also Soproxinat}y know and the whole ftmewosk of thee Retry ‘pends so erpletaly on conterapoary native omuments that thse need be ne real uncertainty fegaing my of te cuties tthe pure when once the subject Is ily grarped and hraughiy handles Ta te est sont we have rm wich to nde of lia easton and try, wheter looking to the past 9 10 theft aad eon he os ney, ig a of the ‘niton si which the Madge fad arrived ele they came fratciy ita contact withthe cvzation of the West SuNGA Dveasre, ne. 180 70 Hanwivana DVASTY, RE 90 70 36 istry afols ws tile beyond the lengths of the ings” seu forthe next two dynaien, swe are obliged fo, Wisk tothe geveraleoostnsr wth nhich there are recorded ia the Feria y dgreh ee cling ineripins nd we Isbin hate her appeared only = dey of fume’ Tenby the Kneis hd ueurped the power of the Sima, ao tha tw faies may have bear mally on empurry duro the period anngned tothe late, a0 that Il came to. attend about 40 RC. Anyhow we gow that the Andbat hal ea to power a the decline ofthe Maurya ete dynasties wre ok however apparently ktown tthe Grek nd psy being adi ar psd over incom fri sete inthe Pera Ie is thus only fom Shee ‘monuments that we can hope to rcover thee Beton” "Ug to the present time the ost important fnsrption dacovere i tics prince Dhanabhats who "in the te ofthe Songes ‘recta futeway at the Baraat sips Amina Dexasty, anotr Re. 170 70 An. 20. “The dynasty that ruled the Dekhan at eat, contemporary with these Rott fuinconts e-=lter the Maunjas=—the most linpotent ofall hove about the period of Indian Mistery, "To {hoch author: they are own ax the Ande ia the Partnas a Andhvabhriyas a a he nsctiptins ne Setakarnis or" Satavahansey but under whatever name, rotwitistanding ‘cantonal periods of daprestion, they played most important in the history of esi ing ore than for centres. sy were a Southlndian dynasty, fest mentioned in & Aqones eaeace ome 2s HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE, Hamsgt incipient ue fy Tat cpl a Season sat Ge, Ta haat Bebe ie Rar enh oe, Anu en de te Bd aed ae eres Cote to ait wd a okies rs coh el ee rym on tr hare i Same ox Saesernt, M teie hegeey Sees ciel aan age Me Sate sre des hr ot Sua see ee ad eee Cae feat oes Sar Seat iar deat ly LN es er paki Hecanerurans Seung es ate Ke ea te ee ce rps tp a iy ie jars hel lee vee Als Seretade a hace Ete ee il Seas en 9 oe ree ae ere Hees sie hacer eammot int Heat Siesta iene a eg ee ere misera dese otra cht Han SE ole, ana, eo Sere Tee agg EPeeni nin? me Beehite Gece ee Segal Eq ‘ope | RUS Bee ety erRopucriox. a introduced by Nigirjsna—a change similar to tat made rego the Grea ren he lied the Church oped ramitive forms of Chrsianity, at about te sme di {nce oftime rom the death of the fossdarafabeetgion Tie nwoetion was pros held about RE. go. Cera atleast Win that "wad about of very soon afer, tha tine. at Hhadiism ‘ea fist practically frodced ‘nto Chins, Tibet, and ura, spd apparently by missionaries sent out om his ‘ey ete om the Asoka Gnvocaton Kowarearas oF KATanAWAR, AD, 130 70388, UrTAS, 320 70 ABOUT 836 Vatamiid, anor eo 18 770, ‘The Andbvas disappear frm history ealy fm the 3rd serra Ranta ah Cat ell ery in the net ty the ‘Gupta dypany who, af the end of the ath century of ve ta, tem to have” attained to the_pesion of fod ‘arenes tr nonhern india” They date ei isciptiong, Ithch are numero and interesting. fom an era steed Sinder the third ‘king, Samucragupts,"sbout 380" that the realy uated the ore of ncrthers Indl wich they red th det Sung, abate yur ‘Ices dorng the age of the Gupta that Fal Hin vised India {AD. 400k Ar he objets im Sing 20 were entirely of sTrligioas mature, be dows fot allude to woudly polite, ne Siete a Mags name ne ein identi Sa the pe we {aras the country is concer, and of suprembcy generally fochieveligon. Heretics weir ron mentioned ocssonally, bau theyre few and far Between. Buddhism as then the Telcom of the north, Gpecliy in he northwest of India: ateven then there were symptoms of change in the ental ries A uting parte ety ee iti during ther rule tt we frst pocsive in high places the ems of That change which was gradually creping ovet the felgious system of Indi” That the Guptas were pot Ika woh mye ited fromthe ge at ‘Amaraesedata, a0 ier af Chandragupta Il, made to the rc st tb BJ ee | Ring Gy wa 24 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE spa at Sachi in the year 0, 412, and recorded on the rail ‘rat Monument, bot their other inscriptions, om the Tas at ‘Altabads Junagadh and Bhitar, sbow deeded tendency ‘Sear Hinges ofthe Vaihnata for, bat whch wa {ar removed fom th wld extravagancer of he Puranas. ‘There Ren le ent the outa Era andthe bigs EES aon oth day a recone eng the Slee othe way el tps fo Indl, Geen to ‘eve religion, wikh was thew ratings ed in dfanee Bude From is cole and ncriptions we ay el cal that the Guptas posuned, when in the. Plentude of ticle power the whole of nohern inca withthe province of Gujete et few the bats of Samadragupta (370 80) on the Alababad Pllur were jscd ts by no mana cea Ut faction Cylons roger it or up to the Borde of Ach and Nepal secre nbc to Weir way.” However rlant may bave been, Ther power was of short duration Gujart, wit athe, {fom bout. san was ld by the Mattalas of Valnbh, at fret an feodatvas of the Goptat, but, arte paramount power ‘ecineds the Valbt hiss radoaly assumed independence, Sed founded a separate kingdom whi sometimes included ‘ester Mang, and lasted ito the mile of the fl xray. ‘hag es eens ne in ofthe Gara ta change wat creeping ver the religious Beit of lala, fas fot then thatthe blow was strc which eventual proved {an bt by'sdynary which suceeded them in Cente Fda ‘Tue Sucru Cewruny aN AFTER “The Gupta power seems to have given way before the inroads of Skas'or Hus, chilly dee Toramana and ison Mibvakla, who stecesded birt about srg and was a biter Dorscator ofthe Bishi in the NorthWest. "A chlton eormedsguat hin and under Yasodharman of Uijin he tres tonally defeated about 30.” At this period the "Raji rangi" deserter Vikram Harsha ot Ujjain as see soverezn of India the destroyer of the Sakas,atd patron of ports who placed Matigupea on the tivone of Kasbake” Te EPgcslle hat this Vansdharman and Vleemadi are only Dirudar or ties of the same sovereign, eho. may have ted {I'SG0 or thereabouts! Further, the period seams to suggest ee ig Be | eee INTRODUCTION, that this may have been that Vikramaditya, wo, ‘by al ap te, ha caret ahaa ea lect Sra set Ipc te Shar EE eS Tat Pel a epee SPATE pet a 2s Spel pee Weer pie ig Gees len a ate ieee sapere oaer a hs Seton Caritas SSO Gon eae ee SCUIRENESMh ingpst fhe Boas eos hat pero, Hi raceetao, Pratpada Sistas eign woud fll about the end of the eth eenury, apd. be is spoken of by Torn inti pret! Ne Seeith t Eethcries Saha iene aa see Sekar aS shales 0° faa aha See Tot abn of the pnt cy aera ho ed of molded ae ane aah spe Soe say eae pce at Soy Gah hee Seer at ‘Country. {e’was during’ fs reign that the Chinese pulgrmn, FR rg el ee cP me a Soi are arms or Reames tae Scenes racer na as rc a SSN ge ie cr (ote BL EP chi Catena Gage Eek taees a hiher gates oie Soeur eer cigar a Ee ane rare aes Mae fs pir cn “fue Sal Seach 8, Sigs | Ri ee eas es sist | Pei ound ao Se Raa tt ach acaoe | bat Sp Eo ey 26 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE, tpt ry enya Imaguieance and iberlty of the great king we Fe aero gieewte he cama ih ia in vessbchna a iing into i et eas tat rears ood, ACfordngly we Bd tha ten years afer death sf ievoie erence heck Fadia not to be rane again Yor nearly thee Centres Tt Se Wade Grea hehe Se hel ae Sous tents of thee Sear in noc etal hat no eer foe ould have crossed the rver during that period. If ie peed aioe aoe nee a ae ee BA, Scar ae nae See cmon eae A an tea a manta NNarbad, bot afer that we loseal ght of them for more than Sia hse Sassen Hea aaah cr ares Ee Rho sass a es es TrRODUCTION. " what happened or not. It is auficient for present purpose Kinow that sbout the mide of the Sth century a Sark coud sed ovr thane of I ard ht rig the ent {Entree she wa torn topics by internal trouble, which ire ie noting bot negiine eldece of ther exitnce. During that pertad the Rictrakdes lange in the. Deca, having orertirown. the” Wester Chalukyes, extended theit minions from the Vindhyse fo" the” Tangabbadrt end Serna "rverg inet even farther south, waging. war with ‘the Cas But after fly two contries of sccesfl damian” ton thay pee overthrow in 973 by the inter Chakras of Mahara. Ta the north wre’ number of smaler Kingdoms asthe Chandela in Bondelthand, the Kealachoris oF Chet, the Paramaras of Malwa, the Palas of Bengal ete. ‘When lige agatn appens in he middle of the to eatuy the ae wey chang. Bahn hl ena Hingered on i’ Bengal ed iio bad supplanted in mot acer: but the mass of the people had become flowers of Gish or Sa.”"New dyrasies had arisen which, though they tte trace ther lineage back 40 the oublous es ‘ston ‘Walabh tel, were new'to Indian history. Old India Tid passed away, andthe history of movers India was about tevopen. The’ id dynasties had. become etic snd the Rajput races "were. gay stepping, forward to assume their fines "io sion, Say! fo" engaged in = leo deh at Vedas has over hoc ft was a crcl Nemes het Be ios onthe Boh snl on have ten fh on the rks the Chaghar in 1193, whic prety Id india atthe exe of the Asli invider, and, changed the whole course of her sequent cqeer But as hinted ses arene of he ony on he or fore be frther pune in his introduction. rom the above bref sketch of ancient Indian story it ‘ay be gaered that i ix doubtfol whether we sll ever Be ‘Tz to athe wih sold fe the shtleton of history wach fe Mine pouese anterior to the advent of Baddha. 1 ir ako ‘hat plows feuds may have so confsed the sequence fyentebeoecen his death thd the vse Of the Marva that a et 28 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE there wil be great dticlty in restoring that period to any ‘hig Te cotictenns at. fr Sho thousand year that tape! betwee the rvenge of Chanabya" and ‘eal a ‘Vlei he uci tpl and bet alent ity 2s iter elastic iene ete doubt that he ell my be made dears nthe I does et il Ii th ape fis won to atop sch a tacky bat it Eiteceaye eneeour ro make iy fancy Gut tis telog done what ows il bs ceany waite, slate fame te one ofthe pinch seo ti work Ft point oat how the sche which one portant irae oi erdece athe test sine ea hae fo the TSehing of Histyr ny be brug te bate on'the sujet TNo direct evdtoce however desired only ffom events that cure tr nda tsa waa ste fo rake the prenomens SRT hot taking it acu the nese ‘rigons 2 eibe tnd pops oi all ageco ft as me Kenom, poured across the indus fom the westward 6 occupy Boric pts ‘Ar mentioned shove, the great miter fat thet explain atmos we Eno ft snl May feds ao legge tonto thosand yrs more bre he bith of Ch 3 Site Speatiogaton migrated om the tallest the ‘Gxasand jhcartet! "Phy cet the Tada in Suc sombers Sto tmpom even snd tht nguage othe whol the tof ei and thi ouch an ete ncsealy {2 ohtnte ar rar ‘sty is conte, te egal Inhabitants of the valley of tie Ganges whoever they ay ite bore, ‘At thetic when the grey tuk mace the toners _caaton of Cental Aleeoe eocenbaad oh rover Euphtes tod Ge Rabun Capi sort sooat teh etened sos the Karan doer (beaten “here cnsgenly, wen Hai ad oda wa oem and nas might pat and seaaebetacen the to ces “Tih o eton om any ee pope i any of the anlent dynasties of Babylona extended ther sores nude Ba vt ao the ot of Gr, isms morhua ante above, thatthe nga of he rasa maybe und arong sme ofthe Foren fogs ‘who oowupied southern and’ eastern Para in ancient tes, ad so! ays suber byast chan Dave pred to tt en hes of. wey ter ntroain ‘Ralutle, Gs ere" speiation ough prota in the ‘Snetow in whch ath ‘ny becater be fond "Wien het of per var sure poten te Nine, —_ = INTRODUCTION. ommoe the Assyrians seem to ave eceuped the country eastward of ke Copiteth Seine force to prevent any furter migration, ica tpn ooo have oo aera of sy Argan tte costae the Todas going eastward, and 3 seeme aR fo have ech commqacier of this cating of of the manly fey god that the purty of their race In Tada EPS ie weaned as oat the Dah reform eking TELSun'iSng adopted tothe exten afterwards ata Td oS Pera of the Aksemenian way (HC. 55834) the Penney ei the conned the Os he eee scength fo prevent any movement of the peoples ‘Sey ned hal att Sang tems fat Se Gee Reake expire, that Alexander nas obliged to tm ‘ideo hs diet fote to conquer them, aswell as the SE Fite Kingdom of Davis, beore advancing on fod ‘het rere founded fe that perpov oot he ile (Gros glo of Bakara was sulilently power, wile it Gch RES he arbarane check; im when, aboot TRAC (GS he: Vere apd ober cognate they invaded Sretia “Seiing oot the Saks who pert nvaded Baki Se ily, about but century later, the Yoe-eht congured eter Baktsin! they opened anew chapter inthe ato SF Thin ee ets of whe are fet tothe present day. eet get gute dear how acon ster the destruction of tne Balan Kingdon these Torani tribes conquered Kaba, Sha cecpled the county between hat iy and. the Tod BASE, Mower hat they were Bry seated on the Saket ek ter Bere the Christan Era, and wader the PRem (Sng Ravistha of the Kushona tribe bad, become 3m fla pawer of very comsideable importance The dat of teeing emdoranctelyc one of thowe purses that i remain to be fly solved. Te has been held that he was the founder Sythe Saks Ere, AD. 7h and that his reign must be paced SERRE Ti quarter of the tot century of our erat Bat this Be Ja Searoyed.geocaly in tbe south snd eat; and ace Mens slings clan that Kanishka’ reg began 10 hc gee epost of what was once known as he “Matava Rep Sopd ack as the “Vikram Samrat the feckoing in ‘Semon use in northern fa Hee hee | EHS Sa ae ERS perce BE ana at ate se HISTORY OF INDIA ARCHITECTURE. le alo appears certain that the power of these Kishan ings spread over the whole the Zanib, and extended at fart lus 2p Bathort ‘oa the Jomot, Before the commence: ‘ment of the Christin Era.” Apparently the Tast of them was inna ho eda ew taf Soon, he fn we ‘meet wth the same of a King Guuphara oe Gondopbernes, thie “appears aio inthe legend of the" Spode Thomas {in incrpion of the 26h year of his tegn' dated the fog ofthe era, or An 47 Menen “har rele_maet have ckitoacd ite che north of ie Fanjib. Newt thee fllowed foi ng.) ngs named Radphie who may ave fue ti "the end of the century, afer which orthern India Sp gisced itty Spaic Tnghoay “ad ral goverment ‘Before the end of the frst century another horde known to us only fom cana and inscriptions in which thy cl emueles Kehahurttae or Kehstapanoveuped the wile ef the protince of Guar; one ofthe fiat of them-Nahsping {oe thom we have dates aboot 410 and in Tayextaded fis power over part of Malwa andthe Nast diate He wat ‘rerirowe, by tbe Andra King, Gatamipats iter Sd ‘peed of the cates south of the. Narbadés Seu afer, Wend another Kshatrapa named Chastana, ang in Maa, nails Sdccesrs funded kingdom of thei own They date bei coins and iseripton fom the Sala ay 478s the Series extends from about igo to 388 a iets happens hat tie dynasty of Kehateapas wete ony nally spore of by the rie ofthe Guptas ‘The whole extra Mstory of northern India the ine of Kania to that of Abnsd Shah Dani (76i) 4 marae Uracontinuoussecceion of tober of Skythian gin, pouting Shas the Upper lus into India each’ more Taney tas ‘econ that proceed ttl the wae slminated fn the Mughal onguert of Indi, in the tsth century, by © people as isnt {2 8ld fom the Anam aang atta ‘Of the elder ace ie scems probable that the Yavanat must te datingushed trom the Tuanians “They were not Greek thug tes name may be merely-a misprosencation of Ton heer satay boon spied by Taian autor to any frig race cong from the westward who Gd ft belong (6 tne of the acknowledged kingdoms, Lncw to thewn he Kémbojas scam to have beet apeopleinhabtng the country tetwean Kandahar and Kul, who, when the tle was setting "ome Da A a ti” gh ——s rwrRODUCTION ” = ro vs pte ag ome ee Ree ee soc hse The Sess were "They were red on at first by the jee epee, Tage thd aaa age coe OO Shae wren fein 2 Toy a ak ce set oe cor haa he ee Soe haa es me Seat see do not know of any aa jedan,” The Muhammadans were probally, apes als ey ie fn ee Srat rege so os a aoe Silay eal hye cats ay Tate“ a ey ty cre pee ain iran a spr i Saupe ene ee it of Western civilisation, All this, ris writen, ond ce ee ‘respite here, Sourwenn INDta sel len ek opp eee Re eke Spa race out of Indi OF ‘fons which point 1309 2 oat Ia trans whi po om any country with whose iat {hey cam cla ES tn ae ty knows thy ‘hey can lau any hdd Seat to eh even {ey an cand aboriginal. The utmost Indigenous and Sond to clam forthe ening rae of ines june, one of tee Banjara