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The first essay in this portfolio is titled Government Control in 1984.

It address es the ways that government authorities can use to control its citizens. In many parts I found I was struggling to correctly analyze any certain point in the story. I was able to correct this matter with help from the Professor, which drastically changed the overall outcome of the essay. I learned here how an essay is constructed in order to prove on specific point. My thesis statement I also struggled with, but I was also able to narrow it down to a sentence that correctly expressed the point of the essay. In the second essay in this small collection is an essay titled Beneficial Bloodshed. The point of this essay was to create a satirical work. My essay addressed prison overpopulation, and how there is a growing problem with few answers. Rather than directly discussing current ideas, I suggest an idea that hopefully no one would seriously consider. This essay was a new experience for me, as I had never wrote a satirical essay before. I had a relatively strong start, and corrections from the Professor helped my make this essay my strongest essay in this class. English 115 greatly helped me develop my skills writing essays. The formal structure of an essay is easier to understand, and I am able to apply it to my own essays. I had never been very good at writing papers up until now. I know now essay writing about picking evidence that proves your point, and explaining it thoroughly. The ability to be able to write essays efficiently is a valuable skill to have entering college. Having English 115 during my first semester of college will undoubtedly benefit my writing for years to come.

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