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Ryan Burningham English 1010 Instructor Bryson Newhart 12/9/2013

Final Reflection English 1010 When I started this class I was skeptical that I would learn anything that I did not already know. Our first few chapters in the book were to me common sense because of the upbringing that I had received in my family. It was very common place for the younger kids to talk with the older adults and to do that without being made fun of you had to learn how to communicate. Granted we never had to submit essays or reports to the group of adults so this part of the class that I refined helped out. I can see how formulating your ideas and coming up with a well thought out and revised report can show your intelligence to another person. I have been proud of my papers that I have turned in this far. I was not particularly happy with my rough draft for the final. It was rushed and did not receive the care I wish it could have. I made up for it in the final with better lead ins with the articles and quoting from the source correctly. I also took out a source and replaced it will a more to the point one. It was a little weird with the online format and being required to be in the chat room every week but it seemed to work and I learned what I needed to so I can get my associates degree. I am glad I now have a chance to build on these principles you have taught us and become a better member of sociality.

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