escent fom ATi + aan Teeny Sure BS S| baci tne 1 4 / 1 the Mababigaa Hi ldo on ie tvla marie Fe oh ac, and hece thi ina ne fee the dyna miles got genealogies famed ta race descent ‘tom gods ad earipbeten If i teu, indeed, that they peo. dlse fong its of kings which they” pctend seth back’ tl the timesof he Pandavas These were examined by the ite ‘Profesor Wises in 1836 and ne conjectured that they might ‘extend back tothe ser th entuy belore out erat" Butall hat FiSsnce ome to light has tended to show that even thi may bean overestimate of tel antiquity. If however "the Choda, Pada nd Kerlaputra” of the second edit of Asoka represent the Cholas,Findyas, Cher of more moderates, this archy ‘existed fa the ged contary Be. Tn Tact all we realy do know Sth in castal men, there was a" epio Pandions® inthe Country tterwards known asthe Pandan, Kingdom of Mahar, tnd has boca cojecured tat the King wh seat an mbes fe Avgurtorin her a7! wae nots Poron'which would Indicate” porters race, but Wis very Ming of the south Be thi, however as fe may, we do row, By the frequent mention af thas county dy lial euthors tate was least sulienty ‘else in the cary centre of oo esto cary on 3 comets $Bleimoune of nme pith she wet ats, an tee [: consequally no. lnprobablty dat one or more powerfal i | pwTRODUCTION, 2 sep emt hu mi ee si dues cart te inter date" ‘There is trace Tet cf any Buddht iterate Ao comect the history the south with the cbrncloy of Po eee Sir fh eo tung, ho Sire Ad tient ater lees A iene teen ce ce Sone Geri reach ee Be ah Ma es cat reiscetegs then ia arent Lia eden uetaucene tt Se nei Set ha ar a Se raatiay al etn tae Elon cow seer setlist Sait LAGREO a SiG beac de od ere ee a anes ee cae ed el uso nt wae RE SEINLs omar ete gee §M—HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. Presiden is that at Amaravaton the Kesh; and irom that Visnity sorhiards io Ona there ace remaine showing that there toast have been Rourshing corms there beth of Bdahiste and jalne tn eariy tes Whether the prevalence of such teytares in this ropion was de toa colony or sete: ‘ent formed by the northern Buddhist at or ear tel port ot departure for Jara and thls easter setlemonts, maybe oabied The Antes who ruled over the dates weve ef Buddhists o ery ber! patrons of the sect At Guntopale the Godivar dstict have been found group of roek-eut caves, ‘SScucturalehutya ands stupa lta Chena i he Nellor ettet soother chat hat been ocoered almost ext, ‘hough’ sow used ainda abrines And realnn of StOpas Inne’ Been esate in the Kitna dstnct—at Jaggeyvapet, Bhsiupecle, Gadd Guntapalle and Ghana’ unfortuae ely they ave bean etter) destayed —some within Iv “The roce-cut temples at Badémi and MAmallapuram are the woke of fins inthe 60h and th cently andthe sacral ‘onples of Kalisnith and Valkintbaperemal at Conjivaram ate Uineany the same ageand with sme ether they help materially fe llustate the history ofthe rye il the Bh century. From that time frwatd tke bull sctvity wae enormous The ‘ple elite in the than 17 centre, to perish fn the ee ‘When the history of the south does sequite something ke cepateny fi aes the form of irncy of al sates The ics and mort important, that of Madura called after Sathur (or Matra) on the Jamns-—was also the mae vised, 2nd continued Ingest as. unites and independent ng, "Tne Chols ros nto power onthe bunks the Kavet ano the nortward of th abott the year 120 though no dabt they fxisted an armall ate about Conver for some centuries EEtsc ene time The thr the Chern, wee lonated on the pes cout extending frm Ue Tul colnry rothwarde std Uicluding Natabar and move of Travan Tradition ablgns Aovthem a dyeaty of Kage called Perumae which ended inthe century. Chola and Chalskya inseiptions speak of their Pein tranny deena, ut we have no insertions of any | praca tei es, Seve ate irae > nerropucrion. as Chora sovereign and, a yt, know very lite for cetn of their ‘Balog, Wily dhe othe southern eaten ‘they wore: howere, pened, fey the han sbot A, Yeon, aod Rally [pond by the oyna Bali, a centry ce 20 afterward Tse lat became the paramount power in the outs their capita Halsad-was taken, and Wher dynasty destroyed by {Re Mfakammadna inthe year 1310. ‘With the sppestane of the Nubarmmadans onthe sene the ious of fain chronclogy disappear im the 2th an well Ssh the north." From that tte forward the history of nia found is such works ab those writen by Fluhta oe Abal Fas, ted has been sbnracted and Condensed in names books Simost every European Inguage There are sll, must be Serio gh ibrar andi sb he ees ‘tome event a the History of the native principales’ These, howerer are not of sch importance at 2 osc much ast to invalidate any reasoning tat may be pot forward fogs the history or ates af ay bulge) abd thie i Ube laa ence whieh pencpally conerns what i writen in Be lowing Pages. Scurrons, ay In onder to sender the subject treated of in the elowing pages gute complete i ought no doubt be peceded by a Fron desing ft he ealptre sa tea he yticogy tthe Hindis nao fra they ae a presen known toa There tren fact few works conned with this uyjese re wanted st the present day thar a good treatise on there subjects When Major Moor published the Hind Faotheon fe 181th abject vs comparatively ney, ae on ater dnt Ox ins Betyg fal ad tn Tana on a ranches.” When 1832, Coleman publiched fs ofthe Hinds he wos enabled rom the more resent recency ‘ot Colebroke and Wis to improve the text comldraiy bat Sis lsations are very infenar to those of is predator. Moor chose hs Com such bens or mabls at ented fn a ‘muscu, and fom an iportat private collection he formed principally in western Ind Coleman's were general taken From tale deepen of the tawdry plaster igs made for ‘he burg pu of Beagall Bubte® Bythe sid of potogaphy ie geem pty | ec ap a gee EO eee ee g6 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. ‘ny ane now attempting theta woul be aleto slet perfectly SroheC example! goth Hin temples ofthe bas age Hts tree done joftiouy, and the exampes cacy reproduced, ENfoald'nof ony aed 8 ore ssiactoryilartation of he tmythology of the Hindi Un has yet been given to te pebli, uC ie might also be made a eatery of the tf sulpare ft Tdi, fal he ages in which te Known to os "Pom it ery autre ip evident that oeaiptare can badly set Onin Wop eee ae pin tte ress ofthe ato the alii af talons. Tied down t> eesti ithe uate man gr, supare ‘avalyadmt of the sie vit, othe same development och Anat arhitectre, wea buone= fs to admit {ifthe vad wants of mankind: apd to expres the mulifarios Scprstone of the human mind."Vet sealpture ha a history, ecw tha can a tnes come ite meaning wth consent intinctnese No oe fortune can take py sucht book a {hat of Clengnray ahd follow the gradual devopment of the Sra fe deeribes it, trom the st rade eavvings: of the Byer eh il i wren the ee yf, the ‘mechanical perfection of the ge Gosek hough ithout ooobling spre and nt el tate fs befor hl a ay Sena an the ogres ofthe bse id dig that period. Seulploce nina may fay clam to rn Dower of expreon, with medieral sculpture in Europe, and [Gis tule st eae und decay with equal ditnctnses but is sep imeenting ae having tat curious Indian prelaty of blag freien fv delay. The! sory tht Cleograra tls te one of Tendy, fovvard progest towards higher sims and beter ‘xeettion, "The fran sory i tt of backward deci fom fhe sculptures of the Bhadat and Amarivati topes the Ifratone of Coleman's oe Wilkins’ "Hinds Mythology. ‘When Hinds scalpture frm dawns upon sf the tas at ‘Bodh Gay and Bharat 200 35 ie orcughly orginal, ina lit asf ec fence br gle ape {hit never wassorpansed—at least India” Some ama och Eclgphints dec and monkeys, are etter represented there ‘han i any aire Known iat part of the words 3,00, ffs ey ad ie tnt del oct aa ‘Egance and precon whieh are very admirable. The human fives, tom though very dierent fom our standard of beast by grace are tulfl to nature, and, where proved together, Combine to exprem the actin itondad wit shagular Why oi aS aed Map Fora mt pare pre Rape Rnd he gem eee et ccs tied Lait SSSA erie tra ete Me Te Tamarchaterteee Raa ty Rese Site gaecl nS eh te PR SUSPa else intent Sie Seed fe rir Cakes am, Seay cite ah ee taped ne a steerer tt eee ie a fe ha reece a tee ens the eat store Mebane ie foes SRN la at at peice Race gt tans heey Mae pe teak snes Seal afere) wet et ncaa tee Race eee te Suse ieee LOU Somer ay Steere sued ected 2 Ae Sha ear a ea ‘icy eed Sy ge nd icra tt ae Std {Ean Gita import character and of ata Town plant als ae western Got 7 Sct tt cette ete etches net eta escent ieee ale Sata” Ao perce ear, Ate Sethu tee om pam SS SSSI Meath a aS Ne, ae Sey iygheee: 38 HISTORY OF INDIAN. ARCHITECTURE, T mrropucrioN. 5 and continued tobe execute, in considerable perfection, down tthe middle of the (ath centay. ‘As ve shall ‘ee nthe sequel, the art‘ arcitectore zntnuas 0 be paced with considerable success parte of Tala emote om Eoropeaninfasneej so much stat it ‘rer patie eye to duct eines wef new hd what ald But the moment any Burer are Intodseed, ‘Specialy ifm action, te ilwon vanes” No mistake then [oni forthe yest novice can ace how punflly low the evar Saiptre har fallen,” Were it not for thin some of the tmaderm temples In Gujrat and Cental Ina a’ worhy to ‘ke with those of past centres: but thee paintings tod hele Seulplred decorations exce only fesings of dismay, and end ‘ne 0 despa of re at being ever agun revived Inthe Rast ‘To those who are familar withthe principles on which thee ats are practiced, the cass ofthe Jiference obvious one Arlee og ene a te oa may be ‘mechanialy. The higher phonetic rs, howerer, af sclptre nd palstigg admit fn such meekanial eniment They segue nal xen a hero tele ‘Rrcitectare” may, consaqenty, Unger ov" amide” mc vel decay; bt ke Hteratre, the phonetic ‘ars can only Eeaccesnaly eltated where's igher’morl sof iret speed rere ha, seed, present to be found a Moroz. Whenever any’ one will sriusly undertake to write the istry of calpain india, he wil nd the mete abundant 2nd the sequence by ho eats ful to allow’ but with feqard eo ethology, dhe case Fe diferent. Tt cana, however, [Sfiala thatthe mbterais ave not abundant for tis branch the enquiry alto but they are of a much less Engle or istaclor?patace, ad ave become so entangied, ttf fxtremely diel wo cbtnin any cle dear segedog them SSod ie to be feared they must remain 2, sl these who {ivesigae the subject wil ondesend to ated the arciecure nd the sculptore ofthe country au well ae books The Ber Sota gos Seal ul they doe contain al he infrmation vase om the sbject. and ty Toque to be ‘eadied and confirmed by what Ir ult carved, wich sone ‘an give preiton and sultance to what fe weten fs emarrale that wth all the present day activ fin every branch of Sanat reacarey very Tile as bee doce forthe Hutton of mythology, whic so Tntimatly - ae, ae, ; conn ih he woe et, Te woul bs ping ofthe duty ofthe Archsolgisl Surveys to colact materials Ens syatemati pan for thie objec, and the proton of sates ever amen and tapes at tops c'publthed to supoy this mort prestng destderaum. "The ‘Sede ofthe emblems and symbols of the numerous divinities ‘of the pantheon cold also be collected, along with the delist tions, by thove famine with suck ayant "AN this could faaly be aczomplithed, apd itis consequently hoped may sire long te atempted ac Sie fn of tes hat, evan hse no doubt aries trom the exaggerated importance it has best {he fathon to ascribe to the Vedas az explaining everything fonnected with te mythology ofthe Hindds Te wuld ded, Seige teeta the ale of tng fom 1 plilological or ethnological pint of views The, dicowery ndlctaboraton have revlon ar cee 2 to the ee tions of aces inthe mote ager of anti, and etal the aliaton ofthe Aryan races on 2 bass that sem absolutely Unatalable; butt chant be too strongly inasted Upon that ‘Meiyan eh tae of strangers Ti dict om the Taian peoples temslsen "They may, as hinted above, have ome is Indi some three thoueand years before Chit ad tray have retained thelr purty of blond and fath for many steratione) bet with the planing of the pascal Kallyug seg to speak more correct atthe time of the events Stale inthe Mababiarata say 1200 years NG-—they had lest much St boty while every scene wave of immigration that has ‘rowed he Indus during the lat free thomand years Rat {tapi the purty of thei race From this case, and fom thee adintare wih the aborigines e may probbiy be with ‘Confidence asta Hat there pot how vege cont-perhape fut one of pare Aryan blood tthe preset population of ix tegen os thereon he Vela eotate tne entisth pat ofthe prose religion of te pople® WES te Fd how tere he nny he de i the resent work. ‘The worship they foreshadow i of class too ‘Purely inlets! 0 rege the anistance of the sonemason END the carver to" ge i expesson, “The. worship of the Shaws t —=— OEE 4 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. ‘Aryans nas aired to hewn and eon he Semana Sn"SL Te testes the tambearing cloud the sureshering ‘Tivos All hat was bea int heavens above orbeneBeent ‘sith, war sung by them in Byenae of elevated rae and fee in tw of ane or endearment as fae ot hope pre= ‘en th of he mao ed ths ene or ‘ome Une longer than i Gi, the objects worshipped Uy the Titi tg have Beene tage Segoe ee one i Gycsce and Rome, endowed with all We fangs and ll the {lings of umniy. Tn na fe wae otberwae; the dees SReredethroned, but were sot degraded. “Thee i no ace ‘Vedi times far ae st present known, of Indra or Varuna of ‘Aap or Uist wd ot sone or fe ‘aflng howe or femples to abeler them. Tels ue indeed SE fren ip which hey ae aed ae ently auch se rials use In speaking’ of sac others bot fi otherwise ean man exprest it fling of love or fea, of Ses sopeatog to he bing whe stance’ be "Te peat beauty of the Veda in that it stops short before the powers of natare re awared into human forms, an when fey ma stood independently by humsel and cought though Sehcerton of al at wat wrt oes oy the rt rin the skies to approach the est spit that i beyond and Shore ateresied Mga en"? er Fad he Arye bie a omar aly i Td and ble to pretry their blood and caste fn tolerable purl, the ‘eligi BF inca. ould hardly ever Rave sunk so low ard, ‘Rough ie might have Glen below the standaed ofthe Veda What realy destoyed ita, that each soereding immigration Urles pure Aryan orof Taralan ese rendered hee sare ‘ajriy slaty lee st less whe he oetable lence educated the subject aces a to tener thelr moral majority, Shes iss important These proceses went on steadily and Mineral i ade of Baha fe nate reigns {ue fay 0.5m equalty with that of the Aryans ad fer Wards fora while celipred it ‘The Vaday sere ony ultimately Sit eo Sete emg i ey become (Sh the "Vausnavas and "Sal superstiton, Where thet Jpaninate (me mayo be esognoed, but panfally degraded {Hom ther primitive devaton "when we tir from the Vedas, and try to lavestgate the corgin ‘of howe rlpions thet fsiiy aberbed the Vedae i UGRMTSHCAE RSET | Slabs nego el vTRODUCTION. ” “hy bominatony ed gr ns of norton pail at and upper. As wil appear inthe sequel all hat ‘for atten in dia that i worh reading was writen bythe ‘Aryanss what was but wat bot by Taranians and Dravidians AGT the now bangs extend back only tothe 3d century Be, while te books ry be fen centuries caer ad, a mgt Ex cspectet tiv onlyneidntlly and inthe morécontemptacus {erm tat the proud Aryans enenalade to the abject agyas rihei eigion What, theefre, we practically know of them Tite more than Inference dawn ram results and rom what Sonor te ee teres st tea seem to be becing more and mare evident, that we Dave ithe non of India ‘ane great group of vate regions Which we know fn thelr intes® sevelopments asthe Bodhi, Jain, nnd’ Vaishnava religions Tie fest named we. ony pow ast was taught by Sskyamun before his death about fio Rcy Bat po one [presume supposes tat be was the Sf inven hat fem ligt nt ated Sekt preceding frm ‘The Ihiddhists theives aco inet hee ein, Si of er pce Das 'cconng to the more fora account, tenor Dace basigned to ech of these where Hewat bor ant (there hee, she fer abd mother's name is recorded, snd the ame, too, of the. Bodhl”tuce Uader ose tha he “Mine Hadtaiead. The des aie Yo ehh of ae {re cll fabolows, but they may have been res PeONa shove deter tend bck tod ge semoieagti "Fhe Iainy in ike manne, cai he exten ot twenty four Tirdhankary isioding shiva the ast Their pacer bith and ent, agen aid numbers of convert, are equally ‘ecrded at are ip orien Toe though Tle’ else i told GP then; bet oor ther bulose ages, satire, and) the nmensrable prods of the past when they re sid to have Ini ak ony Se ot on py abl The odes ends with Mabiviey who was, he contemporary of Sliyamunt, and is sid to fave died belore him at" Paw in Bie ST