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Making A Brochure : State Research Project

Teacher Name: Ms. Vecchio Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY Spelling & Proo rea!ing

No spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the rochure! Capitali%ation and punctuation are correct throughout the rochure!

No more than " spelling error remains after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the rochure! Capitali%ation and punctuation are correct throughout the rochure after feed ac& from an adult! **'*+, of the facts in the rochure are accurate!

No more than # Se$eral spelling spelling errors errors in the remain after one rochure! person other than the typist reads and corrects the rochure! There are "'( capitali%ation and)or punctuation errors in the rochure e$en after feed ac& from an adult! -*'-+, of the facts in the rochure are accurate! There are se$eral capitali%ation or punctuation errors in the rochure e$en after feed ac& from an adult! .e/er than -+, of the facts in the rochure are accurate!

"riting # Mechanics

$ontent # Accurac%

All facts in the rochure are accurate!

&raphics'Pictures Graphics go /ell

Graphics go /ell /ith the te0t and /ith the te0t1 ut there is a good mi0 there are so many of te0t and graphics! that they distract from the te0t!

Graphics go /ell /ith the te0t1 ut there are too fe/ and the rochure seems 23te0t' hea$y23!

Graphics do not go /ith the accompanying te0t or appear to e randomly chosen!

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