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Good afternoon. Welcome to News at 7. Yesterday, an earthquake followed by a tsunami devastated almost the entire coast of Indonesia.

We sent a reporter to talk to the people who witnessed this catastrophe. (video)

What a disaster. Nowadays vegetarian food is very popular. A healthy alternative and often delicious. There are several vegetarian restaurants around the world and today we had the pleasure of speaking with the owner of a new vegetarian restaurant in Portugal... (video)

People take advantage of the vast Mediterranean coast for vacations. Due to the increase of tourists, a new resort was built in Benidorm. We interviewed a woman who is unhappy with this new resort. (video)

This resort, which was built due to the increasing number of tourists, is linked to our next topic. Mass tourism. What do people think about mass tourism? Let's hear some opinions. (video)

We are here with Dr. Sophie, Miss Rosemarie, Dr. Sarah and Miss Lyonce. So Dr. Sophie, what do you think about this vegetarian restaurant? S: I think and healthy. Do you like vegetarian food? S: Im like it. And you miss Lyonce, what do you think of this catastrophe that happened in Indonesia? C: It really Its so sad! I agree. Dr. Sarah, what is your opinion about this old womans situation?

P: I think animal habitat. And last, Miss Rosemarie, what do you have to say about mass tourism? R: Mass tourism etc. Thank you, thank you. Its everything today. See you tomorrow at 7 p.m.

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