Vaaoaea sere stores, cont of ony tn gust he Sta te tie tin, un ht ony, Sk hee jee : Sars 42 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. Soe Siete Bnd cette oar coer fein ius ae ae as Eopgeet con weg ue tien innate mae, Mar cea eae weer tt sat a pec ee ‘tha Te Vannes bough tee go teat fo me Eric wfeute at nese aca Seige rad ada Smt Sealing tabi iettaers eas ee ae certs SA ere eo ey pare Recent gman eo diedeate ements erate fais See mlte antolemats ier dega'iniis atau eget Riaenitucg niente eases ine intl arena ipner ay frank aor ete fi atee mecca eer cate Sithgcedaue nie or ate fete pee ea her Shoe eo eet eee Sua at SS eer res reer a aren ‘Tan Tp Tnaiy andthe the wildest Tantric forms of Darga snd Se aie ented ae tee eXipeg Rare aac eae SOs Te aot nue eae earn thes pecaee py eect ett eg fem to stertain what the religion of the Dravidiats wa. befre Set a i Ret! Ane apa | ate PAC ak Gd reas isernopucrion. o ers the goth me may St he foreman ofthe ad Bell ale’ rey adopted ata te Hee Tipe momen, wee, fot ban eae hy Drcbleay ike thi aed il te iz done we must rst content with Inthe north we have been somewhat more fortunate, and song's ng Kouta fet a EC MERE he gel ote att Slesly SEC WHEY at puldbcl yolk om tie and Se Nera an one sue a eu op ad HACE jhe tk eat cmt sgn eect Bes ‘cht ie however, 20 sach ha oc, wie he few wil" now be bold enough to, deny that Trees" were ‘ntl’ tea hci nc nut FORT Satay ike oot nade ange ‘veneration for snakes, "ia the Bhat legends ian Stine Ss Ser Nigh Ue soptham CEnaces i aerbed We aed EeuShon ‘wieeent pop of Turanan descent!” Pathe, SESE plies Si epeag Sl ee oer ‘fates, though ts lst exten yet somehow connected SEE ihe ee of taal ae ost at Selgin we wpryhere Bn eon: os stem CPF OEL Spee Woy" Setc hay Steel ed Scud Els eee pap tguin aes Sern Stet ts wor of the ee and the Sept, tome founder of the religion himseit "A a Sng Rothnd add Naga is reyuhere Ee eres PENS Fogo EAL EP iry FLA Seah |r Ses ‘ae vel in pt pp 382 38h " 44 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. present in the temples of the Jalos, and pervades the whale ‘Sligton of the Vatinnavas! ts the’ geeat act of creation the ‘Naga performs the procipal pare ln the chasing of the ces, nd itaimont every reperenaton of Vishnu he appets ether ‘supporting and watching over hin, or a2 prtrtng some easly pect in he ste in ete Nga tak nd i the prsete ofthe ree and Serpan worship under ‘ping ddim ain, soa Vacinavsn tat son pre ine none thai the aed pele nthe both ff india whether we eal them Dazyes, Kolsting of by ther aime, who were Tree and Seqpent worshippers before they adopt any ofthe Iter Hinds forms of tah, Nothing fan be more antagonistic tothe thoughts and flings of pare iyan ‘ace that such forms of werk, aad nothing ore ommpletsy ante Vedic than ie rites We sosm then lust ferent tose tat was an aborghal sapere the gah of edn ard ews the convaron of ie. pope Som tong tat ve et tat rely of en that have eompeied with eachother in the north ding the last two thousand year “Thi siti of the dificult has the farther advantage that ‘it steps in at once sealy to explain what phology i only ‘ily guessing at though ite whole" tendency, 22 well ae that of ethnolagy, now seems in the same dirction. "I this ‘ew of the mytlogy be caret fe seems certain tat there ‘ltd nthe pon of India, Beare the areal of the Aryan, ‘penple whose anes were al with the Titeans, Bares, Sint, Sad other tans: Himdlayan popalations’ and wis twee net ‘Draviians,thoagh they may have been intimately omneted with one dvsse Stas of the Tababltants ef Cojln ‘Doth the preAryan races of India belonged to the ibsahrad CR oe wasters See ‘Stange tod fc atiai | a's Eien wie ee iSO aE coped | Re et nu acy ale | ener aac “Turanan group; Dut as hinted above, the Draviians belonged to's ufrene and more westey branch Of that pres family ei ations which hardly admit of pron in the prestt sate’ sf our knoe, and would. cote egueatly'be Guite out of place here, were je not that some dh theanysceme indispenble to explain the phenomena of Ue" architectural histogy of India. “That of the work fe 0 Setar fom hat oie south Wat shy cannot iby belong to the same people. Neither of them are ‘Ryan; ad lane adit th te wo divine ofthe ‘ant were oospied by people ezentially dierent ip ‘hough Mil belonging the bollding races of mankind, we ‘onbt possibly chdeatand how they always practise, and tothe present employ, syle so esentaly diferent these vaso elbnograpcal and ytologisl problems are Unlersteod and. appeeisted, the afles of ardatecare Thea seem “Tehaoe without purpose oe. meaning. Once, however they are grasped and applied, thir history assumes 2° ip snd importance far restr than ie due #9. any ‘merely tuthetc ments Say tay possess” Even that, how Se in ony reget female, and when cet SME the Scene ‘alee of the style, sees to reader them Te torty of stacy ar shove of any ober people with whose See dee segue, sranisnies. 1s would a8 vor mich to the clot of what lows itiewere posable to compile sny stitial tables whieh presen with anything lke pression the mode in which the Se of India ae datbated. eter a repards thir religous, Rs or thelr ethnographic relations “The lte cena of {opt har aforded x mae of materia for ths purpose, but the ifraation be detributed through some. thiry ‘ako. volanes, inch s manera fo ase fe aitealt to thetract what ‘maited cots to render i ineligible to the general reader Even, howere ths were dong the veslt sould badly, for ‘veri reson be saisctony “The wnedacated masses have tg ides eves with cepa to thle vligion, and’ can araly De expected to know to which of the larger sections of Hla thei faster set belongs Hence ithe tabs we are piven the enumeration ofthe members af umerous Mido sect, bt ‘ot clase under Sura, Vanna, ste hough these larger troop ae the most interesting for 46 MISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHTTECTURE, ‘The census results for all Inia may be briefly stated as foton a == eT Notwithstanding diiclin of defect it may be wel to state here tat the’ population of the whole of Tod inclusive of arma wi aeeaged ty religions was fund to mand Cr BEE cc tmom “pas a eee “The tables of this census lao afford us sane information ‘nih regard to the datrbtion of races among the people Though ie cou not be exported thatthe ethnlogie! are oul yet be, ate to organise a satactory census of the co, thigh the ditibotion of languages hips ws omen Here, however, lb to be bere to ind that, pera tn Fry ne any teria oe fo: Ar tos ave langed thei nguage for one of the Sanslrie tly span Arte pega Hence we men ogre do Roan ‘Teranian and’ mined descent ‘The tabler show that spare ‘gf 221900 speak Indo-Aryan tonguesioctuding’ Baloch, Pashtu, Marat Beng che*that # about three Curie of ‘he ene popaltin whist close 69900000 or 8 AN are ‘Deavdiané aed" Kolatars, Gonds Brahets ey which the Cancus has grouped together a2 3, Dravida Mand grosp. KGaiy, the Tndo-chiness and Nalsyan, cluding “Thhetan, ‘Boras, etc, number 1720000, abou fr per sent. ofthe Fy ada The frst linguistic ‘group includes, of course, the Muham- can Ta ea may as OP eer oe espa a cao de ae oe Eee ‘specially, where they Ste fest mmr hey ae Bet fre ss ape a Fete ete vom hve depen Tat ane gle candy from ‘motives it is not dificult to understand of expla, eTRODUCTION. ” “Though thee may consequently be 62488200 of Musalnans inindin atte prevot ys we tay fel gute eetan that not Chebalf of the number are immigrants or the descendants ‘SFemigrans who entered nda durtg the lar eight centri BAe i baby oe of Ce Tuan ac, wh SShtely protable that they were cicienly numerous tbe the pte of thirty mllons of people, andy i hey were See oothers in nine eaves out oer were most probably Rive of Indi ‘OF the Aryans we keow lesa; but, iso great 2 number ss forty lion can trace anything like» deat descent fom dhe Ste resntdiy fe’ amotot of. pore Aryan Boo in {het eine thst be indnitesinally small" Vet, though thet Sea oy (dite te tees, f the let reins fo powerlly imprewed on evry Unttuiion of the count halted they persed altogether, thelr previous presence Bilan elemento the utmost importance in the tte Yelations tthe land otter cena ay cole oo spa wth ail mre Gi ie people of Fiindostan. but ‘meanwle the clement that ecm £0 be. most lnpartant, though the Teast Investigated ition, ihe extent of the sborginl ace Tt has been oovericoed that puting it at huded ‘llons may sem [cuapgertion. Ie intloetsal nfriorty as bapt i i the ihcleground, bt its presence everywhere seme to me the only toca of cxpltning mest of Ui phenomena we eet com Sraliyy especially Chose congected with the history of the Brchtecure ofthe country” Except on some such hypothens SOUST JC iowa ah nt now ow we re fo SEcount forthe presence of cain local forms of bulaings we Fd "n the north, or to explain the persistence with wich thoy. were adired to “when om these prey ethnographic spculatons we turn to ais how far clifton and rece coincide, we ave left with ‘Sal lee information of velable character "ASS rule the Bravidine ar Satan and Salva in the exact proportion of the purty of ther bleed. In ther words in the extreme fous of Toda hey ave immensely in the majority in some Gist ofthe Madene Preddensy they are as 6.06 7 to tof the lowes of Wit nd feelin ft 3. 1 bot ar we proceed nothard they become, equal, end ip some si Ge olen di of te Mass Penny the p= Tn" Bangal and wherever Buddhism once prevailed, the 48 HISTORY OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. ‘Vaishnava sects ae, a8 might be expected, the most numerous Thdced if it were not tht so. much of the present indo fligin i an inporation nto the sooth, snd bras taught to {het Dravidane by Bedhmane’ fom the’ soth, te Would. be fica to undentand how the Vaishnava religion ever took root there, except im auctenon, to Buddhism el, which ‘uted to a considerable extent, but whore, too, as an fiportation fi however ic be cvoct to asmume that Sabie tad’ ongin tothe northward of the Himalayas among the Tartar trite of those eyion there fe no aici im under: Standing ie presence Bengal to the extent to which it {fund We pretal tice" Hot-on the ether hand, ating can ‘Sore fara ta aan sina Nige pene who Mrahipped tees aod. serpent, should become. Buddhist, as Buddiian was oiginally" undectood, and, being Badzbiss ‘Should sda" downwards into the sorption’ of the present ‘Vaishnava fort of cat, wich is that most fshonable and Prevalent in the noth of nda — ‘One ofthe most sting fact brought out by the census is that shost onethird of the population of Eastern Derg te Maharsmadan=5 $000, out of 747s0000—whle tn the UUnted Provinces the'Mubammadans afe sexe more than Fethe-g sono among as-yaoc0. aed io Madea iti more Eon i tsti ie dus lok more tikes mater of feeling than tracey ie seems that ay the ishabtants of Bengal: were Salis eg ttt th lng ae fad “ie Appeared in ber pats of Lad, they came i contact with EP Gctio rlgon before they had sopted the oder form ‘of Vash and naturally pefored © ith which scan ‘sdged no cast, snd feed them from the exacuons and tyranny of 8 dominant poesthood. "The Mobacymadaa region tein ‘let much mort ike Soddalsm than are aay of the medern Hindi ova, ad when this non-Aryan.cstess population he in conthet nih and they were ee to ehooee, er the SGyuterious evaporation ofthe old bees they adopted the ilgin es eine ht neh tey ta en et FE ane predominance of the Mosien reiiod in Laver Bengal® ind in be Pani, where the followers of the Prophet Gut. ‘number the Hinds he proportian of 3f0 3,038 14050000 In population of 20303000. ull “tnt yu, | Site Gel Sr ena es ESSE RE ee INTRODUCTION. ” qs in Nl se cr wu soy Fy Ba oe eel ed mre Sie ce ice a spat Sense hay et eats ey ee ae a ARE i ein lees oe oa ae Coes hy returns sae tee’ ater es Hea Seg fie ery ae ae cee iterate gt eb ede Gore ee ares Sec TAS een tp ara oa BOOK I. BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. CHAPTER 1 Theta Lally of inprontmen, se, ming Ei ce ates rd ee Eber pet tele Poker | Se ne Na seit at wel batceuie moc ne Oet r KS SSS a ek oe EE rl sea ec Shea eae mee eee © cis cen tea ote Baer he ea te ore Ss oe aps a eee Nesey LET Sainte ieee ee gare nhs rast Banke Oe em On ro ke aay mel SS oe ee a ee ae vie ee en pe eo id SELL cele ore ets Recher ee et ee, ae oor RS ee a nuppaist arceirecrure.™ Boog I oe sie ig Sea NE Pee ae ee See on 2 ae a ‘With the western world fist by Alexanders rid and then by ere aa nein td Sikes eames Cea a ert i wc ae Se eeccesreae rrtCS i cunt. INTRODUCTION. Py “This tring the cae, it mould be in van to lok fe any caster architecture of shy importance in Tada before Azole fine: such could be expected only in ‘courses where sone Std teen i Soe om the very earliest tines. ‘The Aryans whe Sedition, rte bots wd ‘Spree thle den Ia word ike telr congener all the work ret thy doa ec wiry ane eae the SEthee artsy or to: have sooght for somortaty trough the {Splendour or durability of ther buldigs “That was the appt Teer the Taran and er ace apd we owe ft ‘Sreupstance tat we are coabed to write with any certain {he history of thir soe and fll ar videnced tn ther arch {ett productions, “Ther inne priori improbablity that the Dravid races tsi sot fin ote igre wort ay fot have erected temples or other ullings at a very eal ‘ste bu ifs, all hat can be said ie that il ace of them lowe’ ‘When se frit met the Budi style fein fe infancy 7a oui ily sein int he erm we fave no rexon to suppor that other styles were hen more sare Whey, weer we Bok met the ae or even centuries terra, Wey are so-complete in all thelr Sea Sey nthe es he hy ae hs ied allstempts to trace them back to ther eriginal pes, (ier the woe or brick wor, om wich ty may are ieer deve °$ “comply, Inde "have al th. eer xamples been obitersted, that it now doabell whether the sana ink can ever be epace. Sila on singe example ta Hinds temple dnting belore the Christan Era night salve the difely, we ought not fo despair of sch being found, tile the caval prvinces of dia remain so unexplored at they are, ‘Where under ordinary crcumstanes we Ought {ok fr thm, would te soong the rune of the ancient cee which ‘noe Cromdad the valley of the Ganges; but tere {he rules Stor of the cteless Hind hee thoroughly Shiterted all face of on that ay ever bave existed In {he remote valleys of the Ilimalays, of Caneel India, here may, ween, exe retains which wil reader the ogin 2nd Drogreseof ind architectere ae clear and ay certain a that Phe Butane, but tl these are dieconerod ie with the Achtecore of the Bethe tat oor istry ratrally beging. Besides th, however, fom the happy accent ofthe Buddhists ery early adopting the mode of excrvating their temples In The vig rock thet remaina ae imsperiskay preserved to us, ile only too probable that thowe of te Hind, being ia Tete durable forme ave disappeared The forme, therelore, OO ————Ee “ BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book t. ‘ar esly cased and dated, while the origin of the late, for fe pest seers fot in the sof the early ages Indien ta Meanwhile, the knowledge tht the archestral Mistery Of fndia commences about he. 33a and tht sl the monument fom known tous are Buddhist, oof cognate sty frat east. five or ie centuries ater that tne, are cardinal facts st Set ey ned on yes wh ee Say a great deal of what har hitherto tended to tender he slject obsure aed enntligibi. Cuassiricanion, For convenience of deserption i will probably be found ‘expedient t classify the varios objets of Boda art under the five following” groupe, though of couree itis at Ses Impostbie to"seprse them entirely for one another and {eines to ore often tat be taken tg as prs "st StomBlas or Ldte—These pillar are common to all the styles of indian athtectare. With the Baddblas they were ‘filyes aes om hel Say wh beso ‘tale on ther capitals With the Jaine they wove generally Bip oop Grn iar tines aprng ‘getdruple, gues of a Jina; withthe Vaihnavas they a erly tre wats of Gare or Harun ithe Sas ny bore the (aula sym of were Dips and fig-tae ‘but, whatever thet destination, they were aivays among the sephora an eguely the mest elegant, pode of 2nd, Seihar or Toes—These, ago, were primarily elice stein at ny be SOS te to carson Yo hee Gesination, fat, Stas prope, o monuments containing relics ‘sf Buddha o of sone Badaior sane" secondly, the stlpas of ‘owere evsted f0 commemorate sine event or mark some ‘ered spat deat to the llowers of the Buddha, It it were Denti thew tro ought to be kept separa, bt no external Figre Rave yet buen locovered by which they “an be. ds ‘gua dm Go ante and i hea hey mate eee S| Bovmgeasode |e Sea ne SSeS | a aah DES ees cunt CLASSIFICATION, a rs iThemba oo th nxt imphrtaot features of Buddies arcitecture Generally they Sopa so es aan ape a i eres