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Casey Waldor Ms.

Fuentes ENG 1101 November 19, 2013 Progress Memo: Life in a Pizzeria For my Discourse Community Ethnography assignment, I would like to do it on what it is like to work in a pizzeria. For my research, I will have my boss send schedules from the past and also send me a few orders that show the different discourse that is used when writing out tickets. There is plenty of discourse used in a pizzeria. The main and hardest part is learning to write out tickets. You have to know the different abbreviations for toppings and sizes of the pizza, the different types of sandwiches, the different types of dinner, and so much more. You have to know when certain dishes come with a side salad and garlic bread or not. The prices of all of the menu items need to be memorized. You have to know the schedule. A huge part of my job is deliveries. You have to know the quickest way to get places and how to actually get there in the first place. There is plenty more details of the discourse that I will discuss in my paper. I will have interviews with my boss over the phone to develop more research. I plan on titling my paper, Life in a Pizzeria.

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