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Malnutrition is a state of malnutrition caused by low consumption of energy and protein in the daily diet or disorders caused by certain diseases, so it does not meet the nutritional adequacy rate.

II. Etiology
According to the Indonesian Pediatric Association (IDAI), there are 3 factors that cause malnutrition, namely: 1. Poor families; 2. Ignorance of the parents for the gift of good nutrition for children. 3. Factors congenital diseases in children, such as: heart disease, tuberculosis, HIV / AIDS, respiratory tract and diarrhea.

According to UNICEF, the cause of malnutrition is divided into: 1. The immediate cause (immediate cause) Lack of food intake and disease (especially infectious diseases). 2. Indirect causes (underlying cause) Lack of family food security, maternal and child care quality, health care and environmental sanitation.

III. Epidemiology Based on the development of nutritional problems, in 2005 about 5 million children under five suffer from malnutrition (weight for age), 1.5 million of whom suffer from malnutrition. Of children suffering from malnutrition there are 150,000 malnourished weight level. Prevalence of Malnutrition in Toddlers nationwide in 2007 as measured by weight / age was 5.4%, and less on Toddler Nutrition is 13.0%. National prevalence of malnutrition was 18.4% and less.

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