DAS, ln nd ee hh Seat weet terete ir arn eae Fey see UE et a a BET ee See a ban oe Pee te a NT Sab say ean eck el ee ta te ec ot ESET is ance ety, ee ET ciya i a more ce ce ey ttl ty lg SSE a et slg barre eel ee ee ee on centre oy ics iat Saks Sire SR? als Cenc SE Sarge oF See of tare eie, ‘and other pecliaities are the same in both, and their uses are REEy Ra Seal ans a Ue ee lak sere tien tines om ‘Véhérar or Monasteries —With the Buddhists and as eee Mae ts ene ae ecu ees alae ae trae neues ont onto pert mam Sy epics Fete ag Gade’ “Te "aera ea Eg, calgon Tn itge Uns they were furmhed with chapels in which the ae, ts ed ninety a fae Chas ale SUSI Pere and See foul. sats | See eee es ima. aS So a eee | Sea Side crmcrar ise | Bea, Sethu nites te | Sart Sie Ti Spier | Sra * BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Book CHAPTER 1 stauoaas on Lins, 1 isnot clear whether we ought to claim a wooden ctigin for those sr we can forall the other objects of adhe arch Fectue” Cert ii however that the lits ef Aso, with sete averagng tere dame I eit are uch oe ie dooden poss fan any forms derived Fors stone architect, nd‘ an age when wooden pillars were certaily employed f6 Suppor the root of halls much more ay thatthe sae ute should be eiplayed fr the purpose to which thos ‘Hambbar were applied than the mond Ineacable material of “Tne oldest authensc examples of those Its that we are equated thy are those whieh King Amok tt ap Yn the fwantyseventh ear ater his conscrtion™the thity-fst of Be reno tw cps iwi hi abt te ing doctrines the naw religion he had. adopted. ‘eae ei of the ine ing re ded oe elt yur, nd convey in a lew condenoal form the sume information Buda without Budaha bt iesiating reset to parents nd. priests Kindness an char toll ted hd, Seve al, tenderess towards anal ie “Te beat own f these sis that removed Som Topea in ‘Amblladstict nd st up in 1356 by Fivor Sha Taghla, in ARS ot at Dei without however, being inthe lest aware ofthe ral per or ic ra erate the otets ff the inseipion A agmeat of «second mae fond ingot {he wg, noe of Delt were had been et up by Toe Pease ie en - ‘Shah, he huntig lodge and was reerectd in Bop! "wo ether existin Champaran asic ot Rehia nd Mutha’ and alragmert of anoter was iiedtlised ana olf the station roads Upatucitaian member ofthe Ci Service. The Moat ample Sah hove Sa wih 0 ing on the goand in the for at ad then reared wth a postal, ffom's design by Captain Smith This Is frre ual inert, a8 in aon the Asoka invcripions conta one by Sam ‘ogoota (an 360 to 40, dealing. the glories or ee ei tad the gen dots of is ancora seems ain to hate been thrown. down, sod tres reeled ab oan insription tl aingir (an. ros), {0 commemorate hit Mochien “ie feepeneted without the pedestal (Giveodent No. gh "The soa wil be ebserved, {Simore than f wide atthe bace, dimiehing¢9 2 fe sin atte summit, which n'a length of 33 fb icoks moe lke the tapering of the tem of 2 alist, section 37, war found STAMBHIAS OR LATS. 5 Anpannegr se tyoema deoder pin, for Istance—than anything Afeigned maton Lskeallthe otbers of this elas, SREE“KE hae lost coming cenament, which “saa eyes Sends ad Wee Saeed Eee Stee hin cl le dey Bega! pe he apo en Begin vip ete Sartre hy ns Bate nlm eer eto ll —”— Sa Tide rae A pea ere Bat SL Le ee am Chr” rs i feat aac pour ee Ansan cae a ”L—h™Lrrtrr—”—™™ SR a ines Ss a ent eh Siprie ran aes teres ae say cortecnnas EH wraniableae — * Bei ca Rl Another capital of a similar nature to that last deserted ‘crowns the Lawriyt, Navandgarh atin Champtcas-thie es ‘mounted by 4 ijn of bold and. 000. design (Weodeat Nov In this cf: hrmerer tbe hoteysetle Oram "get See i pe | leigh “Aiea Rapa! vk neg cur. 1 STAMBHAS OR LATS. » is replaced by the more purely Buddhist onament of a flock ‘rth sacred hans or geese Im beth instances there are ‘ible ‘omaments used 4, ccings abd the bend and feel so fila the ceasent of cami! art The lat named form Elan, however, found at Persepolis These features it may be remarked ae only found onthe iste of Asoka and are ever suen ateravds in Tala though common in Gandhara Endon the incur for long uterwards which scams a toleraby ‘Sta ndcation that eva trom Pern that be obtained those Fines which in India led 10" conversion f wooden archi {ectut into tone. "After hi deat, thew laneal features CSsappear and. weoden forms resume their sway though the ee rm of al ong ene fe pon Ela Bn Whatever the Hinds opie, however, was changed in the cour of time, by decorative addons and modifenion, In‘ seordunce with thir own tastes ‘To'the preceding five we have to add four more ts found in tect years ‘These are) one at Rampures neat ‘ipa, suo i Champiran dsc on the edge ofthe Tara, ‘itzoveged in 81, bat not ite excavated (2) at Nighva Inthe Nepal Tara about 18 es north from Chiigs in Bast Adstce 2 broken’ ple, beasng “an. iasepion by sok Stalag’ chat" al marked the bieplace of Kenakamunt Badia} (3) at Raroinde about 13 mes sout-est fom the Dseding and north of aseys, the lower a7 fof a Mt {EScovere by De A Fuge in 1896, and bearing an nserption ating tht it marked the spot where Stlysmunl was bora? nd (Q).2 lage fragment and capital found, about thre Yeate go, St Sent, beating porn of 2a Asoka iosepton, iis more" than,proable that exch of hese Avo, ite stood infront of or connection with some spa or beiding St some ‘sore, but all these have disappeared; and the Ine ‘hemurivehaversome of them st leatt=been moved more {am once so tates eagnot now be proved, Sofa however, Eran wow be ascertained one or two stambhas moo font ff or beside each gateway of every geeattope, apd one ot {Wo in Tone of each chaiys fall” Av leat we know that SR on coven cin be (ced at Sinchi, and nearly an eqeal ober t Amaia inthe epitope at the later place these Jats re roquenty represen ‘outside and inside the rails. = "AU ila one stl Stands in font ofthe great cave su a iter" aesia” Stmenr She “ree Serpent Wop paw race ig Ba | & BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Book mounted by for los which, judging rom analogy, once bore shake of wie pany a me Wont ad)" caatmmiuii the entrance Dexting some Seine, Tech positions in font of the acne a Kanter, ‘hich ia debated copy of Sheps ea ve isa Ee the iron pile at Matar dear Dit boughsarin thay serps hone st ested sem cainiy {o'clog ote eat oe Bore tee te ae cert of coke he inter bout 415 and the foment ig end oT lakes te Watinara ean coumegeaee Teng pt sche sap That Feta i Bop bes I eh" cheeted iat Fesptog of 2 Rashralta Eig. Posted a sacignetreat, STN is ue oe ‘of Buddhist at, which probably atone tine could be counted 5 andres ite rear Radi oes ts Senge Sic fared we sal hardy be able to 384 many more Gur Thy ae teuly oertbnnd oad wid {populous eal at i et of esto Chen has pr Baal been iecveray lost though on oto more eels Say’ post be fund tote ost setneeay Hace "rere i ne tahoe she's Van come a lt sonata pat farce date now snag Tee Fane ls aceon fo by te ete ih whieh any eyeing | Fy gemem geltinttak eases 2G | newttva eeea! Seal ugemiacl ant | Maniac gt chet Sseiggomernecang | React tants, Se MSEnanc secs | Be cme I SSTAMBHAS OR LATS, & auld be thrown down aa hes ater remove when {Sop had et the Set which alone protected theme There clhoworer, two such ples among the topes of Kiba sd ‘Stic cceval wah em now eae the Sih Mn apd Ge hie Chak Wooitae Nog) Thos are serbed by Ae tins af te pace to Aléxander the Grew, though thoy are cident Duddst socuments meat fo mack ome vcd ptr tommemorsc ome sre eee f wich pared vay Tecan be Tis doe that Ble upper ‘Bens ee ment tobe copier of dhe tal cape of the Fotepclian pls which ware probably comer throughout {bi art Asn bt their she at cline exist ager fm th poe foe with wich that ecleceare ‘Shimenced tn Todi ‘and which were thee retained In the funy to much ter pod than in this remote provine Ro uate dats cen to ect ur ascertaining ha he ete mononcis maya pcay wat the 3d © mann i Sin (i . BUDDHIST aRcHTTEcTURE. Boor I CHAPTER 1H, srOras ‘Stipa Ganda Tepes jaiibhd Taper Mdainya Saya {Me origin of Relic‘ Worship ands subsequent a fhe greater par ofthe old world So far as sat preset Sac, Itaid not est in Egypt, nor in Greece or Rope ee ey Siecle te in pl Ft i eee oay tein Seen ta sc a iomrecchaas eerie thee Sa a ea Seu et actrees epee Peet eee ioe rename ast the dbtrbutionof hig remains on his ating Misting at Kusinagara, about Bc. 48a. On that occasion Set nee or principsitis are said to have contended forthe Ronoa of Sieurimias baring itches perma ie ena ta renin he tan nh he | owe 1H, sTUPAS. 6 oe bee oe hit Sze bes presen there by the Musinin, and ook AS a A tt yt Trowiige tht this ekeworhp ge fue tote bling of Festre of Buddhist sreitectral art. ‘No one can, I fancy, hesitate in believing thatthe Buddhist, ‘sopr ithe divest deiendaot of the spelen tmulae af the Taran ses whether found Sa Eula, Lyla oF among the Skyths of te narthor steppes The fadlans, howewer over sce fo bave bored, but slays to have bark, thet ‘ive, and consequcnly never 29 fr as we know, had any feewci"emong theme snay’be in con=-yoene of this that the stdpas he cast times, tr > rounded or dome (Brn hie al the tusuly om being of ert, necesariy cutee the form of comes "Net oxy oat of door, but ‘RS eats cayen he forms of dagabas sre always Toonded nd ne example of a straight lined cone covering a spa IMS yet been Sscoveed This peers being so unversal, alse to iets that they had been lng in wee before Ther enlist incon example, sed. that some other material thn carta ben glen acorn; et ne forked it wae mofped inte a tle shrine We hnowy oded, Flom the caves, and from the earst Basset that ll the « UDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Boot tof of the Indians were curilinear—probaby derived fom ‘he rots of thatened hots and one ean fancy cular ‘amber ith a dmical rast=not ia tone of courses the cra recepace the rl, we may ogi that We form "Ste worship of apts probably rose fom the popslar se Sa ty of Fs wes ed by he es id gredualy" saps, simply in memogy of the Baddha or Steady of Me notable followers, came, tbe maltiod ahd Fverenced venue. Many were roid Blocks witoat say ‘tapi fort eles bat in howe dese chalty balls the ESIEL was laced nthe capital or Tee, whence f cold be ‘auly trngirred, or ten but on the Season ofa fertiva “The earlier ones were very plan, consisting of & base of rom and dome, wth «square Exptl in the form of 3 box the" dome was egarded, the osntal feature of a stlpa, fo wi abe" ata” or bal ve au ¢ symbol ot ‘igaty, and sarounding path for®pradalshina® of cecum isbn fenced off byes wall or faling tas comple ines of tne they’ toe oncare M tte oding himelehad bie image aia to thelr deuma a free decked with paral, geviande of flowers and Sage or Ing fibbons, "whist presentations of money were Made for thelr series Bumsh Tors, “The most extemive, and tang it altogether, perhaps the mot iterating: gro of topes in oda that knows a the Butea Stopar ce Tapes, om © town of that name on the Porta horder of Bhopl near which they are situated There, iin’ dade na etn 10 mie a and et od ‘iaorth and sooth are Bee or Sk groups of topes, containing Sheth tae rete any inital {Tho principal of tee, kcowa as the great tope at Stach Kundlnedt hat been feguenty decribed the smaller ones Selhnown fram General Cunningham's desrptions only = bat See Sea eee Kater date ssp te gabe | hanraisn af thee Topes and ‘us in Coal inde gO | Dubin Ben, sod Res Monee com aiisa ores eS ogee ay ve eg 0 ach atin a ey we stipe! tna tan soy group a tea ook Rwever, perhaps usted in assuming, from the greater extent oTe oop doe etuing tt Woczanel Ge'aee pe Se A aaa tine Hive Geld woe 2 Bees SRPSEE ered ty of he geal Baddest te BAB SERIO BARE ome et sake deobetce Te Say cae at taal we aad a pone part STi fey have st tae expat vate een ony Sospsng Le ste Hid igen wn ee tpted aE Sete ee naa he cs cae mise ‘Rigorous be may be that ner and lore extensive groups of monuments have been swep om (LeNsiltading all hat bas teen writen about them, we know very little that is certain regarding their object and their yO tl the Chae Pi hr i Tian neveres Shunde fe ae Adi ituen Tang ever was there safe ane Te Shen hs journal tse taconite cadet Senge eat Jones spe’ ioe na ee a Sa Sta tein oy ie we an now ab iis and tigger that pase ie grat peor Loy if tie amale ope wee eet Roc taaecane Woteijeura nie nour dineaiey "hee nasal that ‘inks Shen Sas eay to Un Ua) of rch pce bad ESrccl govt ed sot ne ot Cheag once Wicucwbere ealod Weangars the modern Besage ce to Sin “Wie thee ariel ie dnager ofa ck sid by Seite in soe lpi and Melle Sed Shr 2 Ekghce Stic’ the two lst aed we ald to hve Snot he pbetbod and payed drt Rapin pat te noadle’S)tatchan deo Conon, Beloe tieg oot ot BEPIRSESR Gaatnge uated ue tom abe a Cleage fice ine! na pe tun wich ad ben ected ‘Call ipa sts thre ine meston of he pat Soe ‘hithmy have ented before that ney butt sok idl Haul Inde his as 6 pone ave ested ee Se iiay be sated tat one of te bso open sd Sine Mar cecal by Anke Wed Sak See entre gape areas | atest oon yn |g rns « BUDDHIST aRcurrECTURE. Book 5 sight Ses which obtained rls of Bada tthe neal pyre Be ge hte tems erent hs bend nod fund to bea ste witout les Teconsoqeenty ay have been erected fo mask some sacred spot oto commemorate Some evens and we fave no teaon to bere that tis was Cone yar Bote Rook as ‘nthe ines han, wo salir topes atthe, tame place conta eles sta Ma irate. cet Nos ope ‘oman thos of some of he Buia eachrs who took pare, iets ihe great commocation held ender Arka an some of ‘thom were oto” munons tothe Himalaya to divemnate TOS Sthen sepia wih these wort tote he BiincS“G shee polly Contemporary f whom ‘we now noting terse” ‘Nov sTopecntsined wre akety rpeteted inthe accompanying. woodeats (Nos 10 spd 12) Ope ofthese contained eles of Maha Mogzeténa, the other of Sirputs ends and companions af Bada hm, Seif'and taualy called his ight and eit hand digegien? Te lcs not of course follow from thie that this dagtbe i as Si athe tine of Madd ;"on the contrary, the probaiyy Seno toe tha thee relic were depot here fo Aka inch cose prominy to the serch spot, whch the great {ipe was svete to commemorate The fope contalalg felis hi contrpocarcs may, of coe, be move modern, pty ‘rrr gral appestanes eh the Sanchi-Kéntkheds Sti willbe udestod fom the view of fon Wondout Nata sd Falahape and erangement fom the plan and section Newt Tg te Ro de ents sees | Fey Siew tp age cea 1 BHILSA TOPES, % fod 14 From these it wil be observed that the principal CC OO —— ~ BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book Sling cnt of fone spent stan = hele 106 fn ameter and 42 ia height! "Oa the top the stopa io Bat space about 34 1. in ianete,forresy suroanded bya stone rang, some parts ‘Paneer foc tl ying thee and inthe centre of thi ‘Sar sod feature known to Indian archaologis asa Tes "Fhe woodcut (Nov 15), fom Nedsatzanle Ajo, Silage The lower prt Is ‘lca with the mal Bud Fistral fo be dveibed here eS apes y cn {wo fentures which sec. Sonal itis crowned bys sy Te'atinieoaenabignaaesien TS SR ae air wa of aated = elie casket. No tope, and no reprentaion of = tope— Und we have huodseds™are without thie festare and generally Pie" oe was surmounied by one or more des representing the wmbrois of ates in modem times by. an many as ne Grther be only sent wenden one now iow to exit tha in the caveat Karle (Wondest No. 70) bt the repre feotations of tem la stone and Paating sre feral thousands Etumber . "The dome rests on a sloping base, 14 fn eight by 12t jn dace hving loan abou 6 ttide? “Tht judge fromthe representations of topes on the sculptures, ot have’ been sirounded by a baled, fini was’ aeunded bya broad double ramp on ove side It ES frobahly med fr proctasios round the monument, which ealto hate Seen among the most common Buddhist cer ‘Borla. "The conte of this great mosnd qu sl ba ‘hrposed of ticks id in sly ut the exterior i faced ‘Stated stonen Over these was lids coating of cement peal thes in thicknes which was, 00 doubt orginally adorned thier We painting or ornament into tlle dene EIS SS | era “hae Ursin | et fre a \ nae ‘TOPES AT SARNATH AND IN BIHAR 1 ete te gi choi tt sepa ayer oprah tone Se fete treaties acer Serene Soe EE Ta rr ee Ecctieaer to ae cindtnea bae Besides these there ste several others all sna and very much = eSipeeee rine genet tas Pipe tee ees Seton So a Sa Settee epee SERRE SAPP Sw oj wo fo sts ey i i it SS caenataie, opt Sey aaa Shes ee Me See Sosrcementrat ible re a Sigil caer Tien tact iia ge sg eee oe orga Spite cedar bed Site ee rele ees EAS tr Cooke canes Sele ce torent ae ee eA cece Be Seas a Tt et 2 ESET Ge ie may ven le Saotms Tores ar SinwAri axo mx BiniRB@BQce Not only i there no other group of topes in fi Pope tat can Be compared eter