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Question based on CV activity 1.

23What kind of coordination did you do travel agency Do travel agencies ahs any kind of unioin Do travel agencies unload some of work to other agency when away from your territory

4When subjects of your tourist agency goes to other district/state, or other comes to your area any cooperation is reciprocated? in areas of vehicle breakdown, etc. 56have you developed any sort of networking with govt or private travel agency Do u undertake sea air travels apart from surface route

7What all the criteria you look for hiring employees, how many years driving licence and experice you look forward in them, their accident record, behavior pattern, cool personality? 8D you uourself disburse sallry or sent through bank?

9vehivle periodic maintencance done through autorised dealers? Who keeps the record?How who does daily check and cleaning 10111213141516171819. Describe marketing project in retail banking you did On whose behest the project was taken up by you What all banking products you considered for you project and in brief challenges you faced What all marketing strategies you suggested for as a result of survey. what all equipment u have in your multigym How you increased revenue of gym and what pricing policy considered What all honeybee products your family deals with. How many kg honey per hive? what are ornamental plants describe and which your family deals with From where you get protein supplements? How you get professional trainer. How you ascertain quality of their professionalism?

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