Uf extent or presen’ to those ot Boia but our knowledge of the subjects ow $0 “ample that fe potaby sae So suser tat only fo, oF toe thre, topo! exist between the Sata and de Se etic picec to ‘cable thelr for and architectural 1 te ite tg ao Bhi Tg ied Saree Savas alin | Shaner gamete OS'S. oN n BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book L. features to be distinguisbed. There ate, ofcourse, numerous Sunde pear all the Pais es wa te tad fnany of which probably hide the vemsies of some of hundreds of spar or dagebas “mentoned’ by the Chinese ‘igrns, besides many that they fled to distinguish, AN, However with the fewest posible xcapllons, have perished Sor iit difealt toate why thie shold be so, All br nary Ay were composed of actor amall stones, fi ether witha ‘nurtasor wily cement that waa hide beter than mud. "They Cuan IIL, TOPES AT SARNATH AND IN BIMAR 73 consequey, when deserted and deserted, formed such ‘nveuint aries fer the wager that near all have been tiled for" bling hots and howe of the Hinds, or the Thosques of the Mulan’ Ther rail ‘being composed St larger Stones and not a0 cay emoved, Pave In ome {tanec emmaned std some wil no" doubt be recovered When looked for; and a tins, In the earlier ages at Teast, Were tbe tcnottase of the rine, thir recovery will 1egey ‘Srmpencate forthe los of the topes which they suroundes. best ows, ac wel ar the best preserved of the Bengal toes stat called Daameks at Stent, esr Benares (Woed- GE Ko. 6) was upland “by Gena Colgan T8}536, and found to be'a slips or chaityaccnat comaing tele, but erected to. mark some. spot saetfed by the fresence of Budiha or by. some act of Me ding Br long Fesidege There m"ign4-o5 turer excavations ete made der Me ric bat the resis heve not yet bean made buble, it fratusted ia the Deer Par, where Buddha took Eps residence wth his Sve dips when he Sat removed {ebm Gays on claiming t0 have attalned” Buddhahood, and Senet mia 4 teacher That eemayte thes, would be wlighualy preserved and resto” There Sie ericral moande in the neighbourhood, but the descriptions oF she Chisaee Prine are tot sufilenly precise to enable SS flvays to dicrtinate between them. jhe ing conse» sone tare 95 ameter, and solidly bale the stones being clamped together wih rr tole eight of 43 fe Alone that i ein brickwork, ising to height of io" fu above the surrounding tiny aid 13 ‘hoge'the plans Estemaly the lower part irrelewed by eight ectingYaces each a1 9 a wide and 18 eapareInesch Fee'Small niche, intended apparently to contain seated Bure ft Buddha, and below them, enctcling’ the monurmety 8 Sede el acten of enongute ay, The entre prt consisy'as wil be seen by the et (No. i7) on {he next page of geometric pater of great datcacy, but ‘combined "wth singular skill; and, above end below, fllage Sealy wl dete and oath cng that cared by ld aniston ihe cares Mfubarnmadan mosques at Ar tof Dao sige might saggy may ml Sig dt tics | eos er SE acre | aoe ma. " BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Book I. ‘The carvings round the niches and on the projections have toon Jet shed in some anancneip ged whet (is inposible to guess what ultimate forms ny ee ea Intended to ge thom: “The appar par of Oe ener ae Peseta Tope Stet Goma agus) Dossy, addition of even Inter date than the lower pa, $24 ey never have: boon Gnished at all; bat fom “oo Knowledge" the Afghanistan topes we 05) seri tha srs itched to ence It with range of plasters and thet fore bold “ondings beer covering t wiles hecaphettal (Cun 1, TOPES AT SARNATH. AND IN MAR 5 In his excaations, Genera Coming fund, bred in th lan tthe Soph of to et oh ues Apes on eBclnas otc St arul Rehi i, "FE danni Beu"ces cancer flogaghe ough {a the ib centry, rom which e inferred that the monument Hume HOSE cat Reet cennacept be cco, Rrsecma to me much more probable that this stone may have Kish So fuidlog Sh ha ee its Seay oro ve ool pole ot some tata icra SE SST ott Scheele ie etn oe ‘ofthis structure. One fee consequently mar nelined to nope SE ese by Cols Wild wee at {Be Sukh monanent need by thes Mae tnd ‘Eyed (rap) ele capi We Row tat fe Der fark ete Buddha peed i fi sony war {he i of ne of the ary and most sacred tops and the ‘Sst cy ae a enh pee ‘En inerpton, found long sinc, and dated tn AD. 1006, Me te epa of a Tadd ipa ted Dart Haupais pcs oy Geen wheller i wen wie ape or not, indicates that lange restorations did ake Be eta ik sentry, oh ete ta ral ert ave no‘ ih todo eee oe int Te meent wi he cit Pope es tat Accra ts cm be chrcer oes spel cement CES eae eia iia ed lead ee SRDS ofa cit tat eae aba Mit‘ may besceptd forthe pest a ase Smogh Seger we Taher aye ny "Rey tne ling yet fond in Idi hat ts any reno Yo" ated toa Ae ie one a RAGE, ring he poplar tame of Jarntdherce iis St SE eae cet ide (Nery eae te oom (Flaten é aque othe tse sad oping Spud or Spigahs apt anog 7¢by f t To“ remarkable peculiarity i tht i eotans fice ell SOE RED lee oe wits Hy ae on a i ee | aR a 6 BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Boog 6 t0 7 fn length, by about half that in breadth, and they are oceupied a times upto the present jo hone bodies are constantly seared wilh ashest™? ” 7° “ew a Cn Aege ‘The other Bengal tope existing nearly enti, also known a Jara ia Ba ip oppo to tO aap of Cee aboot 6 miles eat-norh “eat of the pecedlag Geek Canningham sats it dimensions to be £8°R in diameter te af feet cng ons aso 14 fig ao tat total eight when complete: may have been abst $6 At ER alot 2 fab He, on a aparendy Hen "Tsang. a G4, ie tee is" prckabiy’ eat Cunningham state, ntermadiate between there die of Sheet AB, gn HC bl ne ter, cident ca han tat Sonat, and showing nothing’ of the tendency omends Hinat forme thee dioplsyad TE tas, to, the reba oft [rocesion-pth, or extended basement which is whet want {ng at Siith but which is always found in the Cie ane iments, Tt was erected, ar Hien Teng tells oar bee of 4 Hansa "goose~who devated sl ts elev the waste at *Mlarving community of Bhikshus! ‘The third stp, if it may be 20 called, i the ecebrated temple or, propel, chatye at Bodh Gaya, hich es aes " ienag Sey Ripon | 4 ' ——+—___ cau 1 oDH-GAVA ” Ingedacy Intent of he, cae odie (Fig ‘ipisa) andar whose Shade Buddha fs sald to have atlned ia a ie dae OPS Ne SEUSS uty edn me sea Bee Sag Bite Re aa 8 enc ate dee Reg otic nciory Rb a hah fae, ELIE Rated te at ec Wy Tepe oR Nak 8 SF fe pce a het der BELT pest Cie acting Cea Sek we ave frther told that it was: erected by 2 Brahman, who Se Tope byhabemae (Seay anion See He eet alone ole tie re Shh gutta ef ea ound the ah SE Sets tar of aia al sare wth foe an ning foe earth "Te ie of he Secon AHS temple stl obsure™ General Cunningham laboured, She dah dy Yo pe it wae ne Seite te Rein eatin the cet” ne ft ora coin founda Tater intage he conc thet SAC tte Set ad Yh tact Sheep iin” Sang Sh PS eet eee SSNS Gh Sed Ze Ste hs ot PSR ES EL ieee dS ar se Ee hea oma of hr Sepa we Seige et S57 ey cr st eh Silay eh only ate ier ines tae ‘ertoratons,“Reom an Arakanese inscription ov the spot fst, Stand hy Cone hate eBay Bs oe en uaa Ya | gar ah Eeerimaiens ss | Sek ti ea ge oa ‘Monit "Bluse Taka? dni ot neh gh tri ee Tha wae. Tee aeiitse scan Bint te eng eps ws | Sap Fe ae aes meres (Eee, ee eat BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE Boor lace having fallen into decay, was restored by the Bucmese Fre year tos, and again in 1298" o Tram the dst thems acoodnt afford us we gatber that the boiling we now ses before us (Weodeut Na 1g) stantially "Fone Shaya Roce a Peg Pp 8) that erected in the Uh century, but the niches Hien Tsang ssh, Coli ole, at of Hen cannot be tk i= most of the images. found’ the Lasement ors Late Haber, mesa Peale dios, tem | Ema aig ae imate as Es ee ere SREP acr eek cia the apres be enone find no ples the whole as he saw i, have also disappeared, el re hata ne rk ipsa coan be once ane Se te eat weed temple of about UM ke aaytning else we ad In Todia, either CBs eit bn ray ae ines here ity ate a imercting moattoens toe Government of Bengal was adviscd Secor crue a cee a wt Seon get ey who Got Ate fetes en Lede incite pa ae rene etat esr caer amet eat gre at ees ie ae Solent fie ogi ver tat eaten hh ‘the dome began with a diameter of about 62 # The inscription nm, “hea Be Ga ete, | te a gees Sere Soe mcrae: | te Saar ipa tmp ey. te buppuisr arcurrecruge, ook eer a mone cake ei aoe eae a sen ty ene, eit ai sto pee ny ee send eth ey etn ae ie, Daieare greener names ez ti ro fee rea Secret cgay eel ee Scr eeTe Awanivart Although not a vestige remains in st of the contest ‘at Amarivat, there po greet difity, by plecng together the agents of Ie now in the. Betsh accumsan is cone in PLT Sad ot tee and Serpent Worship taser ing what iu mensions and genetal appearance were When (Clonal Mackensie frst saw I 179 the central portion af ‘the mound was abl untouched, and ‘eau n'a tuted shape to SP ieune ot se fe with s diameter of about go fat the om, Sod fd toe caso sound with brick, sd 2 ey have beet ‘Borgo hin meghe. THE inate dome of Sele Soe te base or drm war probably 162} fen dames and ‘raimacotied with sculptured marble, how broad Se wae tore We have no means of hnowing, or wheter there may not have ‘been even second terace but It ab fo st proba there ‘was only” one, the dome may have been 120"%9 140" fe ts Gidmets, The perpendcalar part war covered with seaiptures In iow rele representing stepas and scenes fom the lit af Baddha The domen! pct wae coved with stucco, ad with ‘wreath and ‘medalians eitlr exzcated in rl! r pained Novtagmant of them remains by which ican be setrained ‘hike of craton was theo adopted ‘Altogether dere, sss no doubt that ihe repesetation of 2 Stipa (Woodet No, 20) copie rom the Ararat iaricn Byers eb tne hae The basement ofthe stopa Tn cach the sobiac of the sapere E'vared but the general designs the ame throughout and ‘the whole, tht woodest may be taken se topesating he begugitas Soren ots | Sade: Todi Ee ee escroe aa | eer caus t AMARAVATI * le in which a Buddhist spa was opamented in the are fd Meta. a which, time the style cms, to have SELSCITNG Shes pont of elaboration, in dia at lest In the Andhra country—or, at leas in the dsr adjoining the Ut of the Kell and Godavari rvers—-Bucahism most >. Y scents ae | gh ge at EE eeeSGC7:___ CU & BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE Pook at ad ey song el in ay ine Th stand a a iy in Sracena ace: Ute crm eat see eo deena are nines tab non Sin eect a st ay See tipat His mayrnay one seh ‘acts we do not yet Knows Uncrvastely cary inlading ese onan tenon ee a See ee deat rae tar a renee tae Wetec eed Spee rhage meta odoin? “heel linge ere fea end eet ga eee pee Sect ste ctor ksh door ed San wach fi ertose Ses ee Raed SS eet etter atc tt tases Senet date uoceue as oma Tan {Spe ue at doe gd wea ines, an et eee don Ss epi noe iets Sa aon Set ee A ee La eae ‘Poa eco he apn ose ee et PROSE age pel Sar a Sek torins Se a cr Await og Shan he Sa jpg ee tna ae al Ee ae Sir ies iy Racer ones 1 ak ge a ay aie a Tala urn "Wetiet pps a Ss ‘would be conned chiety to the projecting fgades, whit the Tone es ae te Pe See ee one tind Oe hot ly pee SERPS as tera he ey ttn yee oles eee eee eee Bip a cee sp Due he sy Me Rea Ee ST on ath ae Ta ae ERE Sa 5A pt Toe Meade nan’ | and royapee pes tt Sr | Saleem antes ut a ear wii | ke haa ee Sl en at ‘ited egaeedal sqcams Bdeyee pone Inseptons of considerate palographie tee the alphabet, ofwhle can handy be ice ater than 280 Ac Gdiid, al gortens fo aap te veas't “ile Containing the remains of «stp which was {bp Semotched by the cal engineers, su shout 18, INT sole was fet of tht Ais dimensions cannot now be ‘Reeained Four ele caskets are sid to have been found, iret ve ean lear noting about their age; bat conaldeable ‘umber sf Adiga css mony of lend ae trbed p about the Steg moby he a ce etre a cu ea? wost fom Rimrivaie bid been plondered ofa ra and’ of eh of he be cng of sem he dome Had een (Setroyed andl canker dug ont before it wns, surveyed WVRGa The bsemest wa $1f fin diameter and portions I the acing. remained, cieby of the south side where the Saeco the projection or the sappor of the Boe ste bore ‘eh sculptors The procession path bad been about § ies sreomse by aval or wal of which every fageent Ia inapeared? "At Chast, 33 miles weat from Masulipatam, a mound eas yurveyed by Me. Ren in 1892, and was found to conta BE Sista of» stp pth a dameter atthe ground level Ff rvs Qe contaed bye clrular brick wall 18 tick, faving the. drm ofthe atipsToside this was curious feutalaton of wal between Which the. spaces were, packed Wah black cach ceulae wall of 56. outide dameter ‘hae connected by sixteen radiating partitions with the eater Walls and inside ths was" square" of 26 fin the middle ‘of which was scala of Brick 10 fe square Joied fo the reeling "by four partons fromthe midule aft sides, ‘hick ran sight through the whole Interior, wie the sider of ihe ose aus ere cana ty he er ees tn he ‘use of the eolumm was’ wel varying st fo fo'2 he 6 in, square ig wich war's relic eae be width Stything to indiate i age On each of the fur faces of ‘ted were projections ss at Jageayyapety about 17 fea ‘engi by"5) & Bros and a) Tigh, Selpured slabs were cour JAGGAYYAPETA, ETC. 4 oe cee ee eaeeeepnires eens oe Taearen cjoutt ot £8 apd | anos ine Ta ee See ae ee c| Bae ee Boa sew sramnon | oa a PA 4 BUPPHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book foun ip the nghbouhod tering tog reneblace 0 (ato ASARRN ee ei e S t,t espa wa compete: pny te Cen a patna and ae doe ‘wal formed the tre havement or drum, faced with sculptures, Zed cowoed y's pocanin path found the done aa ‘Enciy etd oy tave bas lames of see ag Selp SMtateghee'S clown doar gene Kany eke paces lin cea Sista dina aan Ue tye the of eke ed tier Hah gy cing tome set ta ‘hapa have bcs onde ft pedornanee at Blinn’ this province ard faa posi fe ce SSS eimai hal ech ould Bite? anoninn Tors ‘he extreme panty of examples rtaiing thelr oehi- tect Bom Be aly othe Congest telson een, [Sorted ‘by We tents oF 8 tay Sec Ll Srna he ec‘ Fale Wb "Attn ‘Aina Ne Alon eaten saci tna ht Sa Cone sity Soap cage eer ate sunbes whchr Getaal Cellet eerbcd Sante ta Mia ewe tance tke hoy eatent Sees eas lee tom Rabu" heise, fete FEA EE oy ake be Sette Ander" Te ite eat Be nat ome dsn or twenty sano ad se Manga vel aoe afl ye FESR ores eee | ee eee erereree eer eee Eee Seer! con GANDHARA TOPES, ts or ints neighbourboad, together with those discovered in Swat Sid'on We forthewst Foner witin the ast twenty years, Seo icc Osu wl x eel aking _Mageehr quite hondrot wipar in the province Norway of asec we, mite one wich wus probsbiy the Sees ofall. “When Fah Hian pased Through the province inn. 40, he deseier the digaba Whe Kiog Kanishs,bad erected at Peshivar as "nore than ho. B inthe, sad decorated wth every sort of precious Shetce so tha i who ped yada he ete beauty sid graceful peogorone of te tower and the temple Biached to exclaimed fn delight that twas incomparable ioe beauty"; sod he addy "Tendon says thi eas the highest ower in Jambuwipa’” When Hien Tslang” passed that ‘piae han 200 pars ara he rept the over acing beer 420 Fe high, bot it was then ruined — "the prt semaines ait apd 2 ball fe cecumfeence (1000 Feed and’ 150 high and he adds in twenty-five stages of the tower there were 4 “hor-vio perks™af vlce of Buddha Nowe ofthis monement now exits “These north-western spas are so important our history, pal hae 40 much that Tr common among them and ae ‘rispuied by "many character rom thor of di Propen thot i? woul be extremely convenient f we cou Fid?scne tert which wos dare than without fnwalving [there thery ora geagaphial vor. The term Atghanstan topes, by which they fave been desighated, ix too. madern, land bas the defect of not Taclading Peshawat and the westert Phajth, "Attana” ar dened by Protewor Wilton, desribes very early the comet limi of the province; for though it Incas Hasta and the valley of the Upper Orr, where fo topes have yet been ound, we Koo fom the Chinese gems that inthe rand. 7s centuries these conten, a¢ {arias Khotan, were intensely ‘Tudshist, and monuments exist there snd nave rceatly Lacs found in Khotan both by Dz. Seen Hsin and’ by Dre MA. Stein The name, however, hat of Int alma dtappeared in ovur of Gandhara-the sary Enon tate of the eaten portion ofthe tit uney neces "be the Suitspeaing cst be pom the cviginal etlements nthe valey of the Oxus, they passed tHebugh the nally ofthe Kabul ver ‘on their way to Tada, Pactes Ootece cme % BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Bow and lingered, in ll probability, both there and in the Panjs tore reaching heeft penanent postion on the Saran efmthe toe ya Varta’ between the Sata nd the Jans Te alo nearly certain that they semen the dominant race fp teens dv he in of Asad yao, Jeamthowever bere he Christan ra fee may tres. the ‘Since recente! the Yue and ther uber of asa iin, Were on the ve in this direction Somewbat ater they {Brack down the Hakan monarchy, and eppest ry thence ferward to ave permanently ccupied ther county Tt i tot clear whether they tammy’ or at what intel they. fencrated into the Reba valley bot between Ua te and Ere Christan Bea successive edes of Yue et Saban Torushias, snd Huna, had poured ato the valley andthe western Fant ‘Sac extn beat, at ea forthe time, !Farann origin wih this change of toe came We Changs ‘aigion Gandhi is bowerer Tocl name which coat, {B ca nes incl the best pat of the provinces a Ranshia's ie scoms to have fociuded all be reigned over ul ian ie the mast appropriate term we could nd i has oweover, the advantage thet ite esentilly Budde" nthe tine of Ardea, was Kashmir and Gandara towhleh the Beddhist Coun sent its masonarey sd fem {hat time forward Gandhire the tere, by wily ial ‘Badahit book, that kingdom i deere of which Tala was tone tie the capa and which ay ery as ean ow be ‘Searsinad;cnterbinou with our architectural province Tes ot clear whether Kanishin wae or was not the fist Bodhi Ling of this country but ay far ae iat present [Enon ese to hans dane fer Buds in Ganda what ‘Avo did for that religion in Ceatral Tada," He elevated it irom is pestion as acstrugling bet to. that. of Being the rigion ofthe State We low, However, that vols Caunel ‘eka f thie, or than thy ht ‘Braved complete set of he ects ona Fock at Kapur; Sores norheast from Peshawar bat we do not know what ‘cee they or he attained. Creal tI as Pacts Wilson femarks thus “ao cola of Greek piace of Baltria has ever Sete ay tp he ate hl ae nd ‘tthe Baktear Hlogdomy and accord fo the sume albany RGus meat, cus tt GANDHARA ‘TOPES 4 (322) "were selected fom the prevailing corensy, which was Soto nay remotely previous sue “wie the Gest Baktten ‘oles had Tong. celed to be rent though they hed not Baez so acre 0 be esha een (4h nde these ceamatanes Preessr Wilson arrive atthe cote hoe sr Guanes Ragan A iu ede pape, themoal had degenet= ante A | Sr paca ae ort a ed daring the inva : {AREY gether ted i 2 Varnes aboot the Bharut sculptors which isnot found here and drinking and ee a BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Hook L Tomuing tc mao he tte si et eck ante pe Te otk ebceerce three re ie a sree a ae ae aly irri te zn tinea rane Saeco neo ee ee aa qa a eee a tae Re Lee fel err, see este at St Sete ne mene ete eet eis acer aS Bene ise in fe tiny Be ea atenton saa rre ae ne oe ela ee see het tet eel Sa Cae ee ena Seed alt ees esa ae Per Ob Sho 6 as mello, Shon cues te chet oo Woe ne he rel wonder i tht, when the new fasion See rime weet ey ee re echoes eae et at See a at a ae See et ae ora ee eee Re i one of hee oe a ea arate Rocio ie WN ca derby So ane et eam nt ‘of their cass excited wholly in stone nether are they the coe aces aly cere ae ee i eet sth tee sche er nbn tee eee ee cee aee ces maka oe Ee ce en ete Ca Pee Sat dee Ral rete acne ems, Tee ea Mee Oras aati gy nd ec et ad i ak wis pels | Goa) Spee ah an eM Picea |e eee s moe bre aya | Geechee ak cag the nalptwes et Sheehy Tee | “Notes oy te Buda Rock Tenples Ree ae kis | Sinteseatnes a o === nae. 1¥. RAIL AT AMARAVATI a9 Indian pottypes we womens in tone, smetines it wood suet compan of bth tn ayy poe orton" Waa al or cours ten wire Ee Sorel tt Seep Jwaen ku ‘rc glenn" i, poetee as pay wel, one ded ea ced pare oe hat red ‘Solomon's citrate plitars Jaci ad Bonss =” 2 “PRONE By UB Avanivart Although the mil at Bharsut is the most interesting and Immportane in lndia ina bahreal sen, Tis rom beng sual to that at Amardat eitor in chboration or i arate ‘pert. Todee, in these respeets, the Ararat alls probably {he most remarkable monument in India In the fst pace, fe'move than twice the dmensions of the ral at Bharat the treat ral ing 192 Rin damater the base 16a} for aaat ‘Eractly twle the dimensions ofthat at Bharat between these fo was the procesin-pathonrj fe wide: “The taner wall of ‘Sculptures was the facing ofthe base tht supported the plate fgrm on which the dome stead, Enteral the total eight tthe pont eal was bout fe; internally as 2 fe Te Stile the tvipured facing of the base was perhaps, only fe In hei, with Tete and cence over en “The external appearance of the gent ell may be jo of tom ie anne wont (Ne 4 eepreening sl Seta of Te oe, th id lad cooueatuden “The pilus at ela wef sectangulat ‘rth the comers spayed of omamnented with fall dsee In the {enue anal ses top ‘and bettom, between which were ‘See sclptres of more or eas epovtance Oo the chee Falbare were fall ies, all’ ment claborataly carved, and all Aiferent. "Above runs'the taual undulating sol” mowing Sehich was uriveral in all ages? et it ere iby inter Spersed" with figures and anblemns. The inside of the rail Mis very muck pore Selly omamwented Hom the ‘ontide ee ee 0 BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Boox show in the woodeut. All the central range of des, both ‘nthe play tnd tn the ily wore carved ith gued sigs grey of voy ret elaboration and niyo hi etl he coping One continu bare epwaris ‘Syotem war adoped as shown in next wondcst (No.2) The en ing mre, athe nce sai, the ric pt Space in the oat ing em hie tone rcenes n messenger, while hie army. in tends the walls lower de ity cay sd ‘lepnts say fotki bate ara ‘the soem SoS rpc, wichbpaaly te oman beng ne "The sculptured. base, though, perhaps, lower than the rail, yas crop oe sly” mated then general th Figures ef digabaseppareatly wee in cach gu ca RAIL AT AMARAVATI a a most elboaely carved wth senes rom thee of Buda iv a ‘or from the legends One of r ew ad Jorge Ss! ptt ya, JUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Boog nee these sabe yas an achieve, carved ike ivory, wih ‘Zones from the lie of Buds the whale makin bp soceg ‘ot pleas of Buddhism, as it mar amestood Sn he fot td Sao caturce nsurpasied any now known to exe In Tndia, The sis reprexated ig Wood Nanas pia), gh now sc edb interesting a showing the thee Beat ois of Bea Irorship af once At the to Behe digato with is ral but with the fvohended Naga inthe place ‘toa occoped by “Badtitas “ns the” cena partner i th chen tice tow generally acnow, lodged "to" Ue the Sinton: of Bitrate second” member of fo ict Trad tow that ihe eee, pony te ‘enting the Sangh othe on iregation» and in rent of al ERrne, on ‘whic placed that T belove to bea elie, ‘wrap up ina sien lath hiscombinatin i repeated gain and again tn the arr of these, seultaen, and aay"Ee smart eign a tae Shorter Buddhist citechism, cr rather the cre Bash, Dharma, Sangha. “The last woodcut (No 44's als iter, ingivas_abonng, tees the three cniléns the fra at pillars ‘with doable animal eaptale so comwon in sacrarce EF this and a ear ped (The "age of this monument can hardly be fixed with sii ie ets he all ado Se of te sabe ‘pray fo the stOpa ll, ne soften analogous io! general syle to thot let the Bharat ek to Suggest that they nay be of surely more than's caste Inter Ie must have been compicnced atest eto Rae, ‘of Buda were epreseoted in sniptre-—the rele casket sd ir of fotmars eiag the syle employed to renee im, "But among the figures that appear to have belogged te sees fle tp ee ae may can hardy by er {han the begining. the and century ay From an heey Won of the regn of Falun Vasnheiputa, wou Sey ‘Dg Sa oun 1 RAIL AT AMARAVATI a that te spa cle a “et cya” —odongd to the (Chaitha oFPirvaaia school, apedstst have undergone = Stat rato aoe il bale fal pane ey fect some fie hve ten reed one To ie ie ces and tear on setptn wns ENG Roe ce ioe Siteernen Per dagsce hb ifen tht ny pe end ASF ath say eke Sule bane nel Fas Seo Riel” ale omnes ad uch ergs TRE cry or more hey he spre of the al epee ing th lotion he ibe Pin nee See ‘cr ce br tithe te ure ef dhe Then ote Siena the tpn il eame hve en tel SRE etn it Hae ber oidcd pees ‘ngs othe legend of Bu "Wie Thats Ft Sate hs place ip he year 639 it ad ale een dered ae to et bat AE ope tages and he Wauy of A Se tegen tem habe par ino ter mone ait ‘Kong er xpress ect one tly Skfink Sight, for be suys "it was crore wi oe Magica of he pts of Babtss™* Chan Woo, Sabri we hoot [wnt the mate at of fos waft ‘fe'sipen at Barat ana Stnch snd ate aay Loo May ha heart aca fo the dog op tear Piva eel of Jamsgn wea a th ar by a inalage tase te "atte Ara lost rte. at wth ser eee ino tha syngas nd foun chew finda Wise SELES Sate ron eld spin is dae cena ence ot teien ofBelgia he Ne cr etampl simi ous’ the Cheha op sa ay st eo a ag ot ea Thee g"Steched to thes sides ia the shape of row Seite, te fad ay Boned atl, they were Sethe form of pints om laser on he patel oF aerate) Tg fs oer aoe ST ARCHITECTURE, Rook flqvos between the pllsters; for we cannot understand Feit pam exinsng anywters won the Gr legends being portesyed on ie alls Some shape or the AC Sina Ai yomnisences ‘of 2 rail bat Seappeted, and 3 zen ode of Gramentaton ned, wich oe ws Fesembance to anything fos othe estes ope “Although, thertore, ur story of the rile ray fish about ap. zea f by no means follows that examples fay not yt ie beoughe wight balenging to the fe centuries tht ape besween that date and the age of Avoka. As they al certiniy were sculptured toa reste cr lea extent when they ate ‘Skamined’ and published, we may" hope to have an aecent ‘lta history” of le for ‘hove ages neary as compete that pomested by" any other country in the world, At promt, However, we ony now of te or trtee example, {i they ‘are ao ety thvown down and buriel that we may hope to find more whenever they are losked for sn fom thom 19 lear the whale try" of Bada erchis Le eee oe fe Set te! es wn | se a“ , ont ‘CHATTYA HALLS. us CHAPTER ALwoUGH if ole at rom a merely artic point of view, itl eobaly be found that the rails are the most teresting Badabice remains that have come down to our time, stil nbhsoicl or whiter sense they are certainly Seeks ate These ae the temples of the religion ery ie, and he erat coupe carers UPR tet See Sloe eng Srsy Se ae a exe te Soe IS te are at fa SE ae ee Te at eae Soo a lll eae ences ba wt it rier aio en Saves ne ea es ee Shon gaat Sere ea Se ee SHES A he Cn oe ete Teme Genta ey fey ho oe cs Shaheen Stl 2 ERD coat er sees it ee ERS SLL So SSA Ser ay te nigral one trons asa =e ee St ee he la ae pels Of A The caves do not, 12 that when the aste which Lanier ag | te Seta eames Srisran oeahsearas | Sen one dat toes Fa etre Slt gna | fhe Boe a | | | 8 BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book L sound le spa could te ged! fam the exter, the ‘foe's coed “ap solid, Tnvall the caves the pillars st eanding the dga sre of ierent form and” lainer than thon ofthe nave. They ari ar pt sued as posible as i wae thought {Oy fd no busines there, bet were notesaty fo dart fight into the cecumamblen aisle of te apse ‘The dicovery of two old structural chaityae enables snow to rele the formation of hai fala" One’ of thee st Te i the Naldeag ‘Satie of Haidar has been approprited, to Vaisnnava worship, and to somecstene aes g, aoZ fet ranges ib sedis ene ae {Stompanyiag view and pan (Woodents Now gh Ses sip) The manda othe east may poly have ben an dite, ar the mondings sr acters tei. Th dors Sr th and of hes shine hve Been altered tat on the aorth side bas been ‘rll ectoss the apae added, whilst the dagaba—peo My of eth ee ‘removed to make foom for wo "Vatshnays ‘The shine or chai 1 svholly bait “of bricks. of Iitge fan nearing in by'g,and 3 in thick, cre. fly lid ina cement of clay. This upirtment measures 26 © dammaiastares, ie Be heen Tage Jores | eae, “ese (onc ern ae | ee case. CHAITYA Hats my in length by 12 ft. wide, the aptidal end and. barel-vaulted {of rig about go\f hom the fave, tinal nck cosa beled inwards ty form the, vatlt and sng oe Soe ‘eflly plastered." The mandap i front i ehout 13 high inside and has a fat roo af wooden beams supported Soniey pillar, and onc-a by brick and pasted laid” Sgsaee rae elo te ote homing ol Fouldngs of an eaty form The fgade ofthe ages about 1866 above the hal root (Wondeat No y8)-asd fest Seri intrest the recess fn the middle a it hot contisg 2 Hinda ‘image in paste, but orginally it must hove bases Iindow toladmi ight info the caltya “And Wf we compare this fieade with that of the Haddblet_sock-at chalga at ‘Eli the close resemblance ia style and even in detals svcd fro ar wood contacto ry are cary chultya, ducovered aboot igen years ago at (Ghezaria ine Kistna sec of the Maas presloneh bas bon preserved like te pres ames celing, by being spprepri. ted ab Shiv tee of Keapetéraia™ ihe tgeon getty te tbe legend of vi snar mah ceed his owa fh fosd «hows ‘athe than “surrender a %, {iu esc ahem See oe (tapi that ad Bod eee ‘whim fr protetion=ir wellknown from the Mahabharata and eee ther works tthe story has sao Buddhist forms in the Jats book “Like the"Tér txample, this chaiya i bul ot bricks Skiers Zi oR eet Ber Ne te Bale Rk SRI eees G BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, ook 1 Din wide has ban aed Some later dats atthe exo ont zoom amie at home naeratsoarseeeacee as Meh the nade of the vaulking oats ential wth tha at Tee Ss aceta e a heaiy tiie Cet Tee erage nar sh oa a Sete thre alte {Gutpate in the Goddvat distri the rain of oe, measuring geleiemcuwindes oh Stags ana’ Bopeule beet le fersatiar i arte SCAT Lae al SEE ecg eee es cee Ea ho cee ely rey em an Beers Were ita aa eal ceed SEER SCT oh anne I cmv CHAITYA HALLS. 9 ge haeay tera adc Nore eee ee deed scaly alter, the general features of what San ces Sy Fe eee ment cc eee cee, Ce ae ad ea se ar cegashal dni of te ee lo somes ee a eee ee sh epee ete ue et Err ea ape ice So care Sr et a eta cr Sige Se pealy si te Sani a ce ey ia ier te ae ae ie te nate, eae SERS coi yd Speer ay ae Serco ei cei rena Ne ee SS ™ Hey etnies nope ge roa Sod ste seen og Baba oh te auppHisr aRcHrrEcruRE ove | Bund Caves As might be expected from what we know of the history of the ealitesthe sleeves la tnd a ented in BING the neighbourhood of ijgranow Wajpiwhich was ie ‘api ot Beng atthe tie of the advent of Radha, Bihar, ‘ven sn oct hea pve ihe Jun lntneh were prpagatedand their eat Tithankars Makita tara native of Vala ana contemporary of Gautama Buddha Fe pesached io Tit iki and neighbouring dates snd is falas have died at Ppar abot 10 miles fo te noreset GE Rujts where his cewertra or spa stande mackie of theme sere placer of plgrimage of the att! They have eon tempi Shoe Sallis ay figs eyed ii bictatgras o regences for thir sieticshewh, out the rocks—fert at other acts had “And on the wall of the ‘Slntiandar cae ts a inseption dating perhup rom about At. oo, mening toa Mun Valradeva anos forthe eidence St antl aac hat Son bloga th Fis ‘The mt inereating gro i stuated ata place called Barkbar, 16: miles north of Gays One there eld the ‘arou Chauplr, beara inscription whieh rected the excve thon of the eave in the hineteenth year afer the coronation of ale Si? Fy eal mena fla by ty and except fo an arched oof ring 4 8 Te ‘Boverwale oi rin Sbeight, fe hae no areitectur featore portance ACh gh or west en, EBallw platiorm asi fora lage, ond the walt are polished quite smooth A Second calle the Sadana or Nyagrocha ‘ave (Woadest No. 53) bears an serie tion of Avokas twelth yer the see Year iwhich most of his eet are date Eevago and consequat is the oldest cual ramp idle i dee fe aimncne ile the cave to the menicants of he ive sect The eae consists t eno apartments: an outer, $2 fe'9 in in lengthy and" 19 fe 6 fn HE aan vor tates ‘IMEAR CAVES Py Se ehis a nearly’ clecular apartinent 19 © 14 | emimasescraariaeree | he Pin ro re rook hangs down and projec oe aot eae ee ig longi won posts oping AN a wi thre salle, porns 6 wabetce into tht be soni erin Each se ot teep ibe root in 6. Se eh ae ae ea mt, above which ae shown gastos on BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Book smaller pslins. Oyer thet ties the roof, apparently formed of ree thcneses of plank or probably twee tuner plane [aid reverse ways, and one of etal or some other saben ternal, The orm of the rote something f pointed Sch, wih a lg ogee pnt on the summa to form a west: Ing” The doot ieta the ofthis series has sloping fret 7 pecilaty’ aesing, ewe shall fterwarde som the Hnes'of the openings lowing as i this Instance, thowe of the supports of te foot ‘The interie asl be seen fom the annexed pan (No 56) 's gulte plan inform, ad doce not seem to have boen cet gh compl Fon ba 35 {R'by 10 fe beyond whichis an apartment meal. cear forty, frning sie, Shae Sing are “Three quarters of a mile to the north cuit of thee a rdge of granite, known eee states Mint A fete more caves each bearing at iscripion of Dastratha the suppose fendaon and yeeewor of Aros, about RE doo) dedeaing rem ltt the Ajyitae. ‘The Target ls the’ Gopika of *Nitemaies Cavin i a hall 46 fin. ong. wth reler cus; and tot 4 tm wid, with One door ta'ibe centre. of fhe south ‘ide “The salle re 6) fe high, and the vault of the oof rises to 10h fin the middie "The whol isesor shed, but que plain, and we can only conjerture that it formed foes reletory cr Dheeravla “Te reraining tw, called the Vahiyaks* andthe Vad ‘aven ae to amil a bal to deserve noice ‘They are of {heath ade ofthe vide The Set is entered fou the ead {nd const ofa sage chamber 16 f 9 in i length by 11 dg and io RRS she ele 6 aa, ith ighiy" polished was The Vadathika cave i also tered fromthe end, ade of shout the same Sve? “edging from the Tnseriptions on these caves, the whole meee as ie idle Scheme vies Os tee Sena Re PREP A Sie his | Sb ag cd pal, Be cus. v, WESTERN CHATTYA HALIS 8 were excavated between the date of the Sudims and that of he Adliomante Caves so called’ (which was excavated. by Dasratha) probaly within forty years of that date T ‘opest te nga hrlre foot ago tabu ag aed eLomas Blah ie-protaby™ the mont mmalerm it certainly "inc most richly omamentet. "No great smount of bore: lon Kworer wound ot these edge Masboch a the tater! "in hich they re excavated i the hart and Ion closeyeainel granites and ie was hardly to be expected that s people, whos recently had boon ung chia mood 1s fulgerator cre ie thee "rey have plished them ike las fn the interior with that they Bave been content td ea jet other smal cave of thi clas—ealled Siti sparthabond 13 let south of Rsageiba, and 35 mes eas om Gayhs Tt crt of hamber rectangular Intenso measuring 15 Py by 21 33 tech holtomed ost of an isolated grant Taner jing detaches by Wel and pot mer any rocks. Enside it Isat carefully polished as in} of tow at Darbar! Tt pineal eres, ieheren bin it section (Woodeat No 9) wvch that of 2 poate arch ising fom he Foor level toa eight of 6 7 in, without any Perpendicular sides whieh are and in the ctr Enitshere The amb of the doorway aloo slope {wards for he bottom tthe top, shoot tt (leh From te pocuares we nit infer that Aig pony the dort nthe sie; but we trust have 2 more extended series before we Can Foom a veliablesequeoce i ths direction. In the pcan, however we cay fee gure tat {Bhs nermiage beloags to thereat Mauryan SEG bot wither bole or afer Aroha me rust be let at ‘reer andatermned™ ‘Westen CHarrya Hats, seca Wan Guarana te Hires Cie especie eed Tiiatee er aov ucla Sas ro sas ag Ah Seti Rp iy ee mm BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book fallet BBA, 4 miles south of the great Kisid cave in the Sir Ghat. "There i to insarpton Sapon iy but fom the plan (Woodeue Na" st Pvcted that it sa chi rears plan, but of ne grat diene Sion, bing nly 50 fm the bale SP the’ ape to the motos (oa Which the: supports St the ‘roan Sree one’ stood, From the wood. Gero) be pected tat the piles ‘of the ittior ope i Marde ats considerable dato Plessing “angle ood sera Like Elser the fon of eer caves OF this class 6 gon, i ano fhe ease of the Koidind and Pita lord examples, and da Cave Nato at Ajnth Un cher examples une, and consequat n those stances wher arc i wd eae dnp thug thee 0 ‘eccive ts posts and the mortises by whieh ae attached to se se ‘he wale are sl there The ges onion wae coves with Soatevoranets hci tok eral by eich Shey Steve fastened Wo the stone ‘The snmevork or trast Ale the upper part of the treat front ogeings no hager Exit but wa epee wee ay be jg y he eel with which fis cover, tr irom the representation of ‘haya Tague fom the com temporary ral vat Boab {Gaya (Woedeat No. 59) a there ave several eters en the sails Barat which ae ot only coret elevations of such a fade tin bu epresent the Souder oral whchstzring oi tony Tivarably adomed these fagedes ‘The only exiting example of tha wooden socen that at Karey but the tonmerable cc, war, WESTERN CHATYA HALLS us sa eget nt only ee bt in al ee cves shows ser enif is row vives employment was TRE moa ey veel sos ay of hemos maybe er eS aye rc fy Fae TL MEE hc le need eminem woos a8 ‘hap tbe estate pe eseay Er Say were exe Teta easy to understand thatthe frat time men undertook to topes hte fee they had only bean ecustomed 19 eee wood, tay shuld have done oo erally The ping Gels tthe ple was regis to vest the, thrust of the ‘Exar rot inthe wooden ulin, tat Ht mast have append SeSekrard tn tone that Ge woul hardly be olen cepted ReSBoweter, "was probabiy almost univeal intrest iaings he dooneayr snd openings natural lowed the ine ina hence he sloping Jamba” Though these were by ame EW sooner mowrecrvar win! ‘ho means so objectionable in practice, they varea withthe Tes of the nappoets sna a thee beesne upright, the jambs Tecaine cael in tke manner, whem i as! dane, the rcitect! coll hardly fil fo. perceive tht they had wasted it ie and eho cate the rose to mae nay ‘with fr lone expenae thay could have got sore orpamestal In fore dseabe feste. This was £0 aelbevident tat it fever so fara ts Eso, was reposted, but It was some time Eicher gt ate pe, the fanbs of the door gute pai ‘Thre is very lite gure Selpre about ths cave: none in the interior sd what tore isn the fade seems to be of ‘very domes character" But on the ils (athe terior | Sep dot inthe plan (Wodeut No, $8), tre End two emblem, data eand en oxers are found sopewhat rely oad, ‘te whit ccc spun to equeniy that may be worth while to quote them her (Wondent Nat)" They are known a he Sidtes or tertile cnt pus bay ursaly more ie reat tha bere sbown-vthe sels andthe hak, or wel ios we gently ued in enti nn Wont Non 39 and 4g andthe wheel ir equently ued edged. eit ‘Sirtsn oman arin the cent complement of Wood Nous fom Ararat. ‘The rth emblem bre the trata fn combination with a ace, and the th is one which ‘n-thaped and foqsentiy repeated en coint and elewhers, Tut to which'no mame hue Yer oon give, AtaTahort dance slong the fc of the scarp, is an excava Spt tame nee ing up of or ent gabas of various Sen Allo Ahem bave the Badia Rim ol oud he per nef the dru. ve ander {ie ourlcnging tok vary in siameter from 4 ft in to6 ‘inv andthe float two bave the square box oly onthe dome 22 the cave, and without the commie wile the tee bend 1 See Cane emp gate Cuwn¥, WESTERN CHATTYA HALLS wo have aio the eavy comic that upon the largest, beg cone ‘Evel with the tof by the mone shat of the batts” oF Cine wht he ober trobad een provided with roe safe Ofte ine Ii tony, te fe frm the fee het tenons Mbertely eared (Wood Sat No, Go); moet a the ters bave bees broken ne or ore cd ely the ‘form withou abe, tft ch thom ae Fels ea the top. a i for {Blethen of he fie os several of them, Fellete that they served the place of monsiens it kimetery, though thy may alko have been rescence any) "About 10 smiles north-west fron Karle, in a ravine of the’ Western Chien are the Kending chal cate and wih ‘The ehatyn fe interesting. dnasmich art facade is oven tore ert repreduccon‘of the wooden. forms from ‘wie it den tan ta at Bas” Neti could bee ctve parts of the facade, witch sows bo ace of sone onstraction In any. feature, and which it would te hardly fora genase. "1 since dite bat He oe shone of te acy eng te Sade, snd 28 6 igh tothe conn of he arch; the nave wae 1g fe 8 in wide, surrounded yr thirty pillars ‘Soa of Thebes roto vay but whieh tite seas eo the side als of the snes ‘The dageba was 9 fin Glameter with 2 capital lke that at Bhaji of about double iva gt “nae fo Gays may 8 cnr as ee ae eve le specimens of ther clan the weet of faa ravine among the Tndhydt hill, aboot Piao «avin te Bae ang Tepe’ ue ad nt Ail Seey of Woes tesa Ry Ea pe /? | a =: ‘as AUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Boos 12 alle south of Chalighon in Khandesh, where there are seraaleavee Barats, Batimanicaland Jaa," Untoranately fhe chai Iseniely raed by the decaf the rok, the rot bait the temple Having quite disppeared. From the mie ‘tthe viniray sds few epgraph, we ca only canlude that emus have ranked alte ae cay athe preceding! "The fourth of this sci wl be treated of thong the four jan caitya temples The ext group of caven, however, TEE Betas, lo or 11 miler oath of Kile shows com Sideable peogiess towards lithic constrscton. “The screen fe fn Sone; he pillars are more Sprig tho sll sloping Slight tawatds the apibs more nearly gurale: ad, in ac, tre bivenotly al the fesures of wel-dengned chy cave The two plas rt however wil be teen from te pan (Weodcul No 65 are'so much eo large a proportion he fy Pint Cima rk mn Rnb Bm) Sa an est that they are evidently stambns and ought to stand Gee itis (Woodeat No ian type than alot Sty" othe In inca snd are each sarmounted by homes a ‘epants bearing men and women of bold and fee exeeaton? From the view {Woodew No. on page 2yo)t wil be seen cen. WESTERN CHAITYA HALLS BEEBSG! bs the surface is cover with the ral deroration, hom seh a pel eof te rai decribed the ast repetition 9 ci may hove be mentioned fsa Gir test of thee of any ung. It gral becomes tu and te teed ster the eat of these tw chaltya caves a ieapear: Syn the ah ce sth centres during hat pred Wr freater or les prevalence in any bulding fone of the sree Fsteaons we fave of the relative age ef tay two exunples Ith cave, ar wil be observed, eaniy the whole ofthe ‘toamentation i tade up of minature ral, and repetons of ‘Sng fio fren, f hansen ope work moulding, ike ‘bsket-ory which ts ony found in the ‘eoy oldest caves, and Sy evidently yo unsated for stonewerk tat ite no wonder it was dropped very early. Novexample ‘of tf Kovwn ater the Chistian Bra There ean inscription Sphinn frm a eters a ate ad wh o BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Yoox L ae ee crate test dw he a en sR ie oe ee fver the guardian tothe left of the entrance, yeade that "the ceietee pie apres all Sin he nee eee oat sc iF rs ae oak ae ‘Keshsa-rija in the small vihira close by, which we ascribe to Se erate on teahe arene Boece onan et sae the age of this cave hardly samme dow We may ce Oe ae eee ey ee ‘Completion ray be a qusrterof century lator and, tise 50, So es deen ees ome after t in age, whilst Cave Nog at Ajanta may be Kine sR mires eg es se shoes oh Geran ge rk Ser oe, ray ane See Se pe perce Sage pe es en ene Sole 5, BE ng aire et xray integrand the fst asec ts completion to Seth sae rar eee ta Ene ie Gaara EES ee ee amen Sing Mee g re Weegg benno Grsgie, witout ‘any help fom examples closely skin in oo aes. _ ve te arr resin pe Unt coop re eer nan te ie dae ba anaes a ae ig tad Sie ia tearaga? rues oe Pears, Sea cay ay ad a coun v. ‘The building, as will be seen by the annexed, woodeuts (Won 67,64, 0), resembles, to's very great een eaty CChrminn church’ nite artangement: “consisting are nd ideale, tennlauoy ig an apse or semidome, round Sthich'the alee cared. ‘The general dimensions’ of the Inter ave 124. nom the entance to the tac wall ASG in in width. The side-isin, however are vey a ‘rower than" i ‘Chestian churches Me’ central one being BSR 'y im a0 that the ners are ony 10 fe wide, nlodig the thlekness of the pilra” AS a scale fr ‘consparison, Inay be mentioned hatte arrangement a smenlons re ‘ety Siniar to those of th’ colt uf Norwich Cathe, oF seein tin rt Wn ni wh x er BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. tong ofthe Abtaye aux Hommes at Caen, omiting th ose aisles fr the latter bullings "The thicknen of the hier at Norwich sod Cheney coped to he beh ofthe sds in fe Indian temple "In Beght, however, Kale very Infrer, slag only 42 1 fom the floor tothe pes aa Fitecn ‘pillars on each side separate the nave fom the aii . cane. ARLE. 4 us isles; each pillar as 2 tall base, 9p_octagonal shat, and Fchiy omamented: capital, nthe inet Pant of which nel {wo Sloan exch Bearing two, Rgures, generally aman aed STeraman, Bit sometimes two fess, yey couch etter Sena sh rants aly St re Bot fed tiger, each bearing a single gure!” ‘The aceon ilar iehind he altar are plas Scagoral per without ether tase ‘or capt and te four under te entrance gully ifr cm Serabiy tom those atthe siccs The Sulptires onthe ‘nna apply the pace wsunlyeccuped by ese snd cence era We Steeey and ote cea pat pated Svaces oncopy the same spzce “Above tht sprigs the foo Semiseal 18 general sexton, Dut somewhat sulted at the ‘cn co ae to mske fs fight greater than the somidametr. Te mamented event tis doy bye series of woaden es, ‘Probably cocral wath the exenvatian, which prove beyond BS ‘iadow of doube that the roo iv not a copy ef aasonny rch bu of ame sort of ter contruction which we cannot ow very wel uoderstand Timely under the semidome of the api, apd near where the allt stands in Chstitn churches i placed ‘Bagaba in tie instance a pain dome, on atwo-toreyed scalar drum the upper mars ef each secon belng saved ith ral frmaments (Woodeut No 70). Just under te over of hee are he orcs woods which tay ave bon sored tith hangings, which some of the scalpered representations Wrouidlead uta suppose was the usal mode of orament These altar "Hi strmounted by a capital ce Tee, the base of thick is sila to the one sven on Woodkut No, 15 ad nih el ane ie ein of awl nod, ome: Sthat decayed and distorted by age This canopy was crear Indi ved one ute sree or” ‘Gpposte this the entrance, consting of tree doorways nde aley exactly eomesponding ith adios ens igo te cet and ove cach esd and ort (HE gary ie whole cod of the hall opens at inal ehese haifa bul forming ope” great window, through which all the ight is admited “Thi great window io formed ta the ‘ipeat a Noreshes, and. exactly ‘esombles the. ased as Denaments othe face of ts cave, an well arom those of ihe Beds, and at. Nasik deserted above, and which are ret wih everywhere a this age Within the archi 3 frames SP BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book L. us one or centering of wood standing fee (Wooden No. 9) Tht rer we can Jetg, im ke the ibe of the interior, coer he ting tl vty i has ne eee Ebn tear copy af the erpinal tum, forse i found sopeted In rone in sit the nkber of the fade, over the dosrways, Ed enerily "as sa" ornamentevegynberey and we oe Buddhist "rail" copied fom Stach, forms the most usual ore entrant 1 betwen the doors is ost ‘of ch ler date than the eave ill” All the gues of Bulli there represented re of fe Gate and Belong to the teas ere Svetink oe Cue ¥. GREAT CHAPTYA AT KARLE, a Mabtytna school; the larger pais of figures, however, are ‘ari and may bev rigin "The fterSuscipons ae of Be tine ofthe! Agata King, Pla oA) presence ofthe wosiwork is a0 ation! proof, f any. wert wanted, that there were ho arches ‘of concretion in any of these Buddhist uidings. “There netic were nor ‘re aay fn any Indian ling are toe Ahammnadan “nguer and very few indeed any Hind balding afterward. Try Nee eet ute por cea wider than the Body of the bang, bang 92 wide by 15 ‘iio and is clone io font by astern compared of tw stout seein pln, withoat eter base or capt sporting what tata plain mass of rock, but which at once eepamested By 1 worden gallery forming the princpn assent st the facade Above this a dae colarnade or tiene sriunns between ee admited light tothe gest window aod ths agen as sera a wot, ces erate of se or tae the oc SE SOY ‘in alvance af dh sere sands che Hon-pilar, i this wate a plain shalt with siteem Aten te eather Tae ‘range bya capital nt unite that at Resarya (Woodeat ‘vin at’ Kai sporting four Hone instead of one a fv finns en aoe (p. 0) thy ae stern tor have supported’ a” chakra a Buddhist’ whesl (Woodeat Noth" A'Binise par probably stood on the oppsite side tat hat eter fallen br been semened’ to ache may 2 the fle Hid temple that now occypee i place The absence ofthe wooden Grainent ofthe Exel porch, as well a our ignorance of she mode in which thi tog ‘rar iished ntriiyand the port oie ta the man engi sen om ing wht the eect StU ron aid ive been if belonging fo" fee-standing bulding "but the ‘roportons of such pari romain ate so good. adhe ete ie le So sng tat there cane ite esa Im arrbing to sich a design 4 tolerbly high rank aneey ‘Mentectaracompoutions. wee (Ofthe intedar we can judge psrfecty, and it extaialy iy ay sara ad gras ab amy eter 2h ell by SO Doe of lighting the art peiat —one undivided “Shane igh coming Group's ip sparing overhead st 3° ious ding dey om he gab pepe tect inthe Bling larg the ret Ia comparative ser, ‘The ect le considerably heightened yy the clvely et tick (alu that dive the alle om the paves a9 they sue fo prove the boundary walle irom ever being seen, and 27 a | us SUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book 1 1 thy are no cpg in he wll, the view eee the sinus patil se pect at snd mre, es deo fee oe ae ni ei, A ly atte ie dal Stage tO a En erly nen rs a he eth oe iat by hh hes nde ops tan be Sere toe cova tnt he Etats war Sil at Errey too ake sone cane io i getealy tal wt balaing material in Indie e Syar cies 2 Alt a probly a Jona sich ae id ae ht dnd ot Soa at Sep be eae mend! "Rts we fey tha spc plc he hag En Sn tn teagan Bad ety pos fe ‘Sie oie an ae Oat oly poe From th epg a hey nde com aly dost tte dt the Ris tare fae SO RS Rat Nisha yo We ne ney ably fi de oh Exar eo at the acai nr oh a ia Kodi free talc ere yo wth iE ee iar Gale a heal ty heey TE Sena ll tha Soregs spb ly Bean angi and ie coe note“ te ein SSATP POLI soateciy te time an theo bog Phage of Arte thes cnt be femur rom tuoi a Te bel ace aches dare of popes seincaly hi betwen the Bg and Nal rangle at i tay bee hone tan the ahora eves so [Rnb rm og a he ses wh oe wo bedecriey ct Ahn ths ei the popes te le Sivng sey tao anu an ors Eno hac sy bec ens wie elon edhe sana, There are four chaitya caves sm the Ajanth series which thou sol noice ase of te fr it mee free as mpotant forthe purposs of our History! Te lat thoes he city, No, which Ie sited ery eae Se Bea ‘Cane. V, CHAITYA HALLS AT AJANTA, oo to the next tobe refered to, a litle higher up in the soek, however and is of tealy twice te dimensions, [ir 99 fe 8 in inden yn fin with trai a 360 igh An i Wek fd honed vw oot No) the tee Geel ee Ties by Tange of ay ne’ pie’ earl shat, Toy ib ated bet without capitals or bases ie tate a 8 a Seu gad es ori Trace i Sell be be made ot (Woogeat Ne Po tie ton Kanding ha ‘only onde or Bie ito Cot Soe catate each “sean pe stra what. may Be repr yf tan fo es {eratone in ie architectural detail “As at Palkbory the SENOS nen se ta the ee bn cal ft te Sean lmao pein example ff mach nrc told Tot be laid on tne fate "The vault ofthe nave was adorned as 10 BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book with wooden sib the morties fr which areal vere, apa tele Thay can sil be taced nthe ro, bat the wood iets gone There io short Pal insepon om thi cave, at the ight fide ofthe faa which seers Yo be Integra, bet afortunately ims at cnt ues hac Hae tt om he form ofthe characters 8 palzographist wos aliost erally ‘lage ft consdealy anterior to the Chistian Era ent to thin the second chal bere (No. oh and probably ‘ot mich later in point of age, isthe lowest down on te lif Shu p of ue tmatiae lat Geng only 45 by 22 89 in ‘wth and 35 fe high, “All ite wodwort har peshd, though Revo not be diffe fo restore fom the forte et sid thereperentations of elf on the facade" ‘There are several Inacio but tea ok ner thy ae full on he wali and belong om the form of thelr charatien to aban the 6th or 7h ceatory of our era, when the frescoes etn fue baat fenewe 2 that the eal ters of iv age ares, 4 posiion nthe seis, which mate i witha heightour thin a1 uadobecby ope ofthe ode thre he stat test the architecture of ts fade, which so much resembles that ‘of the Nise chaltya that cannot be wey fa off dite “ida, howe, be emewit ac, 2 il fund at Bhajl and that at Beds ody a0 fr as hat fe fest of age ei in favour of gresterantgety inthe Aja ‘Sample’ “Such a enteon, however dependent om the chcice ‘FIRE siperintendont of the excavation fr oo delicate ‘he with mach confidence a ehvnometseal txt ‘The anaes ofboth, there caves are £0 rch rained by the rock falling away tht it Is imposible to asert that there was posculgtur onthe lover parte one, cernniy, exit fn the Intern whese eventing depends on pasting; sf i to Sy the leas off very improbable that any gwesculpture deened No. othe ger of Badha on the side of the Court tring of mach later Gute-—while it seems Une that Nor 10 aheidepended whly on omental areca forme ‘Thernentchaiys cave in this series (No 19) is separated Soom thereto by Bvery lng intel of ine. “Uaortnately, gl Seca a | te rue staat SA age of i rai icc ra ER egg Meda ta Cine. CHAFTYA HALLS AT. AJANTA Pa seen nar a a Tui ti dre ‘dy ee a ae Bowe. geben SUPCRMIS rhe Be rh cle al a a Bae imeaning was lost. More than this, aaa te ores de oe er ae Sekt Pa erst he alo, car ct ec et ah oes Sent a ae = BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE Book 1 during these 500 years. If Woodeut No. 75 is compar withthe digabae ia Nos. 70 and 71, will be seen how uch {he low roundel orm of the exry examples fa been snr Sonalsed ito a tall eepleie yet The Geum had become ‘ore important than the dome, and wns crnasented mith she fectural features that have no’ meaning as apphed, But weve ious sil is the form the wile umbrella had assumed, It [nad ow becomes steple reaching aivst to the root of the {nee and ite orgina for and meaning would hardy be suspected {y thove who were not familar wih fhe intermediate step {aim not aware of more than thee umbrelle Beng found sarong any ig the eave bth oon Feit ole mel of an apd a Sipe new asad (Woodeut No. 76), probably of about the sane age has Sc dacs and in? Bibie numerous mee ace found with even making’ with the tase and rial nine storeys which SEE Ie BRR rte et “ere Ckan.¥.— CHAFTYA HALLS AT AJANTA. 1s afereards in China became the conventional number forthe veyed towers ofthat land “Thee chair ¢ Ajanta (No 26) is of « medium ie, ‘6p fe'so in, by 36 fe 3 thy a 3k fe 3 he high and has a ‘Sng inecription 2nd tee shor es, but, uafortanately, they ‘contain nothing to couble wr tax ie date wth eatin Aiterainiy ore mae than the las-aatned, fs Sulpuree se Soe, anther meaning more motel ‘We’ shall Gist War excavated towards the end of the eh oF began oF the pth entry hom ee the year oo Hs not Mere ES ea co eke a Ma a 4 BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE ook richness ofthe seulpure on the pillars snd term of thi ‘halitya, and ofthe style ofthe intro, wil be beter conveyed bythe’ accompanying woodeat, Na. 77, than by ay atempe a desertion’ “The pilare are Tuch in the tae syle ae those i Cave No, bt even sicher and move, miate in ail, osely esenbling thse in No.2, immediate fing in postion fot leo in age The torial. Be observe overloaded ith trasmont, and hereby lee, eee coun. JUNNAR. 55 sesousy in architectural dignity end ofc Historically te SE Marea in showing Row icolatous Boddium was Sram when Brahman was’ about t0 expel the fommer fom the county of bith Jusan ion th down of Juma about 4 ies sok fom stogeter of fly «honda ies exsvane = iheajry f thm belgl_ Lie ter ely en thy we te’ Geld of fare anne, snd teasing 1S Sal nya tren ete arene he der Erbe Bah or wheter some them se ast it neti othe Js oir secu Itt at Stay of eae ore ernment ere a est Bat eheepons on sea of the cans itt they ere fo lore colnet Seoul Thaw sepa, Savio uige mopeptiely fon took ne TOO Thera ote sy cha song hem gh co aetna Ki hot ay prbaby gute 10 1d thors naa ap di bar there nthe Gazess group chats Set an and denne, very ee tae A Nie sod Tinea gte tal te Epes af at pace The grea intrest ‘ete bowere nuts in ts pein exsist ‘et boown cuewher® “There are or ites sng ors, I cia ne wy guure einationy far tet whe Saul he distor of anther ofthe ne fon ar untpal, eat he eas cos thee cy ofthe sre ete extreme sity of the ives composing "They are tos ey 0 ve any sesaicns Iovate | ghee vet wa Ii tt | Enda ihe ao wh | ein (ae eae pst Sie ata | Ske ee Bikes wet mil agar fone ore | dha ata eee eee = 156 BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Book x gu of aa in a re ae ot en yf tre Sa ne fa te eee Seb Giger Satie tet Wy Sele Sos Sige wetne Reed St oes Web ahthcete ty a veins a ese ae rint Sa eae Fh et ge wn, fr Jon os _ a Aq cane ¥ CHAITYA AT ELURA. i” vera, Lena groups are fous ote small chats, with and Gane Le pettus Nasik type t and in the ater st BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Book L and hid iste sear ey cave, They ae all wey ‘uel llapidatedthe rons having moat fen avay—but {eearing that reming on two of te feades, consiting of ‘uigyewitdow, rirpitern and dAgeba.omamentation 150 Tike fo what we fed at hd}, Kondane, Bedi and’ Nase, thse we caneat be lar wong in ascribing this group t0 the Tike eariy pen! "The pln and section (Woodeuts Nos. 75, 86) will exphin E ME SERS (Botany onmslcts (segs” fh frm th sty ve te sled Tt icity sh Stas wh ran SappesS wee pln octagonal ‘pilars which surround Ue dagabe Feil hs feof ceneel fo te Sipe acon ne Cit osha wh” itn Snow wart ee ee Marla whee Cece" Sica the Sigs apes THich ere cocina wih plas in te some manner ot th Soe" afeioe lowe epee (Wess Sh t's crear temple foo he Bodahit seulptures at Bbareat 20> Ge us eos Sone cs eas See Be Skeet ik pola eee nach es a Staten ina asp inde Se aoe pees nod Fe recng the ater snot wo small enfnished chaityan and a. small vibira beside one of them that have hte ale Crt std a ALT Eeaoan TE Dae deere SE! Se ceute Neate' adenouere' os ete Tih Se ettion bye aie Nap fe SHINES The Soe oes aes he da "eater HEE | ABE Ben est SPER | sell See Set DS ied ee ees eet ee 7 ace acc og at, yt garded ee te exe Fee et entry a en YS prpmioed SIC ond and he deta wal weed rion ae Ft ya ear cnr ne ar eed Ganest, measures SO} ft. wide by SO} Me deeds Thee Aes et saad be alow 2 Complete Soot tae and two anex standing on a bench, Nagi ide of which caved with rathpattrn ‘ute ‘te cbsed Vieiama cave at Bib 6 2 cays ot Be cates inane, prtaps, nage betwen he of SFE Obes eat Aah oye ab be oo oh meet | WPA! 1 it Salat ie ee | roe eicveaeam ; He Beore Mc at @ : Eee reo BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, ook fs the last There are unfrtnateyy no inscriptions nor any Teadtions tbat would ant in fing, Hage which nt onsequenty depo. wholly on is potion i the sees and Se ehtetoral pecan ‘The dimansione of thi cave are considerable, 85 fe 10 by 43 fear 94 fe hgh, the loner end ently Biche sp By the’ digs whieh, instead of Soi” cretar as al elder examples, has frontspice attached to it lager han tha ip Cave No. 19 t Aj, which a own in Wood NoryBamaker ie aguare trot." On the addition ive pure of iaha seated with his. fest down, and surounda by Stendant and fying. Hgures inthe Tater ipl ot Alahayaeg Dadaist ar (Woot No. 82)" Inthe rok all the tbs and ernst rhe rk gh i ap in wonen ‘prototypes and the rleriam ise wit groups, tn Nos and 26 of Alani mest murked charters, however, ‘ike facade, where forthe fet tne ws mos the geen hare hoe peting which f the most marked fextre inal previads i i : 1 | | | Cup. WESTERN CHAFYA HALLS, ea cramplcs, We can sll tuace a reminicence of it inthe upper fart the. window in the conte. (Woodeet Nav 83) Bat ar endentiy considered necesary, fa this stance, roduce the sizeof the opening, and eaxy to see uly ! ra AUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE Boog 3. the light to any desired extent At Elie no screen ould ter ave exised infront, and wooden additions ad Tong {ned tbe used, a0 that i consequently became neceary {telus the sie‘ the opening nthe roo intr city ft Alans fs elected by stly reluci their se At Elda ie was done by uidding Ire hed the stator samples In which the change ws prodably Rist inoduce, Srermigt ace is progress: but ashi one fe the only rock ‘Seample we have off dinied window, we most sump I at fpe ofthe latest modifctions of the fajades of thse cata racially, ie mayb a tnprovement 2 fin ol sumcegcly tet ight tein p's way one bat ant cay aston rater be eget. Three chuter sp ass he er doen we we a tore‘ domestclookig rangement, Uhough i still «form oF epening not dette of beauty ‘Gwing te he sping native of the ground in wbich it ss cited cate poms 2 weet of nb Se mpetanc atc tomy tinier Kane, Ove of the best know and mest froquently described claltyas ‘in ‘nda that onthe and “of Salat, aout 46 rales north of Bombay, and 6" northwest from ‘Thang, wage at Rani! Gave 10 cme begs to the drt rank, being 85-8. 6 i. io length by’ 39 R10 hy ‘wide and. about 38-1 high "Tn the veranda thee ib Snihacripion recording’ that's monk’ named Buddhagheshs Gsiieated one of te midlesized status tn the porch to he fon of Biapaat cz Buddha? “This does nod x the age tf the cave, ut on the two font pile of the same port Se fection ee pment fsck fom whch ingutoered that she chatya wae begun by two bathers the Inehagts Gajasena and Cajamira in dhe reign of Gusta putes SiyanaSatakant, that ty about AD, ta! “This Anes Tedate some centres before Nos 19 and 26 Aja bat ‘auch ater than the peat Kile chatya, of which hiss Tera copy, but nfo inferior a style ofa tht the arhtetare eS eR eae eee aie Sees ot EE ee Chan. V. WESTERN CHATTYA Matis of his cave can only be looked upon as a exceptional anomaly, ther pints of we design are alike aning he 6 be fund in Tain exanating probably rom some ial price the origin’ of which we may never now be able to seer “Tn ft, Hoyevey, hat erway dean by tno fyi, who may have found the undaraking tore expensive than they ad ancepate, or who may have dad before twas Fished, may count Torts degraded spe the inferior ual ‘of the rok, andthe ipetperance of the worknen athe pander dito, of he evred Boshien” as Tntornaly the roof wae ornamented ith timber eatery aedthogh te ne fn ay ibe modem by which In‘ont has all the mortzes and thee indiatons, as at eae, ‘Proving at wes inte abe covered with wosdengalltieg find feamewore What stl mote cain the Agvrer ofthe ‘Sonor th their wives, whch adorn the font ef the screen Kind ae here repeated with ecenary vations and the rock ‘at this spot beng pretty closeglned they are the iG gu i tec Tiny ae prea alas the only sculptures of the age of the eave The occurence ‘of och gues re isthe are teange ar it belonged to an ‘shen their piace wae resersed for fares of Badika, end an, peta af Kila tal they were euting aay the old Sesipre ad old nsrptions, 0 igsrer of Bada, ithe, seated croselegged. or borne on the by Nags gues ati bse eats) ‘Minin’ perc | Stal en oo! ‘amor anGacyiones 6 BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE, Book L In font of tis cave is dell Wonder No. 84; afr it nat tha en al 0 ae SHOTS “one comparing wih he Caatarputn pare it (Woodeut No. 97) and fe Aerial Woe tt Novy iil beacon SNS Ghai al owe Seber the td a {ite nthe snd Jinpe tell into disse as 30 rchtectiral cenament annenal wondcut No 85 {alent cave, wth those inthe hae Saya we fhe ae gran oPagle ie cated in oda oso ad 3g (oes daseating bey ‘mut visa Nal "the evidence ia fact seem comics tat he (ave waa ekeavated a the EN as ote scents at admiting ths, Ie oar eg eco CP hic only eckson istry of tan artes and pa Ve a Wise ot {iene age to be dnb berate? Near the village of Chand, about hala between Kota and Ujsin, sed nilen southwest fom Thrapthan, a Hujpntnathereesiats srr ofenverata place called Dhara Shih ace f coniderabie exten bot the interest hat might cepfeteis temar essa | Sear nang ate SEUSS Tenchi | or Gr. ¥. WESTERN CHAITYA HATES 6s ‘be felt in them is considerably diminished, by thee tng ut ‘a couse laterite conglomerate, ao coarse tht ll the Ber Schtestual desis fnato "be weed ont in plaster, and tat, ‘ving perth with tne, aly thee plane and lines ca Tere found, ae i te principal group, wh I catered from the en end of 3 roll tenact thet stil exit tleably Sticerinc ign ontoy fn dameee and 4 3 Immediately behind itis the cell or sanctuary, in which is a lunge Agu of Buddha seated crom-iggc, oo on each side fhe eatranee are to lange dwirpia svat Aurangabad. The fells ulated bys soveed passage running rout yon the cassie of whichis recumbent figure ofthe dying Buddha Sout ts lng: tt the. pasage behind he care tree sre Aor of Rah thi tang res eee Woadevt Noto) pees * “The next ls an excavation 25 f wide with curved nmer-nd “=the hoo length bing 36] Sand containing acecaar ipa, Win dames an 1-83 in high which apport oe Foot To the west of i anther chaltys Cave of some eaten nd resenting peculiar of plan ot fend ceewhare ie it racic & chatya cella ataated fn the-midt of ihre eal in which the Gaga Te situated only 32°88 6s BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE. Roo Bi Mbp ante tare ‘would hardly be recognisable = au SUVS cera sot en Knot. Teepe ele thst fom, Dhaest obably the most madera group of Buddhist caves fn Indi Ro"compete account of tem bas yet been poblihed But ovgh'l on ocak tp el Sire how mer ey are Shel te Weeca ty ity eearaton here Weed pai and tn tes gop ote math ars st dee Fine Mile pte tae tengo tesa ce The Saat matin! Galas Seat tae be secs of se sre apa or gabon ih sare baste Se largr of eh diese ee lina at aes, ced Asn rome zo in hight bu the upper fat engi many Bae rere aces | SERA ee won eee Seto |S oes ghee oti | aiken rhe a cave. V. WESTERN CHATTYA HALLS, fallen away. Inside this sell agen to he front, ‘eros legted sated Szure of Hada, showing an approach the Hind ode of eating images in their temple, which looks Sif Budbiem wat on thetvergé of deappearing. ‘The same arrangement te epeated in the only excavation here ich ea be elled a caltya ball Ter anly 36 by 15h Imeraly; bot the whole of the digabn whch 280